Week of May 12, 2024

Included in this issue/Save-the-Date:

  • May Mission of the Month: The Synergy Project - Give | Watch video
  • No Fusion until Fall 2024
  • No Sunday School, Kids' Word, Anchor, or Elevation this Sunday, May 12
  • Mother's Day - Thank you!, Sunday, May 12
  • Preschool Silent Auction, Monday, May 13 - Tuesday, May 21, (IN PERSON, Sunday, May 19, 9:00 am - 12:15 pm)
  • Pastor on vacation
  • Caring for Friends, Wednesday, May 15, 12:30 pm
  • Kids' Club (Grades 2 - 6), Wednesday, May 15, 5:00 - 6:30 pm
  • Nourish, Saturday, May 18, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
  • Reminder: Confirmation Sunday is Sunday, May 19, 9:00 am
  • Feed My Starving Children Meal-Pack, Sunday, May 19, 2:30 - 4:30 pm
  • Elevation End-of-the-Year cookout sign-up, Sunday, May 19, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Student Leader applications due, Sunday, May 19
  • New Membership classes begin Sunday, May 26, 1:00 - 2:15 pm
  • Book Group, Sunday, May 26, 4:00 pm
  • Class of 2024 Grads (high school & college) info due Tuesday, May 28 for June's newsletters!
  • Preschool summer camp sign-up, 5/28 - 5/31, 6/3 - 6/7, and 6/10 - 6/13
  • Estate Planning Seminar, Wednesday, May 29, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
  • Youth Car Wash, Saturday, June 8, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
  • Youth Movie Night, Wednesday, June 19 at Sunset
  • Mission Trip donations due, Sunday, June 21
  • IronPigs game, Thursday, August 10, 6:35 pm, see all details below...
  • Alpha Marriage Course, Sunday, September 8
  • New studies: Pastor Sunil's Bible Study, Pampered by Grace, Men's Group, Explorers returns (Questionnaire - email your response)
  • Check out the "Save the Date" section for even more events!
  • Youth 2024 Summer Schedule
  • Suggestions for our Cross in front of DUMC
  • Financial Report (April 30)
  • Parking lot repairs - "Sponsor a Space" Campaign

Current Worship Series

"Kingdom Servants: Doers of the Word"

9:00 am

Uplifting Worship*

No Anchor

No Fusion


No Sunday School

Wesley Class

  10:10 am

Liturgical Worship*



11:11 am

Word & Worship*


No Kids' Word

*Live broadcast

For links:


Communion Sunday

May 5 – The Portrait of a Kingdom Servant

May 12 – The Task of the Kingdom Servant

John 13:3-7, 12-16; Matthew 11:29


May 19 – The Influence of a Kingdom Servant


May 26 – The Blessings of a Kingdom Servant

Sunday, May 12 (all services):

To all the mothers – past, present, and future – and all the wonderful women who play such impactful roles in our lives and our communities, we wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day! We appreciate you and thank you for all you do!


We invite all adult women to take a carnation from the vase in the lobby as you leave worship in honor of your contributions to your families and our church family.

Nursery Care

(June 16 - Last day until Fall)

-Our Nursery care is available for children aged 0-5 years on Sundays.

-Nursery hours are 8:50 am - 12:15 pm.

*The Nursery staff and volunteers are “Safe Sanctuary” certified and have completed all relevant background checks. Register here


Thank you to all who worship with us in person and online!

In-person attendance for May 5: 270

Online attendance: 199*

In-person number includes children in Nursery, Anchor/Fusion/Sunday School and Kids' Word.

*Online number represents the number of views (or households), not the number of individuals watching.

Pastor Sunil's Vacation


Please note that Pastor Sunil will be on vacation from Wednesday, May 15 - Sunday, May 19. If you would like to speak to a pastor in his absence, Assistant Pastor, Paul Georgulis, will be available. He can be reached via email or by calling (215) 348-5224.

DUMC Parking Lot Repairs "Sponsor a Space" Campaign

Please click the link below to read more about this project and how you can participate. As of 5/8/24, we have 10 donors totaling $2,135. Click here to donate.

Read more....

*Please consider donating the items below for the Youth to take on their Mission Trip in support of those in need. The collection box is located in the DUMC lobby. Collection runs through Sunday, June 21.

Suggestions for our Cross

Please send suggestions on what you would like to see on our Cross in front of the church - draped cloth, sign (what should it say), flowers, etc. Pastor Sunil is asking you what you think it should look like throughout the seasons. Email Pastor Sunil.

DUMC New Membership Classes

Sundays, May 26 - June 16

1:00 - 2:15 pm, Room 2

Contact the church office at (215) 348-5224 or email Pastor Sunil to sign up (forms available in the lobby or print here).

Graduation is a significant life achievement, and we would like to acknowledge the hard work of all DUMC graduates in the June issue of Connections. Forms due Tuesday, May 28.


Whether high school, tech school, college, or grad school; please send us information about the graduates in your family who are part of DUMC!

Estate Planning Seminar

In person at DUMC


Wednesday, May 29

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


*Learn how to use a Living Will to protect your end-of-life decisions


·    Find out if you need a Living Will (even if you are young)

·    Learn about how a Living Will can be used to protect your values and beliefs

·    Learn how a Living Will can save you thousands of dollars in medical expenses

·    Ensure that your end-of-life decisions are followed, and you're not left in limbo

·    Prevent your courts from deciding your fate

·    All this and more


Questions or to register, contact John Benson, (215) 348-4416

Please join our Youth for their Car Wash Fundraiser on

Saturday, June 8, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

This is the last fundraiser to support their Mission Trip. Interested in helping? Adults, parents, and youth are all welcome to sign up including those not attending the Mission Trip. Click image below to sign up.

“The Alpha Marriage Course”

Begins Sunday, September 8

A 7-week course designed for couples of all ages to help build, strengthen, and continue to grow their relationship in marriage. Couples will be equipped with tools to build a healthy marriage and to strengthen their connection as a couple – or to restore that connection if it was lost.

There is no cost for attending this course - although each couple is responsible for buying their study journals (1 for each person - purchase here). The Alpha Marriage Course Intro Video.

Financial Report for the Four Months Ended April 30, 2024

Submitted by:

Allen Mason (Finance Chairperson) and Karen Sablyak (Treasurer)

SUMMARY: Deficit for the month with much lower giving in April. Please continue to pray for DUMC, Gods’ bountiful grace, and our many blessings!

Giving: Income for April was $52K. On a YTD basis, income is ($85K) less than budget which is partially offset by the generous special giving of $68K.

Expenses: Our disbursements for April were $12K less than budget – Note that there is no Connectional Ministry expense as the Administrative Council Board approved the Finance Committee recommendation to withhold this amount from the Conference until DUMC’s finances improve. YTD disbursements are $28K less than budget as we continue to monitor expenses. REJOICE!

Net Deficit: We experienced negative cash flow again in April ($25K) and YTD negative ($11K).

Please keep DUMC and our finances in your prayers….GOD IS GOOD!!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows". James 1:17


Next Caring for Friends meal assembly:

Wednesday, May 15 at 12:30 pm

in the DUMC kitchen. CLICK image for more details.

Instructional guide for preparing meals at home.

Feed My Starving Children Meal-Pack

Sunday, May 19, 2:30 - 4:30 pm

-Live out our faith in outreach and service

-Invite your small group friends to create a food-

packing team

-Register HERE


Lehigh Valley IronPigs

Baseball Game

Thursday, August 10 at 6:35 pm


Join DUMC for a fun-filled trip to a Lehigh Valley IronPigs ballgame at Coca-Cola Park in Allentown, PA.


Who are the IronPigs? The Lehigh Valley IronPigs are the Triple-A affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies.


Game start time: 6:35 pm


How are we getting there? We’ll be traveling together on a tour bus. Departure time TBD.


Cost: $33 (includes game ticket, transportation, and a 2.5 hour all-you-can-eat buffet that includes hamburgers, hotdogs, fried chicken, salads, dessert, and unlimited soft drinks).

How to Sign Up: Use the SignUpGenius or contact Pastor Paul and submit payment


How to Pay:


Venmo: @DoylestownUMC


Realm: Click here to pay through Realm


Check: Make check payable to DUMC and either give it to Pastor Paul, or send it in the mail to the address below:


Doylestown United Methodist Church

c/o Paul Georgulis

320 E. Swamp Rd.

Doylestown, PA 18901


If you are interested in joining us or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Paul.

*Click on the images below for more information.

For even more ways to get involved at DUMC:


Three Crosses

by Bob Miller

Through the years I've heard so many favorable comments about our beautiful sanctuary and especially the "three crosses" in the altar area. There seems to be something so special and meaningful about those three crosses which touch our hearts. Could it be that they remind us of what happened to our Lord many years ago in a place called Calvary?

When Christ was crucified that day so long ago, three crosses were also visible on a barren hill outside of Jerusalem known as Calvary. Three crosses, so alike but oh - so different.

Read more....

Lay Leader Insights:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Increasing awareness and understanding of mental illnesses is important in reducing the stigma surrounding them. One in five adults experience some form of mental illness each year and only half of them receive treatment. Some experts say this could be higher in teens.

People are often afraid to ask for help or admit how they feel. Many years ago, women with depression were called hysterical and locked away in institutions. That stigma still exists.

Read more....

Warning signs....

May Mission of the Month:

The Synergy Project

May’s mission is The Synergy Project. Synergy is a street outreach program of Valley Youth House. They work with youth ages 24 and below. Synergy works directly on the street with homeless youth living in cars, on the street, couch surfing, or nomadically traveling the country via freight train. Some are runaways, while others may have been or still are trafficked.

Read more....

Watch video....

Donate to Mission of the Month


Becky Van Dine, Caring Ministries

(215) 813-7436

*Click GriefShare logo to learn more or register.

Thursday nights

7:00 - 9:00 pm, Room 2

(Semester ends May 30)

Learn more about Caring Ministries


***Click images below to sign up!***

***Click images below to sign up!***

**Student Leader Applications due Sunday, May 19

Click image to fill out the form.

Pocono Plateau

Junior High Adventure (Grades 4 - 7)

-or- Senior High Adventure (Grades 8 - 12)

July 7 - 12, 2024

If you enjoy a more rustic style cabin and cooking over a fire, sign up HERE. Registration is directly with the camp - please let Lenae know if you sign up so she can keep track of who is going.

Gretna Glen

Youth Blast: Random Edition

July 21 - 26, 2024

This is a great option if the other week does not work for you and/or if you prefer a less rustic experience. Their camp includes an offsite field trip to Mount Gretna, and the cabins have air conditioning. Sign up HERE ASAP (there are limited spots!) Registration is directly with the camp - please let Lenae know if you sign up so she can keep track of who is going.

*Contact Lenae if you are interested in chaperoning for either camp or if you need a scholarship. We do not want cost to be the reason someone doesn’t go to camp.

Wendy Arnott, Director


Laura Siegle, Assistant Director


Children's Ministries

2024 Calendar

Learn more about Children's Ministries

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director LBaldwin@DoylestownUMC.com

(267) 245-7871

Youth Ministries 2024 Calendar

Learn more about Student Ministries


Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor PGeorgulis@DoylestownUMC.com

(267) 245-7874

Click the button below for updates on your favorite small group or Bible study!!

DUMC's Small Groups

Pampered by Grace

Women's Bible Study

Sundays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Room 22


"Women of the Bible"

(May 19 only)


Newcomers always welcome! Email Laurie Lewis for more information.


NEW Small Group

Mondays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, Room 2

(Returns May 13)


Join us for a small group, open, round table discussion of religious (and maybe even “non-religious”) questions with various possible answers. This will be an open and safe space to share your thoughts, ideas, and differing points of view. The goal of these group discussions is not to necessarily identify absolute unequivocal answers, but rather to share differing points of view and broaden our own thoughts on topics of interest. Topics can be provided by the attendees or selected randomly from pre-prepared questions/statements. Everyone is welcome!

Email Pastor Sunil for more information.


Pastor Sunil's Bible Study

Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Room 2


"Christianity 101" a 6-part series in Ephesians

(May 29 - July 10; No meeting on 6/19)


Newcomers always welcome! Email Pastor Sunil for more information.

Wednesday Night Men's Group

Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, Room 10



by Andy Stanley

(began 5/8)


Newcomers always welcome! Email Ken Kugel or Randy Hume for more information.


1 Saturday per month, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, Worship & Youth Center (May 18)


"Join us as we discuss Jesus’ Beatitudes and how we can live "the good life!"


Sign up to bring a dish of your choice. Everyone is welcome (childcare provided)! Email Pastor Paul for more information.


Praying for our Congregation,

Community, and World

Praise/Thankfulness: Philadelphia Bronze, A Not So Terrible Parable and all participants, Stephanie, helpers, answer to prayer, Rachael, Melissa & Jeff, Johnny, UMC Social Principles, Earl, Dave, Bill

Health & Healing: Cliff, Mary, Ben, Steve, Roland, Danielle, Lola, Erv, Wendy, Judy, Gerald, Tom, Lisa, Glenn, Lindsey, Judy, Lady, a friend, Bowen, John, Dave, Sadie, Larry, Bethany S, Joe, Karen, Jim, Kathy & Elizabeth, Jane

Guidance: Carolyn, Neal, an organist, financial wisdom, FMSC, travel mercies, Donna, Mildred, Altay, Zach, Prom, Marie & family, Ale, family peace, a friend, homelessness, those with mental illness, 11:11 basket, my sons, healing in my marriage, famine, those serving abroad, our church, travel mercies for Juan

Hospice: Leigh & Cassie

Grief: Leigh's family & friends

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:3-6

~Laurie Lewis and the Congregational Care Team


*Click images below for more information.

   Visit our Website  



Sounds of Faith

"My Jesus I Love Thee"


(Arr. Edwards)

"Fall On Me"

Power of Grace

*Doylestown United Methodist Church CCLI # 7127647*

Click image to watch:

Sunday's Worship Services

9:00 am Uplifting Worship

10:10 am Liturgical Worship

11:11 am Word and Worship



-Fun Fest: Sunday, June 2, 3 - 6 pm

-Kids' Club: Wednesday, June 5, 5 - 6:30 pm

-Youth Car Wash: Sat., June 8, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

-Suicide Prevention Awareness Training: Sat., June 8, 9 - 11 am

-Youth Movie Night: Wednesday, June 19, Sunset

-Pocono Plateau: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12

-VBS: Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 19, 9 - 11 am

-Blood drive: Tuesday, July 23, 2 - 7 pm

-IronPigs game: Saturday, August 10


-Alpha Marriage Course: Sunday, Sept. 8 (7wks)

-Youth Retreat: Friday, Sept. 27 - Sunday, Sept. 29

-Small Group Leader Speaker Training: Early October

-Fall Retreat: "What to say to people who are hurting"

-Parents Night Out: Coming this fall

4 Week Calendar


-A/V Team: Lighting, cameras, audio & media, contact Trevor Foster

-Board of Trustees: 2 seats available, members only, contact Pastor Sunil

-Children's and Student Ministries: Teachers and subs sign up

-Choir/Musicals: Adult chaperones & helpers, contact Stephanie Hume

-Coffee/Hospitality: Coffee setup/clean up on Sunday mornings sign up

-Preschool: Lunch aides, contact the Preschool

-Sounds of Faith and Power of Grace: Musicians, contact Kristian Frikke-Schmidt (SOF) or Temple Sieger (POG)

-The Vine: Volunteers needed to run this mission, contact Becky Dragos



Watch how to give online

Stay Connected:

Facebook  YouTube
Visit our Website
Questions? Email Us
Prayer Requests


Doylestown United Methodist Church

320 East Swamp Road

Doylestown, PA 18901

Main number:

(215) 348-5224

Worship Service Hotline:

(267) 245-7870

Sunil Balasundaram, Senior Pastor

Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director

John Bechtel, Business Administrator

Cindy Betancourt, Receptionist

Noel de la Pena, Office Manager

Wendy Arnott, Dir. of Children's Min

Laura Siegle, Asst Dir of Children's Min

Kristian Frikke-Schmidt, Contemp. Worship Ldr

Laurie Lewis, Lay Leader/Min of Visitation

Temple Sieger, 11:11 Worship Leader

Diana Durbin, Director - Adult Bells

Stephanie Hume, Director of Music

Randall Hartman, Organist

Kristen Bound, Social Media Coordinator

Scott Shead, Live Streaming Technician

Trevor Foster, AVL Technical Coord

Ken Buckner, Wknd Bldg Spec (not shown)

Mark Charles, Evening Building Specialist

Sean Smith, Facilities Manager

Office phone: (215) 348-5224 (office hours: M-F from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm)

Staff schedule: Click Here

Schedule facilities: Cindy Betancourt

Submissions for Connections:

Noel de la Pena

(due Mondays by 12:00 pm)

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER!
Previous edition of Connections