Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation
F�d�ration canadienne des coop�ratives de travail
October 2014 Special Newsletter
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CWCF-CoopZone Conference 2014 /  

Congr�s FCCT-CoopZone:

Exciting additions! Deadlines - soon!    

      ***Le fran�ais suit.*** 

Jos� Orbaiceta, President of CICOPA-Mercosur, from Argentina will be our keynote speaker.
Theme: Member Engagement & External Partnerships
Conference spaces are filling up fast! 
In addition, CWCF & CoopZone are pleased to announce some exciting additions to the Conference Program. 

1) A book launch by St. Mary's University Professor Sonja Novkovic and Tom Webb:  Co-operatives in a Post-Growth Era Creating Co-operative Economics.  Evening of Thursday, Nov 6th. Click here for more.

2) Screening of Capitalism, A Love Story by Michael Moore at the Acadia Cinema Co-op, followed by a discussion led by two people who are in the film: US FWC President Rebecca Kemble, and St. Mary's University Co-op Masters' program founder Tom Webb.  This is an optional, pre-conference event in the evening of Nov 5th.

3) Live Music on Friday night by Irish Session Players - from Paddy's Pub, Wolfville.  Followed by do-it-yourself Webaoke led by Colin MacDougall & songs, readings, poetry by participants.  If you have something to share, or play a portable instrument, please consider bringing it with you.

Please take note of the fast-approaching deadlines for the Conference!

--Rooms: Next Wednesday, October 22nd is the deadline to book a hotel room at the Conference venue, Old Orchard Inn 1-800-561-80901-800-561-8090. Tell them you're attending the CWCF Conference to get the special $99/night rate. Or, tell us if you need a billet with a local Conference attendee or are seeking a roommate.

--Conference Registration Deadline: October 27th at midnight.

To see the updated Program, click here. 

To register, click here



Congr�s de la FCCT-CoopZone 2014

La F�d�ration canadienne des coop�ratives de travail (FCCT) et CoopZone vous donnent rendez-vous en novembre 2014: du 6 au 8 novembre, � Wolfville (pr�s d'Halifax), en Nouvelle-�cosse.  

Pour vous inscrire au Congr�s et pr�senter une demande de subvention de voyage, inscrivez-vous ici .  


Nous ne pouvons pas offrir l'interpr�tation simultan�e, mais nous pouvons offrir un interpr�te personnel sur demande. 

AGM Resolutions
There are three resolutions, all from the CWCF Board, which are being presented at the AGM this year.  They are available to be downloaded by clicking this link; and summarized here:

1) Regional Federation dues: to implement a modest increase in the Regional Federation dues.

2) To approve the proposed new Strategic Plan; please note that members are invited to provide input and suggestions, now in writing (to Committee Chair Yuill Herbert, or Hazel Corcoran, or else in a special workshop at the Conference.

3) Indivisible reserves: To approve the resolution endorsing  education and tax credits for the indivisible reserve.

The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker co-operatives.  CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada. 

Please send any comments and suggestions to: 


Kaye Grant

Editor of CWCF Newsletter

(204) 257-1198


In This Issue
AGM Resolutions
Featured Article
Featured Article

"Of all the conferences I'm attending this fall, yours is the one I'm looking forward to the most!"


Rebecca Kemble, President, USFWC,

and Executive Committee member, CICOPA.

Quick Links
CWCF 2014 AGM resolutions
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Worker Co-op Merit Award
The winner of the Worker Co-op Merit Award is Kevin Thomson (posthumously).  Kevin was a second generation founder of La Siembra Co-op in Ottawa, and a fair trade and co-operative pioneer.  Following his untimely death in March 2014, the CWCF Board has chosen to recognize the legacy that he leaves.  Colin MacDougall, past CWCF Board Member and co-worker with Kevin at La Siembra will be accepting the award on behalf of Kevin's family.
Worker Co-op Best Practices Award

The winner of the Worker Co-op Best Practices Award is Careforce Homecare, for their Co-op Member Orientation Program.  Careforce will present at the Conference about this innovative program, which they offer to all prospective members.