Dear Neighbor,


Thank you for joining us for another week in review!


Today is election day! Don't forget to cast your ballot and make your voice heard. The polls are open until 9PM. Today, the Bronx is voting for Councilmembers, members of the judiciary and for District Attorney. For information on who is on the ballot and where you can vote, click here.


Also, we hope you will volunteer with us for the Bronx Summer Clean Up Series 2023. Volunteers get free tickets to a Yankees game as a thank-you for their hard work! Cleaner streets and community engagement are important to us, and we’re proud to support this important annual cleanup series alongside partners. For information on how to get involved, click here.


Lastly, be sure to join us for an evening of celebration and community this Thursday, June 29th during The Bronx Fireworks Extravaganza at Orchard Beach from 5PM-9PM.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 718-590-3500 or email us at


In partnership,

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson

On Thursday, June 22nd the Office of the Bronx Borough President issued this statement in opposition to the Rent Guidelines Board's final vote.



Thank you everyone who joined us for our Caribbean Heritage Celebration! It is always a good time when we come together.

Congratulations to our honorees who represent the Bronx so well in their industries! You make us so proud.

Thank you to our incredible host Code Red for having us and for being our home away from home; and thank you to our sponsors Fidelis Care and Ponce Bank for making this celebration possible.

Pride 2023 was one for the books!

Our LGBTQIA+ community has contributed so much to our beloved borough and city and we will always fight for your right to love and live freely!

Happy Pride!

Congratulations to the Green Bronx Machine and Con Edison on the reopening of the Claremont Village Community Garden at Community School 55. This garden will revitalize the Claremont community.

This beautiful garden will provide fresh food, STEM learning, and sustainability and career/technical education opportunities as well as a safe, healthy, open, and inviting space for our residents.

Thank you the Green Bronx Machine and Con Edison for your commitment to our Claremont community and youth!