Everyone should have received their schedule of insurance for their MPCI and Crop-Hail policies. If you have not, please reach out and we would be happy to send another or go over them with you.
Your schedule of insurance will show you your guarantees and can also assist with keeping track of production for reporting.
Harvest Reminders:
If you are planning to cut silage, you MUST notify us prior to chopping. If you do not, this could impact your APH and lead to an unpaid claim in the event of a loss.
Keep track of your scale tickets as you will need them to report your totals at production reporting.
Premium payments:
Crop Hail 3% cash discounts were due 8/30.
Crop Hail standard due date is November 1st (Must be postmarked by October 31)
MPCI premium is due October 1st (must be postmarked by September 30th).
Please be informed that we have recently been advised that RMA will not be issuing a waiver for interest deferral of MPCI.
Therefore, spring crops with a billing date of 8/15 must be paid by October 1st to avoid interest charges being applied.
Flooding Update
We are sending in the acres that were flooded as they come in from the adjusters. Once they are received and approved by the crop companies, they will issue a reimbursement for the acres flooded at a prorated rate. (This is for hail/wind policies only). If you have any questions, please reach out. We will keep you updated as they come in.
Margin Protection
Provides protection against a reduction in market price, an increase in input costs, and a reduction in the county yield. It is an area-based policy. Price discovery occurs between August 15th and September 14th. Growers will receive the higher of the MP or RP indemnity in the fall. Corn price as of 8/29- $4.3550; Soybeans $10.40000
Sales closing is September 30th.
To follow the daily price see below:
Margin Protection Premium Estimator
If you are interested in learning more about Margin Protection and/or ECO, please let us know. We are planning to have a luncheon regarding these topics in September.
Claims Updates:
If you would like to get paid as soon as possible for a claim, we encourage you to sign up for auto deposit with the insurance company. We had a few issues with the mail last year causing a prolonged wait for payments. If you have any questions, please let us know.
We are not allowed to be a part of any MPCI claim however if you are having any issues, need to get information to an adjuster, etc, please let us know and we can help facilitate the process for you.
Livestock Risk Protection:
Prices have been up and down this past month in the cattle market. Livestock risk protection insures your cattle against a decrease in market price below the insured's selected coverage level.
There is a subsidy based upon the coverage level that is taken from 35-55% with the premium due at the end of the insurance period.
Information needed to have a policy written and/or to quote are: type (fed, feeder, unborn, etc.); effective date; end date; number of head covered; coverage level; insured share.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Crop Farm Bill Updates:
Native Sod is now insurable acreage in the state of NE. You are still required to prove the land classification.
FSA Updates:
Burt County FSA has approved ECP, Emergency Conservation Program, due to the flooding. Washington County did not approve the program unfortunately.
This program is for debris removal, filling in holes/gullies, and/or replacing fence. If you have damage like that then you need to take pictures and a lot of them! You cannot start any work until it is approved by each county. Contact FSA for more information.
fsa_emergencyconservationprogram_24.pdf (usda.gov)
There is a Rural Energy for America Program out with a September 30th deadline for application with FSA. This program is for those who are contemplating energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy investments to their operations or rural businesses. See below for more information.
Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants in Nebraska | Rural Development (usda.gov)
Through the Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP), USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will cover up to 75% of organic certification costs at a maximum of $750 per certification category. FSA is now accepting applications, and organic producers and handlers should apply for OCCSP by the Oct. 31, 2024, deadline for eligible expenses incurred from Oct. 1, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2024. FSA will issue payments as applications are received and approved.
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture administers a program designed to assist beginning farmers and ranchers with accessing land and other assets necessary to get a start in the business. The program, called NextGen, utilizes income tax credits, available through the Nebraska Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act, as an incentive for agriculture asset owners to lease to beginning producers.
NextGen (nebraska.gov)