Welcome to Washington County’s Office of Community Development newsletter! 

A Message from the Manager

The Office of Community Development is a small AND mighty team that administers federal and local funding, as well as directly providing housing rehabilitation and a pollution-reducing Wood Stove Exchange program – all for the benefit of low- and moderate-income households throughout Washington County. We are kicking off this newsletter as a part of our community engagement effort in developing our 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. Much of the funding we administer is from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This five-year Consolidated Plan is a requirement for that funding, but more importantly, it is an opportunity to connect with diverse communities and set priorities for how the federal funds we receive can be best invested in Washington County. 

Photo taken of staff from the Office of Community Development at April's Declaration of Fair Housing Month and Community Development Month. Pictured left to right: Madeline Bonkoske (Housing & Community Development Specialist), Zachary Wimer (Housing & Community Development Specialist), Brian Fogg (Housing Rehabilitation Specialist), Shannon Wilson (Program Manager), Brian Johnson (Senior Management Analyst), Eva Pauley (Housing & Community Development Specialist), Lauren Calo (Housing & Community Development Specialist), Kelvin Valdovinos (Housing & Community Development Specialist). Not pictured: Sarah Branson (Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator), Shaena Johnson (Housing Rehabilitation Specialist).

2024 also marks the 50th anniversary of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The Community Development Block Grant, established by Congress as part of the Housing and Community Development Act on August 22, 1974, is one of the key funding sources we administer. The grant supports public services, infrastructure and facilities projects. Washington County began administering the CDBG program locally in 1979. Since the program began, over $112 million has been invested in Washington County through supporting:

  • Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of senior centers in Sherwood, Forest Grove, Tigard, Tualatin, and North Plains.
  • Acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of community centers, shelters, fire stations, and libraries in Beaverton, Hillsboro, Cornelius, Gaston, and Tigard.
  • Critical home repairs for over 1,200 low-income, elderly, and disabled households.
  • Water system infrastructure projects in Timber, Banks, Cornelius and unincorporated Washington County.
  • Sidewalk, park development, and other infrastructure improvements in Beaverton, Tualatin, Cornelius, and Hillsboro.
  • Public services for low-income households and people experiencing homelessness.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter's first edition. In the months ahead, we'll share our progress on the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, celebration activities for the 50th anniversary of CDBG, as well as updates on projects and programs supported by the funding we administer.

Best Regards,

Shannon Wilson, Program Manager 

Community Development Block Grant Celebrates 50 years

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides necessary funding to communities across the country to address infrastructure, economic development, housing, disaster recovery, and other community needs. CDBG was established in 1974 for the purpose of developing viable communities nationwide. In April, we celebrated National Community Development Month, recognizing the CDBG program and its investments in the community over the last 50 years.  

In celebration of this occasion, we are taking a walk down memory lane by highlighting different projects and activities made possible by the CDBG program in Washington County.

Housing Rehabilitation Projects

The Office of Community Development administers a housing rehabilitation program for Washington County and the City of Hillsboro. This program is designed to preserve existing housing and enhance the quality of the neighborhoods by providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing for extremely low, very low- and low-income homeowners. The City of Beaverton also funds a partner agency to carry out a housing rehabilitation program with CDBG funds. 







Downpayment Assistance Program

The cities of Beaverton, Hillsboro, and Tigard partner with Proud Ground to carry out a homeownership program. One program participant in the City of Tigard shared her experience. “My monthly rent was more than my current payments, and it was still going up even higher. Homeownership provided stability, especially for my three children. We don’t have to continue moving to different rentals and switching schools. I no longer have to choose between having enough money to pay rent and bills but having a longer commute to work, or living close to work and paying higher rent. I can now spend more time with my children and less time driving. Just that overall wonderful feeling that stability and long-term commitment bring.”

Project Homeless Connect 

Project Homeless Connect’s Access Center receives essential funding from Washington County’s CDBG funds, which are crucial for its continued operation and expansion. The center significantly impacts the community, serving as a vital resource for those experiencing homelessness, housing instability, or transitions to new housing. Not only does it provide life-sustaining resources like three nutritious meals daily, it's also a place for community building and resource access.

Casa for Children

CASA for Children strives to improve outcomes for children in foster care by recruiting, training, and supporting community volunteers (known as Court Appointed Special Advocates) to advocate for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse and neglect in court. CASAs are appointed to a case by a judge and help ensure that a child's needs and best interests are being addressed so a judge is able to understand the true facts of a child's condition in an over-burdened child welfare system.

Boys and Girls Aid Safe Place Shelter

Safe Place is a 30-day emergency shelter program that houses youth ages 12 through 20 and provides essential services to help them find stability and permanent homes. Since 2007, Safe Place has been providing basic necessities like meals and snacks, clothing, showers, hygiene supplies, and laundry facilities, and a safe living environment. It’s a comfortable living space with dorm-style bedrooms, recreation areas, computers, books, and art supplies.  

Open Door Shower Trailers

In 2021, Washington County received additional CDBG funding under the CARES Act (CDBG-CV) to prevent the spread of COVID-19. With this funding, Open Door Housing Works was able to purchase two 2-stall ADA accessible mobile shower trailer units. These shower trailers have been in use across Washington County since 2022 and have provided hundreds of showers for the unhoused community. 

Grand Opening of the Mini-Roundabout in Cornelius

In partnership with the City of Cornelius, Washington County's CDBG helped fund the Mini-Roundabout project on North 19th Street and North Davis Street, which was completed on June 11, 2024! The infrastructure project improves safety for traffic, pedestrians with disabilities, and walkability for all throughout the neighborhood when exiting and entering the intersection.

2025-2029 Consolidated Plan

Our office is currently conducting a Consolidated Planning process in partnership with the cities of Beaverton and Hillsboro. During our Consolidated Planning process we will be providing regular updates to help community members and stakeholders stay engaged in the work that we are doing. The major elements of this plan are community engagement, housing needs analysis, housing market analysis, and a strategic plan.

In April and May we conducted a community survey that received over 1,800 responses. In the past few months we have also been conducting consultations with various community and government partners where we are receiving valuable feedback. Draft analysis is underway, and we will be sharing more upcoming opportunities for involvement and feedback soon. See below for the plan development timeline.

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