January 2022
Refocus, Reset, and Renew in 2022!
It's officially 2022, and the new year is an opportunity to take time to reset and assess yourself and your environment. Now is the time to take a moment and breathe. Focus on your mind and body. As we look back on the previous year and focus on our goals for 2022, consider some of the ways you can improve your mental health:  

  • Check out our blog—If you like so many others, have made some New Year’s resolutions to kickstart change, read our blog for tips on approaching them with a healthy mindset to help you achieve your goals and maintain good mental health throughout the process. 
  • Block out time for yourselfDownload our Winter Wellness Planner filled with ideas for how you can spend your days this winter as you take time to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. 
  • Write down new goals - studies have shown that people who write down their goals are statistically more likely to achieve them. If you want to make wellness a focus in 2022, put pen to paper and make a note. 
  • Take a mental health class – Learn more about mental health and sign up for one of our upcoming classes, trainings or webinars.  
  • Have an impact and support mental health - Follow along with our new campaign, "Voices of Hope" where we'll highlight client, staff, and community stories of strength and resiliency around mental health throughout the year. Then, get active and help support Jefferson Center in February by joining our Virtual Challenge, “On The Move For Mental Health”.
Shake off the Winter Blues and Get Moving To Support Mental Health!  
On the Move for Mental Health is a virtual activity challenge that promises a month of motivation, self-care, and wellness – with a little friendly competition and fun sprinkled in!

From February 1 – 28, we invite you to get up and get moving, and help support mental health and wellness services provided by Jefferson Center. All ages and abilities are welcome!

Throughout the month of February, you can raise funds to benefit Jefferson Center while tracking and posting your accomplishments in running, walking, biking, hiking, swimming, yoga, meditation, or any wellness activity you choose. You may sign up as an individual or gather your friends, family or co-workers and form a team of up to four people.

There are two registration options:

$25 Champion Level – Your registration includes an official challenge t-shirt and a swag bag filled with goodies! You’ll be able to pick up your swag bag at a special celebration at the end of the challenge. Champion level registration ends Friday, January 21.

$15 Challenger Level – If a no-frills approach is more your style, this registration is for the challenge only, without the t-shirt and swag bag. Challenge level registration ends Friday, February 25.

Once you have registered, you will have the option to raise additional funds, and we’ll provide you all the information you need to set up your fundraiser and share it with your friends and family. The top three fundraising individuals and teams will be awarded gift cards to their choice of REI, Whole Foods, or Amazon. 
Voices Of Hope: Jesse's Story
Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. Voices of Hope is Jefferson Center's new campaign highlighting the stories of resilience and strength of individuals as they overcome barriers, create a new future and their journey of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders.

Jesse* is a grandmother from the state of Colorado. Fortunate enough to work with her adult children, she spends most of her time enjoying her grandchildren’s company and makes a living surrounded by family. Jesse is an Aquarius who enjoys being outside, meeting new people from different cultures, and listening to her favorite bands like Godsmack, Snow Patrol, and Die Antwoord.  

Jesse is a proud client of Jefferson Center and describes her present life as a positive shift from the past, but things weren’t always this way for her. Like many others, Jesse suffered a series of unfortunate events that led her down a path of anxiety and depression. Having experienced domestic abuse, the death of her child, and generational trauma, Jesse knew she needed to seek help, and that is when she contacted Jefferson Center. “I wasn’t functioning. Something was wrong with me. I called Jefferson Center to get an appointment and they changed my life.”  

After seeking help from Jefferson Center and working with two clinicians, Jesse feels her life has changed for the better.

“If I hadn’t gone through the process, I wouldn’t be able to deal with the death of my son. Listen to your clinician and work with them. Go with the process and click with your clinician. Don’t fight it. Do the work. It’s so important and life changing.”

Today, Jesse can live life with less anxiety and managed depression. She enjoys her grandchildren in ways she couldn’t before, and her experience at Jefferson Center has even inspired her to help others and want to start a non-profit. 
“I want to tell my story to help other people. The staff at Jefferson Center is amazing, and they helped me. I spoke to my friend, and she noticed it too, that the edginess is gone. It changed my life.” 

*Names have been changed.  
The 2022 Art of Hope Calendar is Now Available!

For many, art is a form of creative expression. For others, art fosters strength and resiliency in the face of life’s toughest challenges.  
In our 16th annual Art of Hope calendar, Jefferson Center is proud to showcase the creative talents of those who walk through our doors every day. These individuals use their artistic gifts to tell their stories of recovery, resilience, and strength – their passion, creativity and hope shine through.  

Add some colorful artwork to your wall this year and request a copy of the 2022 Art of Hope calendar. To receive our calendar please fill out our form here.
Jefferson County Public Library Brings Meditation and Wellness Resources to Patrons
We are pleased to offer call-in morning meditation sessions each Thursday in partnership with the Jefferson County Public Library. Call in from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere you’d like, to reduce stress, quiet the mind, and set intentions.
The 30-minute class is open to everyone and can be accessed by calling (303) 502-5189 every Thursday at 10 a.m.

In addition to the weekly meditations, the library recently hosted a series of talks titled "Small Bytes". During the events, attendees learned about ways to slowly implement positive change into their daily lives.

Creating a world where mental health matters and is accessible to all wouldn't be possible without our wonderful partners! Thank you to the Jefferson County Public Library for your collaboration in bringing wellness and mental health programming directly to the community!
Upcoming Events and Classes
Cafecito y Charla
Centro Dones está ofreciendo presentaciones mensuales en español enfocadas en temas diferentes de Salud Mental que impactan a la comunidad Latina. Cada reunión proporcionará información educativa y oportunidad para participar en conversaciones comunitarias sobre los temas. No es necesario registrarse. Simplemente haz clic en el enlace para unirse a la presentación.

Centro Dones is offering monthly Spanish language presentations focused on different mental health topics that impact the Latino community. Each meeting will provide educational information as well as an opportunity to engage in community conversations about the topics. You don’t need to register for the presentation. Simply click this link to join.
27 de enero, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Estableciendo Metas Alcanzables
El principio del año nos lleva a reflejar sobre nuestros logros y ver hacia los que todavía quisiéramos alcanzar. Este taller te ayudará a establecer metas y objetivos claros, alcanzables y definidos.

January 27, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Creating SMART Goals
The beginning of the year leads us to reflect on our achievements and look forward to those that we still want to achieve. This workshop will help you establish clear, achievable and defined goals and objectives.
Helping Teens Thrive…Together
Saturday, March 12

Helping Teens Thrive...Together is a FREE virtual event for teens and their trusted adult(s) to connect and learn together. During this event, you’ll participate in engaging sessions and activities focused on enhancing communication between teens and their trusted adults, building skills to address all of life's challenges, and promoting connectedness to prevent suicide.

You’ll have the opportunity to choose from 8 insightful sessions led by behavioral and public health experts, each designed for teens and their trusted adults to participate together. Exclusive videos from presenters will also be available to all registrants after the event.

Mental Health First Aid

Do you want to find ways to better identify when someone is struggling and how to get help?
Become certified in Mental Health First Aid and learn skills, resources, and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate professional, peer, social, and self-help care!

Suicide Prevention Training

Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) – 3 simple steps that anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. There are upcoming English and Spanish classes available.

Tell Me Something Good
Fun and uplifting stories to brighten your day