Tonight at 7:30pm

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Temple B'nai Chaim
Annual Congregational Meeting
7:30 pm Tonight via Zoom
The TBC Annual Congregational Meeting will take place tonight (Tuesday, May 30, 2023) on Zoom.

At Temple B'nai Chaim, there are two Congregational meetings each year, held in November and May. This is your opportunity to hear what's going on, vote on important issues, ask questions and get to know one another.  

This year we have exciting news about the future of our community. Please make sure to participate!

To join the meeting, please click here by 7:30 on Tuesday.

A quorum of member families is required to conduct TBC business. Attendance will be taken on Zoom. 

**Please make every effort to attend and participate in these critical conversations.**

Opening D'var, Cantor Harriet Dunkerley

Business Meeting

  • Approve minutes of November 2022 Semi-annual Congregational Meeting
  • President's Introduction/Report, June Mara
  • Cantor's Report, Cantor Harriet Dunkerley
  • Treasurer's Report, Simon Curtis
  • Options for TBC's future growth and sustainability
  • Year to date report 
  • Discussion and Vote on Proposed Budget
  • Vote on Proposed Slate for Executive Committee and Board of Trustees July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025

Click here to read the committee reports; click here to read the minutes from the May and November 2022 meetings.

As the meeting will be conducted on Zoom, please use the chat function during the meeting to ask questions and we will address them within allotted discussions.

To submit your vote on the minutes, the Slate and the future path for TBC:
  1. An electronic poll will open displaying the choices available 
  2. Each family has 1 vote - you will be able to make your choice and then submit. Once the vote is entered, the system will not allow you to change it or submit a second vote. 
  3. Voting will remain open throughout the call and will also remain open via email to for 15 days for us to conduct official TBC business (per the bylaws)
Temple B'nai Chaim
(203) 544-8695
82 Portland Avenue (Wilton)
P.O. Box 305, Georgetown, CT 06829