Weekly eBulletin - June 6th, 2021
The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Congratulations, class of 2021! This year has not been the easiest for our school community. The pandemic has made many changes and adjustments in the academic life of our students; mask-wearing, social-distancing, distance learning, and limited interaction with one another are just some of things that these students have had to endure. Given all that, our students have demonstrated their best effort to maintain a healthy and fruitful academic year.  Read more...

Please note the changes in Mass times - we hope you can join us!
Read on for updates about bricks & pavers available for purchase, ministries, volunteer opportunities, and events.

God Bless,
Fr. Ritche
Please note: the only Mass on Saturday will be at 5:00PM and we will no longer livestream this Mass.

Confession: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Mass: 5:00pm

Mass: 9:30am (livestreamed), 11:30am, & 6:00pm

Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of the month after 8:30 Mass, in-person and live-stream.

To download this weekend's worship aid, click here.
Second Collection
This weekend's second collection is for the Catholic Communications Campaign. The campaign connects people with Christ and builds Catholic communities using the internet, television, radio and print media. To donate, click here.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ   
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ commemorates the importance of the Holy Eucharist. It parallels Holy Thursday, which also commemorates our Lord’s institution of the Holy Eucharist. Read more...
Family Grace Group
“The pain is real, but so is Hope." Holy Spirit launches Grace Groups, starting with a support group for family members caring for a loved one suffering from mental illness. Find out more here...
Seasons of Hope
Grief consolation and support group via Zoom. Meeting starts June 21, Mondays at 7pm. Click here for the flyer.
Please RSVP to Leah Harris at 408-997-5110.
Corpus Christi - Lectio Divina
Prepare for this Sunday's Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) and the gift of the Holy Eucharist with this printable tool for Lectio Divina. Download here...
Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
Kudos to the 8th graders and Seniors for their wonderful accomplishments. Continued prayers to these young men and women as they transition from middle school to high school and from high school to college! So many great things will be in store for them!

Youth Ministry Summer Socials
While youth ministry is on a short break, please stay tuned for some fun socials during the summer months. These will range from virtual gatherings and in-person gatherings.
Diocesan Youth Retreat
The Diocese is currently planning for a DYR in July! This will be planned for both middle school and high school students. Stay tuned for more details!
Sacred Heart Community Service this Summer
Volunteers are needed to help sort and fill boxes with food items for weekly distribution. Measures are in place to keep volunteers safe. There are three Sacred Heart Saturdays available this summer: June 19th, July 17th & August 21st. To sign up as a volunteer and for an update on Holy Spirit's Saturdays at Sacred Heart outreach program, click here.
The Holy Spirit School Class of 2021 celebrated with grand style as they became the 20th class to graduate from our school. To date, almost 1,000 students have graduated from our amazing community. To learn more about Holy Spirit School, click here.
Bricks & Pavers
Good news, we have found an engraver! Purchase a brick or paver in the Courtyard area to honor the memory of a loved one, for your family, or to commemorate a special occasion. For a limited time, buy one and get one for half price!
Download the form here or pick one up at the check-in table this weekend. Questions? Please call Pat Grow at (408)997-0733.
Graduation Mass for Class of 2021
On June 12th, Bishop Cantú will celebrate a graduation Mass for High School and College Graduates at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph! Register here.
Save the Date! Jubilee Games for Vocations
The Diocese of San José is hosting the Jubilee Games for Vocations on July 17th at Archbishop Mitty High School in San José.
Nuns and postulates will compete in a soccer game for the St. Clare Cup, with high school girls filling out both teams.
Priests and Seminarians will compete in a second soccer game for the St. Joseph Cup, with high school boys filling both teams as well.
This outstanding community event of family entertainment will follow all the Covid-19 regulations. Visit and share our webpage where information will be added as it becomes available: https://www.dsj.org/jubileegames
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101