Dear Neighbor,


Thank you for joining us for another week in review. Spring has sprung! We hope you are all enjoying these warmer days as much as we are and taking time for self-care and rejuvenation.

First, we'd like to thank everyone who applied to our Community Boards! We are happy to see an increase in community engagement and excited to work with you to build a better Bronx.

Last week, we were happy to join with residents for our third and final Together for Kingsbridge Workshop at Lehman College. We saw more than 500 people come out! Thank you to Council Member Pierina Sanchez, Co-Chair Sandra Lobo from the Northwest Bronx Community Clergy Coalition, NYC EDC's Fernando Baez and all of our community partners your collaboration and leadership.

Throughout this journey, we’ve engaged over 1500 residents in the visioning process of redevelopment for the Kingsbridge Armory. Our community continues to show up in record-breaking numbers and we will continue to ensure that this process is community led. We need your input! If you haven’t had a chance to join our public workshops, please complete the community engagement survey here.

Lastly, don't forget to nominate a Bronx educator to be recognized by the People's Choice Award during Bronx Week! Our application is live on

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 718-590-3500 or email us at


In partnership,

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson


Thank you to everyone who joined our Women’s History Month Event last week!

We were proud to join with our residents to honor exceptional women serving our beloved Borough and City.

Thank you to our host, Fem Hundra Hall, the youth from PS 153 for their performance and to our Mistress of Ceremonies Rhina Valentin for bringing the energy to our celebration.

Congratulations to our incredible honorees:

✨Christina Farrell, First Deputy Commissioner of NY Emergency Management

✨Pamela Damon, Executive Director of Not on my Watch, Inc.

✨Dr. Denise Núñez, Pediatrician & Critical Care Physician

✨Nitisha Moore of the American Cancer Society

✨Karen Johnson, Vice-President of Human Resources at St. Barnabas Hospital

✨Our Youth Honoree, Elise Otoo, a High School Senior at Mott Hall V.

You all represent the best our Borough and City has to offer!

Happy Women's History Month!

This Women’s History Month, I have had the honor of joining with many incredible women. Last week, I met a strong and dynamic woman. One who is working hard to bring about change.

I was proud to meet the Minister of Women, Family, and Children of Ivory Coast, Madame Nasseneba Touré Diane. We discussed our shared hopes for the Ivorians in our Borough and back home; and ways to lift the African diaspora in the Bronx.

We are better together!

Thank you to the staff and students at Hero High School for sharing your morning with me.

We were proud to see so many students engaged and excited to learn about Community Boards and other ways to be civically engaged in their communities.

Community Events & Opportunities