Week of April 21, 2024

Included in this issue:

  • April Mission of the Month: Feed My Starving Children - Give | Watch video | Sign up
  • Good Stuff Thrift DUMC Spring Collection Drive, Sat., April 20, 9-11:30 am
  • Power of Grace Concert, Saturday, April 20, 6:30 pm
  • New studies: Wesley (started Sun, 4/7), Reflections (Tue, 4/23)
  • CHURCH CONFERENCE, Sunday April 21, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
  • Blood Drive, Tuesday, April 23, 3:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Estate Planning Seminar, Wednesday, April 24, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
  • Caring for Friends, Wednesday, April 24, 12:30 pm
  • Medication take back day, Saturday, April 27, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Book Group, Sunday, April 28, 4:00 pm
  • Discovery Service Projects, Domestic Project 2024, Sunday, April 28 - Friday, May 3 and Sunday, May 5 - Friday, May 10
  • 12 Hours of Prayer reminder, Wednesday, May 1, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm (15 minute DUMC call to prayer from 12:00 - 12:15 pm on ZOOM)
  • Elevation End-of-the-Year cookout, Sunday, May 19, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
  • New Membership classes begin Sunday, May 26, 1:00 - 2:15 pm
  • Baptism video from Sunday, April 14, 9:00 am service
  • GLOW Party summary and Thank you!
  • Sounds of Faith needs musicians, contact Kristian for more info
  • New updated Financial Report
  • Explorers Questionnaire

Current Worship Series

"Resurrection Living"

9:00 am

Uplifting Worship*




Sunday School

Wesley Class

  10:10 am

Liturgical Worship*



11:11 am

Word & Worship*


Kids' Word

*Live broadcast

For links:


Communion Sunday

April 7 – Living Victoriously: Glory in Ruins

April 14 – Living Hopefully: New from the Old


April 21 – Living Generously: Not an Obligation, but a Privilege

2 Corinthians 8:1-9


April 28 – Living Sacramentally: Sacrificing to Build Others

Nursery Care

-Our Nursery care is available for children aged 0-5 years on Sundays.

-Nursery hours are 8:50 am - 12:15 pm.

*The Nursery staff and volunteers are “Safe Sanctuary” certified and have completed all relevant background checks. Register here


Thank you to all who worship with us in person and online!

In-person attendance for April 14: 315

Online attendance: 225*

In-person number includes children in Nursery, Anchor/Fusion/Sunday School and Kids' Word.

*Online number represents the number of views (or households), not the number of individuals watching.



The sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated at the 9:00 am service on Sunday, April 14, when Aidan Lucas McGinty, son of Brent McGinty and Samantha Furia, was baptized by Pastor Sunil.


Click here to view the video of the Baptism.

Save the dates/Click images below for sign ups!

Good Stuff Thrift DUMC Spring Collection Drive


Saturday, April 20

9:00 - 11:30 am (rain or shine)

located in front of DUMC

Click Here for Flyer....

DUMC is hosting a concert featuring our very own Word and Worship team, Power of Grace. Save the date and join us!

Power of Grace Concert

Saturday, April 20 at 6:30 pm, DUMC Worship Center

(Freewill offering)

DUMC New Membership Classes

Sundays, May 26 - June 16

1:00 - 2:15 pm, Room 2

Contact the church office at (215) 348-5224 or email Pastor Sunil to sign up (forms available in the lobby or print here).

Estate Planning Seminar

In person at DUMC


Wednesday, April 24

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

*Learn how to use a Trust to protect your family

  • Find out if you need a Trust
  • Learn about how a Trust can be used to avoid probate
  • Learn how a Trust can save you thousands of dollars
  • Ensure that your church or favorite charity is protected
  • Prevent your children from running out of money one day
  • All this and more

Questions or to register, contact John Benson, (215) 348-4416

Medication Take Back Day

Saturday, April 27

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

(Click image for flyer details)

This year’s Take Back event will feature 47 public collection sites throughout the county. Simply walk or drive up and drop in any unused, unneeded or expired medications for safe disposal.

In addition to prescription medications, law enforcement officers will be collecting over-the-counter and pet medications, vitamins, vaping products and more. Plus, select sites throughout the county will be collecting medications and sharps and distributing Narcan on April 27! Click HERE for site locations and what’s accepted.

Can't make it to Take Back Day? You can still safely dispose of your medications at one of the collection boxes located in Bucks County Police Departments. FIND a box near you.

Financial Report for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2024

Submitted by:

Allen Mason (Finance Chairperson) and Karen Sablyak (Treasurer)

SUMMARY: HALLELUJAH!!! Thank you for another month of generous giving. We generated positive cash flow in March thanks to all of you and God’s work at hand. THANK YOU!

Giving: Income for March was $81K, which included annual giving from several members. We also received special giving of $58K in March. BLESSINGS and THANK YOU!! On a YTD basis, income is ($55K) less than budget which is offset by the generous special giving of $68K.

Expenses: Our expenses for March were higher than February, but in line with budget. YTD we are $16K less than budget as we continue to monitor expenses. REJOICE!

Net Deficit:  We experienced POSITIVE CASH FLOW of $43K for the month and are so grateful to our members and God. YTD, we now have positive cash flow of $28K.

THANK YOU for your generous and bountiful giving in March!! GOD IS GOOD!

“Wise words bring many benefits and hard work brings rewards.” Proverbs 12:14


Click icon above for what to do before, during, and after donating blood.

Doylestown United

Methodist Church


Overholt Hall

320 E. Swamp Road (Route 313)

Doylestown, PA 18901


Tuesday, April 23

3:00 - 8:00 pm



Click button below or

call 1-800-RED-CROSS

Schedule an Appointment

Domestic Project 2024

Charleston, West Virginia

Sunday, April 28 – Friday, May 3,

Sunday, May 5 – Friday, May 10

It’s not too late to SIGN UP - grab a friend and join us for a few days in WV!


We will partner with the C.R.O.S.S Ministry

Christians Reaching Out Serving the Savior"

This is a non-profit ministry of Christ Church United Methodist Church that focuses on repairing homes for those in need, the elderly, and veterans.

  • We will prepare and eat our meals together
  • We will stay in dorm-like rooms with bunks
  • We will share devotions every day
  • We will reflect on how we can use our gifts to serve


We invite you to participate in this mission opportunity by:

~ Praying for the project’s success

~ Contributing to the cost of materials

~ Going as a volunteer

Questions? Contact Erling Salvesen, (267) 663-4282

Discovery Service Projects (click to email)

P.O. Box 172, Pipersville, PA 18947

Feed My Starving Children Meal-Pack

Sunday, May 19, 2:30 - 4:30 pm

-Live out our faith in outreach and service

-Invite your small group friends to create a food

packing team

-Register HERE

Next Caring for Friends meal assembly:

Wednesday, April 24 at 12:30 pm

in the DUMC kitchen. CLICK image for more details.

Instructional guide for preparing meals at home.

Caring for Friends

Meal Delivery Drivers Needed (rotational)

Once a month, a team makes meals in the kitchen. After a few months, they accumulate, and to make room in our church freezer, they need to be packaged and delivered to the warehouse in NE Philadelphia on Townsend Road. Generally, deliveries are made every 2 to 3 months. We are looking for a few additional drivers to be on that rotational delivery schedule. Packaging the meals into boxes and then driving and dropping them off and returning to the church with more supplies generally takes less than 2 hours. It can be completed on your own schedule; the warehouse is open 9-4 on weekdays. We currently have 3 drivers. A few more would mean we'd rotate and each would deliver two times a year. If you're interested and would like more information, please contact Lisa Pitts.

Click on the images below for more information.

For even more ways to get involved at DUMC:


Lay Leader Insights:



Spring is a windy time of year. Watching the blossoms blow off flowering trees is beautiful. The ripples across a lake can be calming. The blustering winds of a thunderstorm are sometimes scary and destructive.

There are many kinds of winds that come into our lives as well. Strong winds can feel rough with raw power that disrupt our lives and induce change that is unwelcome. A job loss, bankruptcy, or divorce can throw us to the ground asking, "Why God?"

Wind can be cleansing, blowing away impurities. A friendship that becomes more distant. A group that decides to stop meeting. The last grandchild goes to school and babysitting ends. Might God be blowing something out of your life to allow in something better?

Read more....

April Mission of the Month:

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) believes hope starts with food. As a Christian nonprofit, FMSC is dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food distribution partners that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development.

FMSC meals are developed by food science and nutrition professionals to supplement nutritional needs and reduce problems with malnutrition. Nutrition allows children to grow, thrive, and develop to their full potential. Each day, partners distribute FMSC meals in schools, orphanages, clinics, and feeding programs around the world to deliver hope and break the cycle of poverty.

Read more....

Watch video....

Donate to Mission of the Month


Becky Van Dine, Caring Ministries

(215) 813-7436

*Click GriefShare logo to learn more or register.

Thursday nights

7:00 - 9:00 pm, Room 2

(New semester March 7)

Learn more about Caring Ministries


Save the dates/Click image below to sign up!

*Click image below to register for

2024 DUMC Vacation Bible School - Camp Firelight

Pocono Plateau

Junior High Adventure (Grades 4 - 7)

-or- Senior High Adventure (Grades 8 - 12)

July 7 - 12, 2024

If you enjoy a more rustic style cabin and cooking over a fire, sign up HERE. Registration is directly with the camp - please let Lenae know if you sign up so she can keep track of who is going.

Gretna Glen

Youth Blast: Random Edition

July 21 - 26, 2024

This is a great option if the other week does not work for you and/or if you prefer a less rustic experience. Their camp includes an offsite field trip to Mount Gretna, and the cabins have air conditioning. Sign up HERE ASAP (there are limited spots!) Registration is directly with the camp - please let Lenae know if you sign up so she can keep track of who is going.

*Contact Lenae if you are interested in chaperoning for either camp or if you need a scholarship. We do not want cost to be the reason someone doesn’t go to camp.

Wendy Arnott, Director


Laura Siegle, Assistant Director


Children's Ministries

2024 Calendar

Learn more about Children's Ministries

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director LBaldwin@DoylestownUMC.com

(267) 245-7871

Youth Ministries 2024 Calendar

Learn more about Student Ministries


Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor PGeorgulis@DoylestownUMC.com

(267) 245-7874

Click the button below for updates on your favorite small group or Bible study!!

DUMC's Small Groups

The Wesley Class

Adult Bible Study

Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00 am, Room 2

(New study began Sunday, April 7)


“The Book of Mark”


This study will run through May 12. Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with videos featuring scholar, Amy-Jill Levine, as she examines John the Baptizer, the Little Apocalypse, the Transfiguration, and several of Jesus' most notable stories and parables.

Newcomers always welcome!

Email Betsy Bishop for more information.

Explorers Questionnaire

Explorers Small Group has been meeting for one hour each Monday night at 6:00 pm to discuss topics that cause some difficulty for Christians.

So far, we have looked at “Why God allows bad things to happen to good people” and several faith topics, such as “What is the difference between faith and belief?” and “How does faith in God affect the decisions I make?”.

We don’t always leave our meetings with clear-cut answers, but we always have lively discussions.

We are taking a few weeks off due to other commitments, but when we return, we would like to have some more topics that can raise the level of debate.

Read more....



Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Room 2


"Choose Joy" by Kay Warren

(April 23 - May 21, *no study on April 30)

Through this study, we will explore practical strategies and biblical principles for choosing joy, even in the midst of adversity.

For this study, we'll be utilizing the updated (2020) study guide, click image for link.

Bring a friend, newcomers are always welcome!

RSVP by emailing Laura Herbst.

College & Young Adult Online Small Group

We are working on starting up a small group for college age/young adults who will meet online, Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. *This group will begin once we have at least 5+ people signed up. Stay tuned for the start date. The reason we are going the online route is so that we all can get together no matter where we are in the world (e.g., college, living out-of-state, or right here in Doylestown, but you don’t want to leave your house). Our meetings will include video-based studies and discussion about topics that are relevant to real life. Adulting is hard, but life is better when we figure it out together. We hope you will check out this group and grow together in the community. If you would like to join us, or if you have any questions, please contact Pastor Paul.


Praying for our Congregation,

Community, and World

Praise/Thankfulness: Springtime beauty, Godincidences, bird's nest by front door, Glow Party, Women's Retreat, MRI results, Pastor Sunil's "Mosaic"

Health & Healing: Nell, Liam, Danielle, Neil, Lola, friend/colleague, Maeve, James, Ifeanyi, Carolyn, Irv, Laurie, Lisa, Mildred, Steve, Bowen, John, Sadie, Dave, Matt, Earl, Larry, Mary, Bethany S, Joe, Mila, Iris, Helen, Karla, Takara, Cody, Andre, Karen, Kathy & Elizabeth, Jane

Guidance: Megan, Mike & Kim, Julie, Amy, Karen, Neal, new organist, financial wisdom, aid to those in famine, Lake family, our church, Ale, Kyle, Bill, family peace, marriage renewal, homeless who are mentally ill, peace in our world, sons, those serving abroad

Hospice: Leigh & Cassie

Grief: Family & friends of Henry Gold

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them." Psalm 145:18-19

~Laurie Lewis and the Congregational Care Team

Our Next 12 Hours of Prayer:

Wednesday, May 1

7:00 am to 7:00 pm

(15 minute DUMC call to prayer from 12:00 - 12:15 pm on ZOOM)


Take a few minutes from the hectic pace of life to slow down...breathe...and be part of our next 12 Hours of Prayer event. Join with your DUMC sisters and brothers to form a continuous 12-hour chain of prayer. Take an intentional 15 minutes to praise and thank our amazing God...and bring the needs of our community, our church, and yourself before God's throne.


Watch for a signup link in next week's Connections.


Click image below for more information or to contact the Preschool.

   Visit our Website  


"Holy God, We Praise Thy Name"

Adult Handbell Ensemble

(Arr. Julie Turner)

"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah"

Bell Ensemble

(Arr. Hurlbutt)


Pastor Sunil

(Arr. Ryan Stevenson)

*Doylestown United Methodist Church CCLI # 7127647*

Click image to watch:

Sunday's Worship Services

9:00 am Uplifting Worship

10:10 am Liturgical Worship

11:11 am Word and Worship



-Kids' Club: Wednesday, May 1, 5 - 6:30 pm

-Spring Musical: Sat. May 4 @ 7 pm & Sun. May 5 @ 9 am

-Philadelphia Bronze: Sat., May 4, 4 - 5 :30 pm

-Mother's Day: Sunday, May 12

-Feed My Starving Children Meal-Pack: Sun., May 19, 2:30 - 4:30 pm

-Kids' Club: Wednesday, May 15, 5 - 6:30 pm

-Confirmation Ceremony: Sunday, May 19

-Elevation End of Year Cookout: Sun., May 19, 6 - 8 pm

-Fun Fest: Sunday, June 2, 3 - 6 pm

-Kids' Club: Wednesday, June 5, 5 - 6:30 pm

-Youth Car Wash: Saturday, June 8, time TBD

-Suicide Prevention Awareness Training: Sat., June 8, 9 - 11 am

-Pocono Plateau: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12

-VBS: Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 19, 9 - 11 am

-IronPigs game: Saturday, August 10

-Alpha Marriage Course: Sunday, Sept. 8 (7wks)

4 Week Calendar


-A/V Team: Lighting, cameras, audio & media, contact Trevor Foster

-Board of Trustees: 2 seats available, members only, contact Pastor Sunil

-Children's and Student Ministries: Teachers and subs sign up

-Choir/Musicals: Adult chaperones & helpers, contact Stephanie Hume

-Coffee/Hospitality: Coffee setup/clean up on Sunday mornings sign up

-Preschool: Lunch aides, contact the Preschool

-Sounds of Faith and Power of Grace: Musicians, contact Kristian Frikke-Schmidt (SOF) or Temple Sieger (POG)

-The Vine: Volunteers needed to run this mission, contact Becky Dragos



Watch how to give online

Stay Connected:

Facebook  YouTube
Visit our Website
Questions? Email Us
Prayer Requests


Doylestown United Methodist Church

320 East Swamp Road

Doylestown, PA 18901

Main number:

(215) 348-5224

Worship Service Hotline:

(267) 245-7870

Sunil Balasundaram, Senior Pastor

Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director

John Bechtel, Business Administrator

Cindy Betancourt, Receptionist

Noel de la Pena, Office Manager

Wendy Arnott, Dir. of Children's Min

Laura Siegle, Asst Dir of Children's Min

Kristian Frikke-Schmidt, Contemp. Worship Ldr

Laurie Lewis, Lay Leader/Min of Visitation

Temple Sieger, 11:11 Worship Leader

Diana Durbin, Director - Adult Bells

Stephanie Hume, Director of Music

Randall Hartman, Organist

Kristen Bound, Social Media Coordinator

Scott Shead, Live Streaming Technician

Trevor Foster, AVL Technical Coord

Ken Buckner, Wknd Bldg Spec (not shown)

Mark Charles, Evening Building Specialist

Sean Smith, Facilities Manager

Office phone: (215) 348-5224 (office hours: M-F from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm)

Staff schedule: Click Here

Schedule facilities: Cindy Betancourt

Submissions for Connections:

Noel de la Pena

(due Mondays by 12:00 pm)

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER!
Previous edition of Connections