Ethics Edition

Highlighting Ethics News and Resources

This week’s topic: Outside Employment and Faculty Consulting

Do you have another job or side gig while working at UConn? Thinking about picking up some freelance work?

It is permissible under the State Code of Ethics to have outside employment as long as employees follow a few simple rules.

What You Need to Know

If you work for the state:

• You cannot take on another job that might influence your UConn duties or that would encourage the sharing of confidential information you gained from your UConn position. In other words, your UConn job must take precedence.

• Although you can use your expertise, you cannot use your UConn job to obtain outside employment.

• You cannot use your UConn address, email, phone number, title, status, or other resources in any way to promote, advertise or solicit personal business.

• If you are in a union, check your contract for additional rules about outside employment.

• If you're considering outside employment, it's a good idea to contact the Ethics Liaison for guidance.

Learn more about outside employment and other provisions in the State Code of Ethics.

View the Guide to the State Code of Ethics

Faculty Consulting

The University's By-Laws and state statute regulate faculty participation in outside consulting, private professional practice, teaching engagements, and other forms of outside employment.

Prior approval is required before beginning any consulting activity. All paid activities related to your professional expertise (including consulting, grant reviews, talks, and similar academic activities), and unpaid work with faculty affiliated companies fall within the faculty consulting policy.

Check out this Compliance Clip to learn more.

Visit the Faculty Consulting Website

Note: Clinical faculty may have more restrictions regarding outside employment and should seek additional guidance.

Additional Resources and Contacts

Faculty Consulting

Storrs and Regional: Dr. Sarah Croucher,

UConn Health: Dr. Carla Rash,

Office of University Compliance


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