Today we join with our members and allies in celebrating the reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) !

On December 13, 2018, Congress passed H.R. 6964 with broad bipartisan support. It marks the first time the Act has been reauthorized in nearly 16 years.

H.R. 6964 updates and reauthorizes the country's primary federal legislation on juvenile justice and strengthens the JJDPA's four core protections for youth. It changes the long-standing Disproportionate Minority Contact requirement to ensure that states address Racial and Ethnic Disparities within the justice system. It also ensures that young people awaiting trial in adult court will not be housed in adult facilities, and requires that credits earned while in detention transfer back to the student's community school. To learn more about the changes to the JJDPA, click here .

H.R. 6964 will be sent to the President for signature before becoming law.

Congress' action today could not have happened without you! We extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our members who helped attain this victory! You have worked tirelessly, meeting with members of Congress, testifying before the House and Senate, and never giving up in your fight on behalf of our country's youth! We thank you for your efforts on behalf of young people and hope you will join us in celebrating today's hard fought victory!