November 2022
Imagine a vibrant community where all kids, youth and families belong. This vision is the driving force behind Better Together, CTN’s new strategic plan. Together with our partners, we work with kids, youth and their families to support development and well-being. Our values of inclusion, collaboration, responsibility and innovation guide our behaviour and how we work together. Click the link below to learn more and see how this plan has come to life in our first storybook. #BetterTogether
CTN inclusive and accessible Halloween events encourage kids who experience barriers in their community, to enjoy the fun of trick or treating. They are also a great example of our vision, mission and values in action.
Our winter recreation equipment (snow coach, sledges, polar ski sets and more) can be borrowed for two weeks by families of kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs who live in Simcoe County or York Region.
It’s that time of year again! As we all head indoors with the approach of cooler weather, respiratory illnesses are on the rise, including influenza, also referred to as “the flu”. Dr. Nicola Jones-Stokreef, Developmental Pediatrician, talks about the flu and the importance of getting vaccinated.
Join one or all sessions of our November SibShop program in partnership with Catulpa in Midland. Meet other sibs, talk with others who “get it” and learn more about disabilities, all in a fun environment!
CTN is hosting multiple inclusive holiday events for kids, youth and families next month. Be sure to register at the links below.
Our network calendar features events hosted by CTN, our partner organizations and other local community agencies that may be of interest to your family. New workshops, programs and events are added each week.
CTN supports kids, youth and families by focusing on CanChild's framework of the F-words for Child Development. Every child with varying abilities has the right to have fun, enjoy friends, function as they are, access fitness, plan for their future and join in family activities.
Connect is a monthly newsletter for families of kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs and the service providers who support them.
If you want to share feedback, have story ideas or want to volunteer to
write an article, please email
If you have any questions about your child's development or want to learn about
the services available in the communities we serve, please call 1-866-377-0286.
This newsletter is not intended as advice to meet the specific needs of an individual, as individual situations will differ. Newsletter readers should not act or rely on newsletter information without seeking specific advice on matters of concern. We will not purposefully present inaccurate information in this newsletter, however information is supplied "as is" and may contain errors. We do not guarantee or warrant the quality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, appropriateness or suitability of the newsletter content. Reliance on any information appearing on the newsletter is at your own risk. We expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions regarding use of this newsletter and its content.
Building Brighter Futures Together