DDG Companion News | June 19, 2018

entry visa
US$10 Entry Visa charge now part of airfare

Significant Change in the US$10 Entry Visa Payment

There has been a significant change in visa requirements for US citizens traveling to the Dominican Republic. The US$10 fee required for a 30-day entrance visa is now being applied to the cost of airfare and is no longer being collected during the immigration and customs process at Dominican Republic airports. The US$10 charge is not being dropped, but is paid in advance as part of the airline ticketing process. This should speed up the overall arrival process for arriving mission teams and other visitors from the United States. 

Email Address Changes

The Episcopal churches in the Dominican Republic.

The Central Office of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic has announced the following changes in email addresses for general information, key personnel and archdeaneries:

info@iglepidom.org - General information requests, to replace <iglepidom@codetel.net.do>

mquezada@iglepidom.org - The Rt. Rev. Moisés Quezada Mota, Diocesan Bishop

jmarquez@iglepidom.org - The Rev. Canon Juan I. Márquez, Canon to the Ordinary

psantana@iglepidom.org - Mr. Pedro Santana, Finance Administrator

pmartin@iglepidom.org - Ms. Patricia Martin, Diocesan Assistant

acentro@iglepidom.org - Arcediano Centro (Central Archdeanery)

anorte@iglepidom.org - Arcediano Norte (Northern Archdeanery)

aeste@iglepidom.org - Arcediano Este (Eastern Archdeanery)

asur@iglepidom.org - Arcediano Sur (Southern Archdeanery)

These changes are effective now. Please make the corresponding changes in your email contact lists.

A Report on Education Workshops in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic

Workshop presentation
Padre Salvador Almonte, Rector of Colegio Jesus Nazareno, raises a question during a workshop presentation about infusing mathematics teaching with critical thinking. Click this image to access Tom McGowan's lively blog on this program.

Dr. Tom McGowan, the educational missionary from the Diocese of Nebraska, has written an informal report on the most recent series of educational workshops and other activities conducted during his most recent time in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic. An excerpt from this report is below, and his complete report is included on pages 14-15 of the June 2018 issue of Compañeros Dominicanos (see next article). 

Workshops: Four day-long workshops were delivered at four locations, representing the four regions of the Diocesan educational system: Colegio San José (Boca Chica, the Central Region); Colegio Todos los Santos (La Romana, East); Colegio San Matías (Santana Baní,West) and Colegio Jesús Nazareno (San Francisco de Macorís, North).  We offered a comprehensive program (e.g., the status of Diocesan Education, Citizenship through the Humanities, Mathematics, Educational Technology, English as a Second Language, and Managing Change) to about 180 participants. Every indicator (from mean scores on workshop evaluations to smiles on participants' faces) suggests that the presentations were very well received. 

School Visits: In the week following the workshops, Melvina Dinsey, Charlie Nakash and I visited 7 colegios in 5 communities in 3 days (Colegios San Esteban and Buen Pastor; Colegios La Rendención and Jesús Peregrino; Colegios Milagros Holguín Hernandez, San Gabriel and Santiago Apóstol). Inevitably, school administrators showed us hospitality, respect and a willingness to listen.

June 2018 Compañeros Dominicanos Available Online

June 2018 Compa_eros Dominicanos
Click this image to access this June 2018 issue.
Contents of this bilingual 24-page issue include a Save-The-Dates announcement about the next annual meeting of the Global Episcopal Mission Network (Santo Domingo, April 3-5, 2019); articles about the DDG's Spring 2018 exploration trip, a teenager-missioner's reason for returning to the Dominican Republic, daily blog entries by a missioner working on church construction for the Monte de Sión congregation; the BeachCorps/DDG partnership; a report on the most recent set of workshops for teachers in the DR Episcopal schools; and the text of a report on diocesan financial self-sustainability that Missionary Bob Stevens was invited to deliver to representatives of the Diocese of El Salvador based on his experiences in development work in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic; and a "picture page" with the group photographs of all of the mission teams and other visitors in April and May, 2018. 

Links to online copies of recent issues of the DDG Companion News:
For earlier issues archived on the DDG website, click here.

Contact the DDG:
Office: (813) 400-2722 | Fax: (813) 983-5082
Executive Director: Bill Kunkle | bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
PO Box 272261 | Tampa Florida 33688-2261

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