Volume 2 | March 2018

SBCA Foundation Makes $5,000 Donation to ITDRC
The SBCA Foundation made a $5,000 donation to the ITDRC to support their disaster relief efforts. The donation will help purchase a telescoping mast antenna which will be used to better improve communications to relief workers and volunteers. Last year, ITDRC provided critical satellite services to over 70 impacted communities throughout the US including TX, FL and Puerto Rico. Recently, they installed satellite internet at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds which is being used to provide temporary shelter to families displaced by wildfires.
SBCA On The Road
On February 21, SBCA participated in a panel at the Wyoming Rural Broadband Summit where we discussed the advances and benefits of satellite delivered broadband and its ability to provide high speed internet everywhere. In addition, SBCA has been appointed to the Maryland Broadband Task Force where we will work to ensure that our industry is represented as legislators look for solutions to delivering broadband throughout the state. Also, SBCA recently worked with policy makers in Georgia, Ohio and Indiana to ensure satellite was included in their upcoming broadband funding legislation.
Customer Service First – 8 Tips  

Provided by PDI Communications
What can you do to set your business apart? Manufacturing, distribution and information have all been commoditized. If you are selling something, it's very likely it can be found somewhere else. If you want to make your company stand out, work to build your customer experience. Make customers feel special and go the extra mile – it’ll be remembered. Doing little things right is a key component to building a culture of service within any organization. 
VERICOM Global Solutions Product Profile
VERICOM Global Solutions is an industry-leading manufacturer of cable and communications solutions, offering a wide range of products ideally suited for distributors, operators and installers. Our broad product portfolio includes Bulk Wire, Cable Assemblies, Installation Hardware, Racks and Cabinets, Safety Products, Tools, and TV Mounts. Enjoy factory-direct pricing and unbeatable customer service from the experienced professionals at VERICOM, who are dedicated to the satellite and broadband industry. In addition, our company president proudly serves on the SBCA Board of Directors to advance the work of the satellite and broadband industries.

We are excited to offer a wide variety of products that are specialized for the satellite and broadband industries. From our line of HughesNet® and Exede® approved coaxial cable to our assortment of approved installation accessories, VERICOM is designed to be your single source for satellite and broadband installation accessories.

Visit our website or contact your VERICOM sales representative at 1 (865) 671-4455 and let us enhance the value of your business by providing customized solutions that will improve your profit margins.