It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of one of our long-standing judges, Lucy Chang. Lucy Chang, who dedicated 20 years to judging provincially and nationally with CiB, has left an indelible mark on our hearts. Her wisdom and warmth enriched our community, and her absence will be deeply felt.

Lucy, a professional librarian (MLIS, U of Alberta), was head of the Alberta Environmental Protection Library (subject specialities: environmental degradation, climate change, forestry, fish and wildlife, parks and green spaces) for many years.

In 2004, Lucy was recruited into the Communities in Bloom (CiB) program while pursuing her Master Gardener certification upon early retirement from a full time career. Since then, she has judged for CiB at the provincial and National level.

Other related pursuits: President of the Edmonton Horticultural Society (EHS); Chair of the EHS City Gardeners; presentations of gardening workshops and seminars to various societies and related groups.

2004 - 2014: Led garden/botanical tours to various parts of the world and in between travels, wrote about plants and gardens and presented flora travelogues upon request.

August 2014: Retired to Ottawa, but not retired from gardening and other green activities such as keeping abreast of climate change and its effect, not just on gardening practices but on the plant world as a whole.

Over the last few years of pandemic restrictions, green activities have focused on expanding the family edible garden and participating in virtual horticultural/gardening seminars.

As we grieve her loss, let's also celebrate the cherished memories and friendships she shared. Our thoughts are with her family as we offer our heartfelt condolences.

See you soon at the

2023 Communities in Bloom Symposium and Awards

on September 27th to October 1st in

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo, Alberta

The 2023 CiB Virtual Auction is NOW OPEN and concludes on October 1st!

The CiB Virtual Auction is a special fundraiser that serves a two-fold purpose: the opportunity to showcase places and spaces in your community and a chance to support the Communities in Bloom program.

We recognize the value of engaging youth in our programs, and this is one way to do so that is meaningful and lasting. All proceeds will go to CiB, which supports: student bursaries in post-secondary education programs, youth initiatives, green initiatives, workshops, seminars, articles and other educational content on the value of green spaces in society. 

We are asking for YOUR support to help ensure that this fundraiser is a memorable one!

We’re thrilled you are part of the CiB family and are looking forward to seeing some of you in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo for the 2023 CiB Symposium!


We are thrilled to announce AIPH (International Association of Horticultural Producers) as our new CiB partner. Together, we aim to pursue our joint vision to celebrate greening at the neighbourhood and city scales and encourage neighbourhoods and cities to take bold action to grow great places together with local communities. AIPH's Green City Initiative aligns perfectly with our mission, and through this partnership, we aim to foster cross-promotion and support for each other's urban greening and neighborhood improvement projects. Our joint mission is to enhance both the AIPH World Green City Awards and the Communities in Bloom evaluation programs through collaborative efforts and promotional activities. By promoting the exchange of winners between our respective programs, we intend to highlight inspiring case studies, exemplary practices, and heartwarming stories from local communities that showcase the profound impact of urban greening. Together, we embark on a journey to celebrate and empower communities as they transform and enhance their urban environments.


Pugwash Winner of 2023 Lieutenant Governor’s

Community Spirit Award

(Pugwash, NS) On Sunday September 10th, His Honour Arthur J. LeBlanc, was in Pugwash to present the village with the 2023 Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award.

This province-wide award celebrates the power, strength and diversity of vibrant communities across Nova Scotia. Pugwash was one of four communities chosen to receive this honour in 2023.

"This award recognizes and shows appreciation to the over 50 volunteer organizations and more than 500 volunteers who work hard to make this a resilient community. We are a small fishing community with a big heart, “can do” attitude, and the vision, creative spirit and determination to get things done!" says Maureen Leahey, Chair of Pugwash Communities in Bloom.

The event was emceed by Greg Nix, Cumberland Trails Association. Guest speakers included Sue Duncan, Pugwash Village Commission; Murray Scott, Mayor of the Municipality of Cumberland County; Elizabeth Smith McCrossin, MLA Cumberland North; MLA Colchester North Tom Taggart representing the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism & Heritage; and His Honour the Lieutenant Governor. A commemorative poem by Richard Dittami, Just Like Magic, was read to celebrate the occasion.

“I am delighted to recognize Pugwash with the Community Spirit Award. It is a town that has gone above and beyond to ensure residents are connected and have a place to belong,” said Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc. “The demonstrated commitment to positive change and collective growth is inspirational, and I was happy to meet community members during the award ceremony.”

"Pugwash has a rich heritage of building connections within the community and creating a warm and supportive environment for all its residents. I’m pleased to recognize the exceptional efforts of the people of Pugwash and celebrate their commitment to making Nova Scotia a place to thrive." – MLA Colchester North, Tom Taggart, on behalf of the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism & Heritage.


For more information please contact:

Norene Smiley,, 902-297-8475

Calling all growers, landscapers, retailers, master gardeners, farmers, fruit and vegetable growers, government agencies, environmental organizations, Indigenous partners, organizations, and groups, among others to join us at the first national Horticulture and Invasive Species Conference in Canada.

This event aims to connect industry, environmental organizations, Indigenous communities, and government to share key information and inform national and regional approaches to address invasive species impacting horticulture (ornamental and fruits and vegetables) to protect Canada’s habitats and communities in the face of a changing climate. This event will:

  • Bring together partners from all parts of the horticulture industry that can play a part in preventing horticulture pathways of spread.
  • Provide an opportunity to educate, increase awareness, share knowledge.
  • Identify how we could make use of the current system, create clarity around roles in the system of horticulture

Do you have a great volunteer you'd like us to celebrate?
Send the information to and we'll feature them in an upcoming e-News, or on Social Media!
If you have any questions, please contact: 
Sonia Parrino
Program Specialist
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Communities in Bloom is made possible by the generous support of our
sponsors and partners. We wish to thank them for their contribution
to the quality of life and civic pride in Canadian communities. 
Major Sponsor
Founding Sponsor
National Sponsors
2023 CiB Sponsors (all)
You are receiving this email from Communities in Bloom, a national non-profit organization with charity status. For comments or questions, please contact us at