Tuesday, May 28, 2024

This Week in Community
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For all the ways to connect in Community including the latest church events, subscribe to our calendar at community4kc.org

Sunday, June 2nd

8:30 a.m. Early Service in Bonfils Chapel

9:30 a.m. Mission Trip Meeting in Jenkins Room

10:20 a.m. Piano Prelude on FacebookYouTube and Community4kc.org

10:30 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

live on FacebookYouTube and Community4kc.org

After Worship... First Family Lunch in Centennial Hall

To purchase raffle tickets, scan the QR Code or click on the link below!

Raffle Tickets

We are looking for 8 more prayer partners!

For those who don't know, prayer partners is a way for those who aren't going on the mission trip to support those who are going, all along the way! This can be by sending a care package, prayer notes and checking in to learn more about the experience. Get in touch with Rev. Stephen for more info.

Contact Stephen

Candy donations:

We are looking for candy donations to use as prizes at our Pride booth. Candy should be individually wrapped and can be brought on Sundays and/or dropped off at the church office. Candy donations are due by Wednesday, June 5.

Pride booth volunteers:

Pride weekend is June 7-9. Community will have a booth at the festival, and we are looking for volunteers to staff the booth.

we'll also have a parade entry. Get in touch with Rev. Stephen for more information.

Pride Booth Volunteer Sign Up

All - I owe you an apology.  I had intended to send this email from Jan last Friday but it slipped through the cracks of my short week and I did not.  No excuse.  Only an apology.  The Executive Committee would like to call a special Administrative Council meeting via Zoom for next Tuesday night.  As Jan is out of the country, I am more than happy to visit with you about either of these topics and I’m sure others on the Exec Committee would as well. Everyone was in attendance for this meeting.

Thank you for your grace,

Rev. Shanna

Friends, We had a great Executive Committee meeting last night and we have two time sensitive items we'd like to call a special Admin Council meeting to address.  The Executive Committee is recommending approval to the AC of the proposal from our restroom ad hoc committee, as well as continued participation in the William Jewell College Center for Faith and Culture.   

The WJC request fell between the window of our normal meetings and needs a decision prior to our June AC meeting.  Rev. Dr. Craig Walls has moved up the timeline given he and Elizabeth’s departure from Jewell in order to assure things are in place before he leaves.  Regarding the restroom recommendation, we simply didn't want to wait past our next meeting given the concert we are hosting July 7; which, if approved, would ensure enough time for the adjustments to be made.   We've attached the proposal from the ad hoc team, as well as a document from Jewell.  Levon anticipates the expenses related to restrooms to be minimal with the exception of signage but we'll have more details to you as we have them.

Exec is recommending participating in Jewell's program at the $3,000 level.  For context, this year we were at the $6,000 level, however, the fall semester was offset by a special anonymous donor.  Rev. Shanna has agreed to contact the donor again to gauge their interest.  We might potentially only engage in the Spring semester depending on class options.  We have historically held a Lenten Vespers that this class replaced this year and Levon shared with me that the cost of a musician alone for that vesper series is about $1400 to give you a comparison.  This year, we had a total of 58 registrations with Community's discount code and 26 individual people participated.  Regardless of the level of our 2024-25 participation we would still have our name on all the marketing materials related to the Center which is a significant benefit in itself.

Our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4 at 6pm via Zoom.  Unfortunately, I'm away on a family vacation that week but it will get our decision to Jewell just under the deadline.  Thanks in advance for your willingness to join a special meeting.  Please RSVP to Levon with your availability.

Many thanks,

Jan Jones, moderator

Please text, call or email Susan Edwards if you have an item to share. Thank you!

Text/Call Susan
Email Susan

Contact Levon if you are interested in a Sunday job, helping us out in the nursery!

Email Levon Here

Dedicate the Steeple of Light

For $75 for a weeknight and $150 for a weekend, you can dedicate our Steeple of Light to shine in honor or memory of a loved one. Dedications are listed in our Friday email and on our social media channels as well as our pre-service slides. 

 Email levon@community-christian.org for more information.

Share your Gifts in Community

Joyfully greet worshippers.

Sign up at c4kc.cc/SundayGreeter

Volunteer in the church office.

Email Levon Weaver

Make a financial offering.

Visit bit.ly/c4kcgive or text Give to 816-484-3433

Join the choir.

Email Lawrence Abernathy

Pray Together

The family of jackie eberts, who died May 27th, services on thursday, may 30th at McGilley antioch chapel, visitation at noon, services at 1 p.m. Obituary can be viewed at c4kc.cc/jackie.

Ron Faust;

Lura Cayton;

Rachel Chrisman;

Nell Thompson, Mother of David Thompson, receiving hospice care;

Communities impacted by recent storms;

Those battling anxiety;

Concerns for the Middle East;

the safety of civilians amid conflict;

Prayers for our country as we head into an election year;

Children of Gaza.

4601 Main Street, KCMO 64112 | (816) 561 - 6531