Complimentary Seminar:
Strategic Leadership: Indicators of Success
The ability to rigorously document and transparently communicate the impact public schools are having on student outcomes is quickly emerging as a critical priority for school leaders. Share your vision of student success and tell the district's unique story via the complimentary Strategic Dashboard. Click here to request your Strategic Dashboard.
Measuring student success requires moving beyond standardized test scores toward a multi-dimensional and personalized set of indicators. P aint a portrait of a student against a backdrop of a student’s interests, motivations, goals and aspirations, and allow for student engagement and parent communication via the Personalized Learner Profile. 
This seminar will provide an overview of how you can create a clear and compelling vision for your unique district’s Strategic Dashboard and craft a broader, more inspiring definition of student success.  
Dr. Gina Siemieniec, President
Melina Wright, Senior Associate
WHEN : Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Registration and Coffee: 9:30am
Seminar: 10:00am – 12:00pm
WHERE : Clarion Inn, Merrillville
7850 Rhode Island St,
Merrillville, IN 46410