Re-watch the 2020
National "Virtual" Symposium & Awards!
Celebrating Healthy Communities
in Full Bloom
In October, the 26th Edition of the Communities in Bloom
National Symposium & Awards took place, virtually. 
Re-watch the events on our YouTube page
with the exclusive link below.
Thank you for your involvement!
Green Cities Foundation
Hamilton tree donation

On behalf of the Communities in Bloom Board of Directors and Staff, we would like to thank this years Symposium and summer webinar series speakers for their participation in our 2020 Virtual Special Edition this year. To show our appreciation, funds have been donated in our speakers' names towards a tree to be planted in Spring 2021 at the first #GreenMyCity project of the Green Cities Foundation, in Hamilton, Ontario. 

For more information on the Green Cities Foundation and their first #GreenMyCity project visit their website or check out a video from their tree planting ceremony in August!
Passing of
Margaret Stinson

It is with great sadness that Communities in Bloom shares the passing of Margaret Stinson, a long-time exceptional volunteer and wonderful ambassador for the Horticultural Sector. Margaret always provided such positive and meaningful contributions to CiB, along with her late Husband Ivan. Margaret and Ivan started their involvement in 1996 on a local CiB Committee in East Hants, NS and then went on to be involved on National CiB committees including Marketing, Winterlights, Awards and a National and International judge from 1997 to 2009. Margaret started the CiB Merchandise program in 1997 along with Ivan. Margaret will be remembered as a dedicated volunteer of CiB, as well as having been a force in the horticultural community across Canada. Our sympathies go out to her family.

Margaret’s obituary, and information about donations can be found here:
Société d'Horticulture et d'Écologie de Roberval,
in Roberval Québec is the winner of the
Scotts Gro for good Video Contest

Scotts Canada Limited launched the second edition of the Gro for good program in January 2020. The program aims to keep the spirit of community and connection to nature alive in Canada by providing grants to deserving communities, schools and non-profit organizations seeking to develop sustainable gardens and green spaces.

Congratulations to Société d'Horticulture et d'Écologie de Roberval, in Roberval Québec who garnered the most votes in the social media contest to win an additional $2,500 grant.

Scotts Canada is pleased to be offering this exciting grant opportunity to Canadian communities in partnership with Communities in BloomPlant · Grow · Share a Row and Nutrients for Life.
Visit our YouTube Page to check out all the videos (click below)

Time to plant tulip bulbs!
This cool, crisp weather is a sign that it’s time to plant tulip bulbs in the Capital before the ground freezes! As the official gardener of the National Capital Region, the National Capital Commission (NCC) landscape architects have already designed beds with many varieties, colours and sizes for 2021.
Over 100 flower beds are currently being prepared, across the capital region, at 30 different sites, such as Parliament Hill, Commissioners Park, Major’s Hill Park and Jacques-Cartier Park, as well as along Confederation Boulevard, the historic Rideau Canal and the Capital’s scenic pathways. 

Grazie Mille a Cervia!
Città Giardino – Maggio in Fiore

The Comune di Cervia was, in 2015, the first community to be officially nominated by Comuni Fioriti to represent Italy in the Communities in Bloom International Challenge. Cervia won its category and was awarded 5 Blooms Silver.

Cervia is well known in Europe for the annual Cervia Città Giardino (Cervia Garden City), a widespread exhibition of gardens and horticultural display in public areas throughout the municipality.

The event, which held, in “COVID-19” mode, its 48th edition in 2020, involves each year more than 60 participants among institutions, schools and various organizations along with mostly European cities to offer the best and most stunning artworks that can be created with plants and flowers.

Since 2016, Asproflor has coordinated the creation of a “Communities in Bloom Garden” to recognize their involvement in the International Challenge. Mauro Paradisi, Construction Engineer from Turin, a Judge for Comuni Fioriti and International Judge for Communities in Bloom has designed and constructed the gardens....
During the pandemic, it’s more important than ever that we stay connected when we can’t be together. The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association has launched a new online space called the Bench where park and recreation practitioners from across Canada can gather virtually. The Bench provides an open forum for discussion, the exchange of ideas, and information on professional development and funding opportunities.
The Bench also houses resources and documents, including hubs for The Framework for Recreation in Canada and Parks for All. Once you’re a member of the Bench, you can join active discussion groups based on your interests and have new information sent directly to your email.
Find out how the Bench can support your community
by watching this short video.
Fall Behind, Spring Forward
By Jeff Gibson Ball Seed Landscape Business Manager
No, the title of this article doesn’t have to do with changing your clocks back. I'm talking about having our scheduled Fall landscape plantings behind us, and taking the time now to think about your Spring and Summer plantings for 2021.
But you may be thinking, "My clients can't even think about that right now. They are still months away from making up their minds for Spring, let alone Summer color!
Canadian Landscape Standard
Second Edition
Completely revised and enhanced, the CLS is an indispensable tool to the success of any landscape project that is designed, built and maintained to this nationally recognized standard.

The CLS is a national guideline which establishes the standard of landscape work in every province across the country.

Most importantly, the CLS supports sustainable design, green infrastructure and climate adaptation.
Gardening in the classroom!
In light of Covid-19, the Nutrient for Life Foundation is still reaching out to students in the classroom. In early October, Regional Manager Kent Lewarne was invited into Crystal City Early Years School, Manitoba. Kent worked with Mrs. Leadbeater to ensure all of the activities followed their Covid-19 school protocols to keep everyone safe.

Over the hour and a half presentation, Kent had the students busy learning about soil and what plants need to grow. To ensure the students have success with growing, they used one of the Foundations light gardens...
Do you have a great volunteer you'd like us to celebrate?
Send the information to and we'll feature them in an upcoming e-News, or on Social Media!
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and be part of the discussion!
Join our Facebook Group for discussions, sharing ideas and more!
If you have any questions, please contact: 
Sonia Parrino
Program Coordinator
Communities in Bloom is made possible by the generous support of our
sponsors and partners. We wish to thank them for their contribution
to the quality of life and civic pride in Canadian communities. 
Major Sponsor
Founding Sponsor
National Sponsors
You are receiving this email from the Communities in Bloom Foundation, a national non-profit organization with charity status. For comments or questions, please contact us at