Privacy Edition

Providing privacy reminders and resources.

This week’s topic: Privacy reminders for the end of the semester

As we approach the end of another successful semester, it's time for a quick privacy pit stop! With everything wrapping up, it's easy for privacy practices to slip our minds, but it's important that we stay vigilant.

Just like our champions on the court, let's strive to be privacy champions in safeguarding sensitive information.

Safeguarding Student Information

One of our top priorities is safeguarding student information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Some key takeaways:

  • Remember to handle sensitive information with care. Instead of emailing spreadsheets with student information, opt for a secure file-sharing system when sharing data with authorized parties. SharePoint is a great option.

  • If using SharePoint to share documents, be sure to create new files rather than editing and reusing existing files to ensure previous versions of the document are not accessed.

  • Be sure to double-check email recipients and their email addresses before hitting send.

  • When emailing a group of students, use the bcc line to prevent disclosure of individual student information to the entire group.

  • Do not share or discuss student information publicly or on social media.

Secure Handling of Personal Data

Whether it's student records, research data, or any other sensitive information, it's essential to handle personal data securely. Keep confidential files in password-protected folders and avoid leaving sensitive documents unattended. Securely dispose of any documents you no longer need.

In addition, do not share or discuss student information with other employees unless they need to know as part of their official duties with UConn.

FERPA Training for Everyone

UConn's self-paced online FERPA Training for Everyone provides Faculty and Staff with information on the University's FERPA policy, procedures, and best practices to assist in carrying out everyday responsibilities. It is recommended that faculty and staff complete FERPA Training at least annually.

To access FERPA Training:

  1. Log in to HuskyCT
  2. On the Institutional Homepage, scroll down to "Self-Enroll Courses and Organizations for Faculty and Staff"
  3. Select "FERPA Training for Everyone"
  4. Select and complete the "Pre-Training Questionnaire"
  5. Select "FERPA Training" on the left side navigation menu after submitting the Pre-Training Questionnaire
  6. Select "UConn FERPA Training for Everyone" to begin the course

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