Connect Clubs Picture Day!

February 10th and 11th Clubs will have their pictures taken for the yearbook!

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Message from Your Principal and Assistant Principal

Dear Connect HS Families,

We have had a great start to our Spring semester. We are looking forward to Student Led Conferences and all of the other ways in which our students can share their work. We are a public school and do have to take part in state testing (the calendar for these events will be shared soon!!)

We are fortunate enough to have chrome books and chargers to loan our students. Please check to see if there are any chargers or chromebooks at home that are not being used and have your students return them.

Thank you!!!

Tami and Robert

Drop off and Pick up

Please drive slowly when dropping off and picking up students.  We have been getting complaints of reckless drivers in the parking lot.

Students Absences:

To notify us of absences the email address is:

Asynchronous Attendance Sign up for week of February 13th

(Please sign up before Sunday 2/12 at 6pm)

SENIORS Class of 2023 - SAVE the Dates:

Da Vinci Prom - May 5, 2023

Da Vinci Grad Night - June 2, 2023

Da Vinci Connect HS Graduation – June 7, 2023 at 4pm (201 N. Douglas)

Presidents  Day

February 20th –  NO SCHOOL (or assigned asynchronous work)

School Site Council!

All families are welcome to attend Connect’s School Site Council, which will occur on Monday, January 30th from 4:30-5:30pm. Here are the dates for SSC meetings all year:

2/27, 3/27, 5/1 and 5/31.

Zoom link:

Updated Office Hours for Teachers:

Please click the link

Connect HS Parent Directory

As we prepare for the Spring Semester, we would like to extend an invite to interested parents/guardians to be included in a Connect Family/Guardian Directory. If you would like your contact information listed, please contact Kene Washington -

A Connect Family/Guardian directory will be created and shared with those that opt in.

School Site Council!

All families are welcome to attend Connect’s School Site Council, which will occur on Monday, February 27th from 4:30-5:30pm. Here are the dates for SSC meetings all year:

2/27, 3/27, 5/1 and 5/31.

Zoom link:

Athletics Blog

Do you want Da Vinci Athletic information sent directly to you? If so, please subscribe to the athletic blog by clicking here.

Health Alert

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health recommends ongoing prevention strategies to mitigate new respiratory and other infections in the new year.  

  • Frequent hand washing including before meals, after restroom use, after handling tissues
  • Consider the use of masks indoors for first two weeks back to school after holidays
  • Coughs and sneezes should be covered with a tissue or sleeve, not hands
  • Tissues should be properly disposed of in trash receptacles
  • Avoid physical contact and sharing utensils with anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of an illness

In Los Angeles County, California, current COVID community level is Medium.

  • If you are at high risk of getting very sick, wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) when indoors in public.
  • If you have household or social contact with someone at high risk for getting very sick, consider self-testing to detect infection before contact, and consider wearing a high-quality mask when indoors with them.
  • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, including recommended booster doses.
  • Maintain ventilation improvements.
  • Avoid contact with people who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  • Follow recommendations for isolation if you have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  • Follow the recommendations for what to do if you are exposed to someone with COVID-19.

COVID testing information

COVID Travel advisories

In general, please do not send children to school if they are sick with acute symptoms (fever, productive or new cough, diarrhea/vomiting). Some of the cold and respiratory symptoms can linger for some time unfortunately. We encourage students to stay home when acutely ill and for those who are on the mend, who are able to get good sleep and have a typical appetite and energy level to return to school. Please continue to report all absences to the school office via phone or email. 

Please continue to report all positive COVID cases to school nurse Emily Green We will then provide return guidance. General isolation instructions are to isolate for a minimum of 5 days from positive test or symptom onset and then return to school after a negative test on day 6-10. No student needs to be isolated for longer than 10 days. 

Take good care! 

Dr. Emily Green, Director of Health Services

Email Connect HS Front Office |

Email Tami Email Robert Office Phone (310) 725-5800 x5208

Family Handbook School Calendar