“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Some of us are weary of this “New Normal” and the self-distancing required to stay healthy.
We need to remember that Jesus was human as well as divine. He had calluses on his hands. If the chisel slipped and cut his finger, His blood was red and warm like ours. He understood what it meant to work long hours, to end the day tired and weary.
That is one of the reasons Jesus could say with such appeal, "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." When we are exhausted and hurting, we can take comfort from the fact that Jesus knows what it is to be exhausted and hurting, too.
But the most significant work Jesus did was not in the carpenter's shop or at the marriage feast of Cana, where he turned water into wine. Jesus' most excellent work was not when he made blind people see, deaf people hear, dumb speak, or even the dead rise. Then, what was his most remarkable work?
His most outstanding work was what he accomplished through the Cross and Resurrection. There, the burden of our sins was placed on him. There, he won our salvation. And that is why we can come by faith to him, and he will give us rest.
We work for an agency that believes in this deeply, allowing us the freedom to worship him in all things we do.
Take a moment and smell the roses. Sit back and close your eyes for just a brief moment of rest.
Written by Pastor Al Peratt, Sr. during the COVID-19 pandemic.