April 2021
Senior Clergy Invited to Symposium
Senior Clergy Invited to Attend Peer-to-Peer Symposium
Faith Communities: Emerging from the COVID-19 Crisis
Clergy Care: Survive and Thrive Through the Emergence

Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Reception & Breakfast: 8:30 am
Symposium: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Led by Mike Bonem

RSVP for in-person or virtual for your congregation's Senior Clergy to: jcrowe@woodlandsinterfaith.org
Congregation Support
Thank you to our Member Congregations!
January - March

Hand Me Up Shop: Church of Jesus Christ - Latter Day Saints

Food Pantry: Trinity Episcopal, Crossroads Baptist, Christ Church United Methodist, 1st Church of Christ, and The Woodlands United Methodist Church
Trinity Episcopal donated 618 pounds of food in February and March through their Wall of Compassion food drive.
Thank you to Church of Jesus Christ - Latter Day Saints for volunteering at Interfaith Hand Me Up Shop.
Our Lady of the Angels Chapel Groundbreaking
St. Anthony Groundbreaking
Nearly 100 people celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Our Lady of the Angels chapel in The Woodlands.
The community gathered for the ceremony outside St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church on Bay Branch Drive in The Woodlands following mass, to mark the beginning of the long-awaited construction project.
Dr. Hannon, Interfaith Chaplain, shared about George Mitchell's vision. In the “master plan of The Woodlands,” Hannon shared Mitchell had “a forethought, not an afterthought” for faith communities, which led to his prioritized creation of Interfaith in 1974. Today, there are 63 faith communities throughout The Woodlands, including St. Anthony’s.
Father Tom Rafferty, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua, said, “My big dream for this chapel is that anybody can come and find a place to pray, no matter what religion, no matter where they are at with their walk with God,” he continued. “This is going to be a sacred place.”
Food Pantry Needs
Interfaith Food Pantry
Each month, Interfaith's Food Pantry feeds more than 1,400 individuals. In addition to serving the families that visit Interfaith every day, Interfaith Food Pantry also serves homebound seniors.

Host a Food Drive for Interfaith
For more information, contact Interfaith at 281-367-1230.