Congratulations Sara!
It brings us great pleasure to award
Sara Abdulaziz
with the Caregiver of the Year Award!  
When we hire caregivers, we look first and foremost for heart , and Sara has that in spades! The compassion she treats her clients with mimics that of her own family. The natural love and respect that pours out of this woman is unparalleled. She exemplifies everything we look for in a Caregiver. 

Compassion seems to run in Sara’s family. Her father was a physician who selflessly cared for others any way he could until he got sick. At this time, Sara used her experience as a medical assistant to care for him as he did for others. She longed to share the caring nature that was both born and instilled in her with others, so chose to become a Caregiver .
Since joining the Cypress Care Team in October of 2015, Sara has assisted multiple clients. She is extremely dedicated to them and has been with one in particular since November of 2015. Her positive attitude and genuine compassion often motivates clients and their family members to request her specifically. It is also not uncommon for her to prepare beautiful home cooked Mediterranean meals for her clients. 

The overwhelming sense of joy and reward Sara feels by helping people and their families is evident in how she provides care to her clients and shines through in her attitude toward them.
Her personal experience with providing care for her Father, gives her the ability to empathize with her client’s families and comfort them when appropriate. For this reason, Sara has always been someone that the Cypress Scheduling Team can rely on as she is eager to help out in an emergency . Just recently, another caregiver couldn’t make it to their shift, so Sara stepped up and ended up working three extra hours (15 hours straight!) to ensure that the client got the care she required. This was not an isolated incident as she is always very willing to help out in any way she can. She always puts the clients first and her actions demonstrate this.
Sara came to Cypress with a background in culinary arts where she had catered events and worked as a chef. Since joining the Cypress Care Team, Sara has chosen to continue her education by completing our specialized memory care training. This allows her to more effectively assist our clients with dementia and to continue to grow her skills as a caregiver.
Sara was both humbled and surprised at her being selected for this award. She expressed her gratitude by saying that being a caregiver is rewarding for her because “when they feel comfortable and relaxed around me I feel at my best.”  Her patience when it comes to getting to know her clients and her interest in making them happy and comfortable makes her so deserving of this award.

Concluding thoughts on Sara: If she were having a bad day you would probably never know it because her positivity always shines through and we think that if you were having a bad day, Sara could probably make it better! 
No better recipient for this award – thank you Sara!