Volume 17, Issue 3 | Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024

Pictured above: Left: First day of kindergarten at Belle Aire; Storytime with Mrs. Walters at Highland.

Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots beside each article. The dots represent which strategic goal the article addresses:

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future • Building for Success • Cultivating Talent

Have feedback regarding Communicate 58? Click here!

District 58 calendar

Now through Sept. 6

Fall Assessment Benchmarking Window

Wednesday, Aug. 28

6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night for El Sierra, Fairmount, Indian Trail, Hillcrest and Kingsley

Monday, Sept. 2

Labor Day - No School

Tuesday, Sept. 3

6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night for Herrick 7th Grade and Grove Children's Preschool (Henry Puffer location)

Wednesday, Sept. 4

6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night for Lester and Pierce Downer

Thursday, Sept. 5

6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night for Herrick 8th Grade, O'Neill, and Grove Children's Preschool (Indian Trail location)

Monday, Sept. 9

7 p.m. Board of Education Regular Meeting at the Downers Grove Civic Center

Thursday, Sept. 12

6-7 p.m. 5th/6th Grade Gifted Curriculum Night at Henry Puffer

Friday, Sept 13

3-11 p.m. Downers Grove Oktoberfest

Saturday, Sept. 14

11 a.m.-11 p.m.: Downers Grove Oktoberfest

Click here to view the 2024-25 calendar.

Safety message from Superintendent Dr. Russell

Dear District 58 Community,

School has been in session for nearly two weeks. I’ve visited all of our schools, and it is wonderful to see students and staff engaged in learning! I realize this week has brought challenges, too. I want to thank our families and staff for their flexibility and support during this week's heat wave. While I am grateful that six of our schools have central air-conditioning, seven schools are only partially-air-conditioned. We enacted our heat relief plan this week, which included ensuring students rotated into each school's air-conditioned spaces and drank plenty of water, dimming lights, limiting exertion, and canceling outdoor activities during the active heat warning. I look forward to all of our schools receiving full air-conditioning during our referendum construction period. Here is an overview of our air-conditioning installation schedule:

  • On Nov. 8, 2022, the community approved a ballot measure issuing $179 million in bonds to improve District 58's facilities. Adding air-conditioning and improving ventilation/air quality at all schools was included in this measure. 
  • Full central air-conditioning was installed in Phase I schools (Henry Puffer, Hillcrest, Highland and Whittier) during the summer of 2024.
  • Full central air-conditioning will be installed at Phase II schools (Fairmount, Indian Trail, Kingsley and Lester) and both middle schools (Herrick and O'Neill) during the summer of 2025.
  • Two Phase III schools -- Belle Aire and El Sierra -- already have central air-conditioning. District 58 plans to install window air-conditioning units in every classroom at Pierce Downer (the other Phase III school) during summer 2025. District 58 will work with its construction partners to ensure the school's electrical systems can handle this load, and, if not, will make the necessary upgrades to ensure it can. Crews will install full central air-conditioning at Pierce Downer in summer 2026.

 For more information, click here.

On another serious note, I wanted to proactively discuss critical safety reminders with you. District 58 partners with students, staff and families to provide a safe environment at school. Our schools are in the process of giving age-appropriate school safety expectations presentations to every class. In addition, I am speaking directly to all middle school students on this topic this week: I'm visiting O'Neill today and Herrick on Friday. Our parents and guardians are our primary partners in this effort, and I am seeking your partnership and support in learning about our safety measures and reinforcing these safety reminders at home.

Some of our safety measures include:

  • Offering Safe2Help, a monitored system where students can safely and confidentially report a crisis, threat or bullying involving themselves or someone they know.
  • Screening all school visitors via the Raptor System
  • Using a lanyard and identification system for all staff and visitors
  • Embracing the ALICE Model, a comprehensive approach to prepare for and respond to emergencies 
  • Passing a referendum to build more secure entrances at all schools (in progress).
  • Regularly reviewing safety expectations with students in an age-appropriate manner

Another key component of school safety starts at home. Parents and guardians, please discuss school safety with your child(ren) and monitor their social media usage. Please have a serious conversation with your child(ren) about why it is not permissible to make a threatening statement (even in a joking manner) online or in person. Also, please share with your child(ren) that they cannot bring any type of weapon or lookalike weapon to school, including toys.

District 58 does not allow a weapon or lookalike weapon on a bus, at a school activity or at school. If your child(ren) makes a threatening statement or brings a weapon or lookalike weapon to school, they will immediately be referred to the Downers Grove Police Department. Police consequences may include arrest, referral to the State’s Attorney and the Juvenile Court System. Further, your child(ren) will receive significant consequences at school which may include expulsion (see Board Policy 7:190). 

Please also talk with your child(ren) about the importance of, “If you see something, say something.” School personnel must be promptly notified of anything that may not seem right so we can investigate all situations in coordination with law enforcement. 

We realize this message may be unsettling. However, this is a serious matter, and by proactively addressing our safety measures and expectations, we hope to facilitate a safer school district. We appreciate your partnership in keeping District 58 safe, and thank you for your support.


Dr. Kevin B. Russell

Superintendent of Schools

Back to school photo galleries

District 58 schools had a great start to the 2024-25 school year! Here are back-to-school photo galleries from every school.

Belle Aire

El Sierra


Grove Children's Preschool

Henry Puffer




Indian Trail




Pierce Downer


To view all photo galleries, including those not linked above, please visit our photo gallery page.

Helpful curriculum resources

District 58 is in the midst of hosting Curriculum Nights for parents and guardians at all schools. Here are some helpful curriculum resources to reference as a companion to Curriculum Night.

Professional Learning Mondays - what are they?

Every Monday, students in grades K-6 are dismissed at 2 p.m. and students in grades 7-8 at 2:10 p.m. to allow teachers time for professional learning.

During this time, teachers participate in either a planned teacher-led, building-led or District-led learning experience.

For example, on teacher-led days, teachers may partner with other staff members to work on strategies related to their instructional needs, professional growth goals, or school improvement plan goals. On building-led days, schools may gather together to review assessment data, identify strengths and areas for growth, and brainstorm strategies and goals for improvement. On District-led days, teachers will receive professional learning on curriculum implementation or specialized training related to their subject area(s).

Following each professional learning session, teachers are asked to complete a survey regarding their professional learning experience. Administrators use the survey data to make improvements to the topics covered.

District 58 realizes that early dismissal is an inconvenience for many families; as such, the District aims to ensure that every professional learning experience is worthwhile for staff -- who will in turn use these experiences to enhance instruction!

Cicada mites and District 58 medication authorization

District 58 has noticed an increase in students visiting our health offices for insect bites, particularly on the neck, face and arms. These bites are primarily caused by oak leaf itch mites (also known as cicada mites) and are often red and itchy. While school offices can provide calamine lotion or an ice pack to ease discomfort, other over-the-counter treatments like Benadryl cream or hydrocortisone require a completed Medication Authorization Form.

Please ensure that these medications are not sent to school with your child unless proper authorization is in place. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s health office. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe and healthy.

District remembers 9/11


Patriot Day is on Wednesday, Sept. 11. District 58 schools will recognize this important day by sharing an age-appropriate Patriot Day message with students and observing a moment of silence. Schools will also fly flags at half-staff. District 58 remembers the many who died on Sept. 11, 2001 and honors all first-responders and individuals who courageously rushed to help. 


Heat relief

Several schools in District 58 lack full air-conditioning. These schools use their resources and building spaces wisely to provide heat relief for students and staff during these hot school days.

Please view District 58's Heat Relief webpage for an overview of District 58's heat relief plan.

Family Handbook

As a new school year begins, we encourage families to carefully review the Family Handbook (Manual Familias del Distrito 58) with their child(ren), as it offers an overview of the District’s policies, procedures, resources and student expectations. 


District 58 is hiring!

District 58 seeks instructional assistants, a BEST program teacher, nurse, custodians and more. View our jobs page.


2025 School Board election information

District 58 voters will elect four School Board members during the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election.

School Board candidates can begin circulating nominating petitions for signatures. These petitions must be filed at the DuPage County Clerk's Office between Nov. 12-18, 2024. This filing period is earlier than previous elections due to a change in election law.

To assist candidates, District 58 will hold a Candidate Forum this fall. More information will be shared at a later date. In addition, prospective School Board members may also access the below resources:

Board Briefs: Aug. 12, 2024

The District 58 Board of Education held a regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 12 at Belle Aire School.

View the Board Briefs. The Board's next business meeting is Monday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Downers Grove Civic Center.


Form your teams for The Reading Games!

The Reading Games will take place Feb. 22; registration will open in October

District 58’s favorite reading competition -- The Reading Games -- is returning on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025!

The Reading Games is a free and fun reading competition for students in grades 3-8. Students form teams of five-to-eight students, led by a parent or other volunteer, and collaborate to read nine books from one of two book lists.

Book List 1 is geared for readers in third and fourth grade.

Book List 2 is geared for readers in fifth and sixth grade. 

Students in seventh and eighth grade who want to participate should read from List 2.

The competition aims to encourage reading; expose kids to different genres, series, authors and topics; and to foster teamwork and responsibility. 

Registration will open in mid-October. Click here for more information or visit www.readinggamesdg58.com.

Downers Grove Oktoberfest is Sept. 13-14

Sign up to volunteer at this District 58 Education Foundation fundraiser!

Save the date: The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 will host their annual Oktoberfest on Friday, Sept. 13 from 3-11 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 14 from 11 a.m.-11 p.m. in the parking lot on Burlington Avenue between Main Street and Forest Avenue. More information on this fun family-friendly event will be shared soon!

Volunteers and sponsors needed! The Foundation relies on support from volunteers and sponsors to make its annual Oktoberfest fundraiser a success!

Sign up to volunteer!

Learn about sponsorship opportunities.

Visit www.dgoktoberfest.org to learn more.

Community Christian Church of Downers Grove donates 99 filled backpacks; plus other local groups donate school supplies

District 58 is fortunate to be a part of a very giving community! For a few recent examples:

Community Christian Church of Downers Grove (pictured) delivered 99 filled backpacks to District 58 schools! Not only did they generously donate these supplies, they also worked with the District to ensure that the backpacks contained the most needed supplies, as well as determining the specific number of backpacks needed for each school. Community Christian has been donating filled backpacks for District 58 students for several years. Thank you very much!

In addition, the DuPage Regional Office of Education donated 10 filled backpacks, Duravant -- a Downers Grove corporation -- donated four large bags of supplies, and the Kim Moustis Realty Group donated a cart-ful of supplies. Thank you very much!

Attending a District 99 football game? Please follow this guidance

District 99 invites District 58 students, families and staff to attend football games at Downers Grove North and Downers Grove South this fall.

To promote a safe environment for all spectators, they have established the following guidelines. Thank you in advance for following these expectations.

  • Children younger than high school age must have a responsible parent or guardian present in the stadium at all times.
  • Re-entry will not be allowed.  
  • Outside beverages cannot be brought into the stadium.
  • Balls, frisbees or other like items shall not be permitted.
  • Skateboards, hoverboards, bicycles or other like items shall not be permitted.
  • Student backpacks cannot be brought into the stadium. Small bags and personal items may be subject to inspection.
  • No entry after half-time.

District 58 partners with GPS Parent Series

GPS is a local free parenting education and support network

District 58 is proud to be an official partner of the GPS Parent Series, a local free parenting education and support network. The GPS Parent Series brings nationally renowned speakers and experts on parenting and education to District 58 families.

District 58 joined this network last year in direct response to parent input seeking more resources and guidance on navigating the complexities of raising and educating children in today’s world.

“By joining forces with GPS, we are bringing the best and brightest minds in parenting and education directly to our community,” Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell explained. “This is an incredible opportunity for our parents to gain valuable insights and practical advice from nationally acclaimed speakers.”

The GPS Parent Series is well-known for its engaging and relevant presentations by leaders and authors who are experts in their fields. The series includes thought-provoking talks on a variety of topics, such as adolescent psychology, the importance of resilience and failure, and building empathy in children. Events are free. Presentations are virtual or local.

Upcoming speakers include:

Visit https://gpsparentseries.org for more information and other upcoming events.

Community e-flyers

District 58 includes relevant e-flyers in the Communicate 58 newsletter and online. Learn more.

Downers Grove Grade School District 58

2300 Warrenville Road, Suite 200NE, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I mhewitt@dg58.org | www.dg58.org


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