Invitations for the 2021 National/International "Virtual" Edition of Communities in Bloom have been sent out, if your community hasn't received their invitation please contact the CiB National Program Coordinator:

CiB is Challenging and Inviting your Community
 to act early and REGISTER for this exciting Virtual Edition!

The key highlights of the program include :

  • "Planting Yellow - for renewed Hope" - join the Hope is Growing initiative
  • Sustain your current Bloom rating and receive additional information on how to improve your score for judging in 2022
  • Webinars providing information on the "how to's" of a local CiB program
MAY 6th 2021: Community Support 
(How to engage council, businesses, clubs to participate in the CiB program) 
JUNE 3rd 2021: Community Profile Documents   
(How to showcase your Community to the judges & prepare the CiB Profile Document)
JULY 8th 2021: Preparing for the Judges and the Judges Tour 
(How to prepare for the judges visit and tour) 
AUGUST 5th 2021: Outstanding Achievement Awards & Contests
(How to prepare a submission: overview and ideas) 

  • One on one zoom consultation with judges – 2 sessions of 1 hour each
  • Sharing CiB community 2020 experiences
  • 50 Complimentary tulip bulbs offered by De Vroomen Bulb Canada inc.
  • Special Contests & Awards for registered communities only including a NEW Hope is Growing contest!
  • Showcase your community on our CiB social media platforms, website, e-newsletter...
  • Access to all Symposium and Awards sessions in Sept-Oct 2021

This program is one of the highest impact and most economical investments
that your municipality could make, don't wait...register today!!!

Cost : $445.00 CAD
The deadline to register is April 30th 2021
The registration form can be completed directly on-line, click below

CiB programs offered by provincial partners are also adapting their programs based on the current COVID-19 situation in their province. For specific information on each provincial program, please contact the Provincial Coordinator.

Register and join us this year, we are all in this together, let's be patient...#HopeisGrowing!

On March 4th 2021, CiB hosted a Hope is Growing Webinar - we would like to thank CiB National Chair Paul Brydges for moderating, and Mark Cullen and Ben Cullen for presenting such an informative webinar session. If you were not able to join us, we are pleased to share the recording with you. 
Join us in planting the seeds of hope in 2021. Across Canada and beyond, our goal is to see the land awash with gardens featuring yellow, the international colour of hope. Whether it’s flowers, fruits, shrubs or vegetables - just plant the seeds! From parks to playgrounds, front yards, back yards, balconies, baskets, boulevards, barrels and planters, wherever there’s an empty space to grow, there is room for a plant. Together we can, and we will make this happen!

Plant your Hope Garden, take a photo of it, share it on social media and ask your friends to do the same! Tag @CiBCef(Instagram) or @communitiesinbloom (Facebook) and use the hashtag #HopeisGrowing to spread hope across Canada in 2021!

Check out our website to register your garden, download your lawn signs, logos and get some garden ideas! After all, the garden is where Hope is Growing!

A Proclamation!

Communities in Bloom proclaims that the Week of May 2nd has been designated as Communities in Bloom Week which will annually recognize and celebrate the benefits derived from participation, and celebrate the countless volunteers and individuals that make our communities great places to live. 

If your community would like to be part of this initiative,
please complete the proclamation form
E-mail completed forms to us at
This award is designed to recognize the amazing projects that happen all the time in communities. We know great projects are out there improving our communities and it is time for them to be recognized. The Green for Life Community award is generously sponsored by Caterpillar.

If you know a great project in your community, fill out the application form and submit it to your provincial landscape association. The information document and application form can be downloaded by following this link:  Green for Life Community Award.
Once all applications have been received, one project per province will be entered nationally into the competition. In provinces where a Green for Life Award program exists provincially, only the winning project from that program is eligible to be submitted to the national awards.

Once all projects are submitted, a judging panel consisting of industry and business experts will evaluate the submissions from the provinces where one national award per year will be handed out. 

All submissions must be received by June 30th, 2021.
Late entries will not be considered.
The forests of Canada’s Capital abound with hidden gems. The tremendous diversity of tree species that thrive within these forests tell the story of our culture and history.
Suzanne Hardy, a specialist in identifying trees of interest, collaborated with the National Capital Commission (NCC) to catalogue the most noteworthy specimens on federal public lands in the National Capital Region — based on their age, size or other characteristics. The NCC gathered close to 170 examples of the most remarkable trees in a compilation entitled A Living Legacy: Remarkable Trees of Canada’s Capital. This compilation is a celebration of natural beauty in Canada’s Capital. The publication is fabulous! We invite you to discover the most beautiful and exceptional trees in the National Capital Region by following this link

Trees are more important than ever to our quality of life; they are essential to the health and well-being of all. This book reminds us all to cherish them as they help us build a greener, more sustainable, more resilient Capital Region for all Canadians.

Hot tips for the cool season
Freshen up spring with these pops of colour.
By Jeff Gibson, Ball Landscape Business Manager
When the weather breaks and landscapes burst forth with renewed colour, it lifts our spirits and excites us for the spring season ahead. It’s unfortunate this time of year is so short-lived, but you still can offer customers that brief “pop of colour” using tried-and-true pansy and viola varieties, along with other plants that can take the chill. Here’s a few fresh and colourful plant recommendations.

News from the
Canadian Garden Council
GARDEN DAYS 2021: June 12-20 - IT’S GARDEN TIME!

This year’s Garden Days will again be different from previous years. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, providing us more time to discover the joys of gardening and garden visits.

This year, we will celebrate the many joys of gardening and gardens with daily themes.
  • Every day we will offer suggestions of how to engage with the themes.
  • Experts will weigh in on their favourite topics.
  • We will share links on great articles, books, podcasts.
  • We will use our social channels to connect all those who love gardens and gardening.
Nutrients for Life is once again offering School Learning Garden Grants for 2021! Visit our YouTube page that features over 40 school garden submission videos. These videos highlight the type of school garden, what they grew, and how they celebrated their harvest. Many of the schools involve the local community, so this would be a perfect opportunity for Communities in Bloom volunteers to share their knowledge and know-how with the local school community.

Our school garden map hosts many school garden reports to showcase their school garden, how to involve the students, their challenges, and successes. School gardens can engage students from any grade level with so many opportunities to tie what they learn in school to real-life situations. The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2021.
Do you have a great volunteer you'd like us to celebrate?
Send the information to and we'll feature them in an upcoming e-News, or on Social Media!
If you have any questions, please contact: 
Sonia Parrino
Program Coordinator
Communities in Bloom is made possible by the generous support of our
sponsors and partners. We wish to thank them for their contribution
to the quality of life and civic pride in Canadian communities. 
Major Sponsor
Founding Sponsor
National Sponsors
You are receiving this email from the Communities in Bloom Foundation, a national non-profit organization with charity status. For comments or questions, please contact us at