Communicate 58
News from Downers Grove Grade School District 58
Vol. 8 Issue 4
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner proclaimed Oct. 16-22 Principal Appreciation Week and Friday, Oct. 21 as Principal Day! District 58 is very proud of its hard-working and dedicated principals and assistant principals. Thank you for your work! 
Education Foundation awards
31 innovative teacher grants

Indian Trail kindergarten teachers Kristy Hopkins and Beth Hatlen and students learn that they received a grant.
The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 awarded a record-breaking 31 grants totaling $22,705 to 46 teachers and staff this school year. Each grant supports highly innovative school projects that align with the District's curriculum and goals.
"The high quality of this year's grant applications was impressive. The Education Foundation is proud we will be able to help so many teachers turn their creative grant proposals into a reality," said Grants Committee Chair Rep. David Olsen.

District Strategic Plan goal progress:
Special Education 

The Board of Education's  Strategic Plan
outlines District 58's mission, core beliefs and focus areas for future planning. Each summer, District leaders prepare annual  Strategic Plan action goals  that directly align with the Strategic Plan. 

Throughout this school year, Communicate 58 will share progress toward some of these 
goals, including today's focus:  Special Education .

Goal: Special Education Programming and Services: Support the implementation of consistent special education procedures and protocols PreK-8.

ProgressLast year, the District formed a steering committee that created an individualized education plan (IEP) reference guide and other updated special education protocols. The District also began using Power IEP, a new electronic workspace that streamlines and organizes legal special education documentation.  They piloted these updates at five schools last spring. They sought staff feedback, which they used to revise the protocols over the summer. This fall, they provided staff training and fully implemented the new special education protocols. The District will continue to support these protocols and revise them as necessary.

During the October Board meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Jessica Stewart shared a spotlight on the District's special education services. View her presentation.
Bonfield Express Foundation donates $13,000 to District 58
  Bonfield Express invites all to join their 5K Run/Walk

For the second consecutive year, the Bonfield Express Foundation has donated $1,000 to each of District 58's 13 schools!

The Bonfield Express Foundation, named after the late Jim Bonfield, raises money to support local school districts and students who demonstrate Jim Bonfield's character traits: personal perseverance, strong moral character, joy of learning and commitment to community. 

The Bonfield Express's capstone fundraising effort is its annual Bonfield Express 5K. The race will take place on Thanksgiving morning in downtown Downers Grove. For more information on the Bonfield Express, including race information, visit .  
21 students selected for elite ILMEA music and jazz festivals

The Illinois Music Education Association's (ILMEA) selected 21 District 58 students to perform at its upcoming music and jazz festivals next month!  Students were selected during a competitive audition process.

Nineteen District 58 students will perform in ILMEA's District 1 Junior High Music Festival on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Lincoln-Way Central High School. In addition, two District 58 students will perform in the ILMEA District 1 Jazz Band Festival on Saturday, Nov. 12 at Thornridge High School. 

The Reading Games registration opens on Thursday, Nov. 3
Book lists now available online!  

Get ready, get set, get reading!!! It's time to warm up for The Reading Games!
Registration for the fourth annual The Reading Games will open on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 9 a.m. on its website. Be sure to register early - Only 90 teams can join, and space fills up fast!
The Reading Games will take place on Saturday, March 11 and is a free and fun district-wide reading competition for District 58 students in grades 3-8. Teams of five to eight students collaborate to read 15 books from one of two book lists: Level 1 and Level 2. During the event, the teams compete to answer questions about the books. 
The Reading Games Committee also just posted their Level 1 and Level 2 book lists on   their website! Level 1 books are geared toward third-through-fifth grade readers. Level 2 books are geared to the sixth-through-eighth grade level. However, any Reading Games team may select either list to read, regardless of their grade level.
Students who wish to join The Reading Games but cannot find enough peers to form a team may complete an Individual Registration form on The Reading Games website, and the Reading Games Committee will help place those students on a team together. May the books be in your favor!
In Our Schools
Herrick presents The Lion King, Jr. 

Herrick Middle School will proudly present Disney's The Lion King, Jr. as their fall musical at Herrick on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 6 at 2 p.m. The show includes your favorite Lion King songs, performed by a fantastic ensemble featuring more than 40 Herrick students!

Tickets cost $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 6-18 and $3 for children ages 0-5. The Sunday show is a community performance, during which children are free with the donation of a non-perishable food item.

Guests can purchase tickets at the door or in advance at the Herrick office,  open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Girls'  volleyball enters playoffs
Herrick's 7th and 8th grade teams are undefeated!

The girls' volleyball regular season has concluded, and teams have entered the conference tournament! District 58 celebrates its teams' many achievements.
Herrick Girls' Volleyball:
Herrick's eighth grade girls' volleyball team continued their momentum from last year's conference-winning season into this fall. They finished their regular season undefeated (10-0) and look forward to their first conference tournament game tonight, Thursday, Oct. 20 at 5 p.m. at Herrick versus Glenside.
"The girls have been working very hard and it is really showing in their ability to make great plays this year," said Coach Collin Konny. "I am proud of the way the girls have come together as a team and the way they communicate with each other on the court."
Herrick's seventh grade volleyball team also finished their season undefeated, led by Coach Stacey Probert. They will face Glen Crest in the tournament Thursday, Oct. 20 at Herrick at 4 p.m.
"Our volleyball season has been going awesome!" Mrs. Probert said. "The girls always stay positive and humble and are willing to help and support each other when they need help developing a skill."
O'Neill Girls' Volleyball:
O'Neill's seventh grade girls' volleyball team finished their regular season with a 7-3 record, with two tough losses to the undefeated Herrick team. 
"The team's greatest success so far is the way the girls have come together as a team," said Coach Bev West. "They get along great, and whether they are on the court, or on the bench, they are focused on the game, and cheering each other on."
Ms. West's team will take on Westlake Thursday, Oct. 20 at O'Neill in the playoffs.
O'Neill's eighth grade girls' volleyball team faced several player injuries early this season and finished with a 3-7 record. However, Coach Dustin Moore said the team worked hard together throughout the season.

"The team has a lot of fun and a positive attitude," Mr. Moore said. 

The team played Glenside in the opening playoff game Tuesday and lost in three close games. 

"We battled hard and never gave up; we just came up a little short," Mr. Moore added.
District's neighborhood schools join Walk/Bike to School Day

Schools from all over the world celebrated Walk to School/Bike to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 5, including many District 58 schools!

"We enjoyed beautiful fall weather on Walk/Bike to School Day this school year. District 58's small, neighborhood schools let many of our students reap the benefits of walking to school not only on Oct. 5, but also on a daily basis," said Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli.

District 58 visited Lester School during Walk/Bike to School Day. Check out our Lester photo gallery! 
Hillcrest classroom featured in Classkick app advertisement

Hillcrest second grade teacher Mrs. Lauren Prosser and some of her students were recently featured in an ad for the Classkick school app! 

Classkick is a helpful free app that Mrs. Prosser and many teachers use to give better and more immediate academic feedback to her students. The Classkick crew filmed during non-school hours to avoid disrupting the classroom. Nicely done!
Kingsley PTA celebrates successful Penny Wars and Book Fair

Some Kingsley students may have thought it was Halloween when they entered school Oct. 19. That's because Kingsley Principal Mark Stange greeted them dressed as a human chicken! Mr. Stange donned his chicken suit because Kingsley students collectively exceeded their goal of raising $1,000 during the Penny Wars, and instead raised an impressive $1,750.16! Kingsley especially congratulates Jennifer Kotor's kindergarten class, which won the Penny Wars.  The funding will benefit the We Are Kingsley Project to help enhance the school's landscaping and playgrounds.

Meanwhile, the Kingsley PTA also concluded a very successful Book Fair that donated more than $2,500 worth of new books for the Kingsley LRC! Thanks, Kingsley community, for your support! 

Highland Fun Run raises nearly $22,000 to support PTA

Highland teachers, staff and students had fun running laps around the gym while raising money for the Highland PTA during the PTA's recent annual fall Fun Run! The PTA raised nearly $22,000, which will support the PTA's many activities, events and services this year! 

(Photos courtesy of parent Luis Rizo.)
Community Partners
SCARCE donates golf clubs to Pierce Downer and Belle Aire

The local environmental nonprofit SCARCE recently received a donation of three golf club sets, a box of golf tees and golf cleaning supplies. They reached out to Belle Aire and Pierce Downer PE Teacher Mary French and asked if she could use them. Mrs. French accepted and prepared a two-week golf unit.

"District 58 appreciates its many community partnerships, including our great relationship with SCARCE!" Mrs. French said. "The kids are having a blast learning how to golf!"

Thanks, SCARCE, for your donation!

Zoup! donates $420 to PTA Council

New local business, Zoup!, recently donated $420 to the District 58 PTA Council. Before the restaurant officially opened, it hosted a small District 58 night, during which staff got to practice serving and all proceeds were donated to the District 58 PTA. Thank you for your support, Zoup!
Community E-flyers
E-flyer logo New community e-flyers were posted Monday, Oct. 17  on the District 58 e-flyer page.    Click here to visit the page  or view the e-flyers below. 

The mission of District 58, in partnership with parents and community, is to challenge and engage each child by providing quality educational programs and support services in a safe, nurturing, and child-centered environment in order to prepare all students to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society.  

Communicate 58 shares timely, relevant information about District 58 with parents, community members and others who are interested in how we are living out our mission. If you have any questions/comments regarding Communicate 58, or have an article/photo idea for the publication, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt at or 630-719-5805. 
In this issue
Happy Principal Appreciation Week!
Education Foundation awards 31 innovative teacher grants
District Strategic Plan goal progress: Special Education
Bonfield Express Foundation donates $13,000 to District 58
21 students selected for elite ILMEA music and jazz festivals
The Reading Games registration opens on Thursday, Nov. 3
Herrick presents The Lion King, Jr.
Girls' volleyball enters playoffs
District's neighborhood schools join Walk/Bike to School Day
Hillcrest classroom featured in Classkick app advertisement
Kingsley PTA celebrates successful Penny Wars and Book Fair
Highland Fun Run raises nearly $22,000 to support PTA
SCARCE donates golf clubs to Pierce Downer and Belle Aire
Zoup! donates $420 to PTA Council
Community e-flyers
Board News
58 Doing Good: Herrick student helps bring peace to Chicago
58 Doing Good: Seventh grader helps local homeless
Can you play the trombone? Celebrating Mr. Ball
Village is hiring crossing guards
Halloween in District 58!
PTA Reflections
Parent-teacher conferences

Board News
Regular October business meeting:
The District 58 Board of Education held a regular business meeting on Monday, Oct. 17. The meeting included:

- a spotlight on District 58's special education
- a Whittier Student Council, PTA and playground update

- Financial Advisory Committee and Policy Committee reports

- Discussion and approval of the Truth in Taxation Law Resolution

- Discussion on the new proposed Meet and Confer Strategic Plan Committee to improve community engagement 

- Discussion and community input regarding the superintendent's contract. The Board tabled this action.

For more information on these and all Board meeting topics, please read the October Board Briefs.

Upcoming Board meetings:

- Curriculum Workshop
Monday, Oct. 24
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center

- BOE Coffee with Fairmount Staff 
Thursday, Nov. 3
7:30 a.m.
Fairmount School

- Legislative Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 8
3:45 p.m.
Admin Service Center

- Regular November Business Meeting
Monday, Nov. 14 
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center

58 Doing Good: Herrick student helps bring peace to Chicago

Herrick eighth grader Abby Goodman and her little sister, Penelope, volunteer with The Healing Corner, a service group that provides free food, hugs and help in some of Chicago's most violent neighborhoods. 

"I have met the most wonderful people volunteering with The Healing Corner," Abby said. "I'm blessed to not have to be afraid to play outside or walk to school and I don't think anyone else should either."

Thanks for your service, Abby and Penelope! Learn more about their efforts on 58 Doing Good

58 Doing Good: Seventh grader helps local homeless

Herrick seventh grader Gabriella Frank recently collected travel size toiletries and created over 200 toiletry bags for homeless shelters in the Downers Grove area. Gabriella noted that homeless citizens usually only have a backpack or small bag to carry their belongings, and she coordinated efforts to provide these personal hygiene items. 

Thank you for your incredible generosity, Gabriella!! 
Can you play the trombone?
Celebrating Mr. Ball

Downers Grove North will host a salute to the music education career of Mr. Jonathan Ball during his final DGN Band Invitational Concert on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at  7 p.m.

Mr. Ball is Herrick's band director. DGN will close their concert with a special performance of "76 Trombones" in honor of Mr. Ball.

Anyone who owns and plays a trombone may join DGN and Herrick in this spectacular performance of 76 Trombones! 

Download the sheet music here, and arrive at DGN on Nov. 1 at 5:45 p.m. to practice with the Herrick and Downers Grove North musicians!

Village is hiring crossing guards

The Village of Downers Grove is hiring District 58 crossing guards.

Crossing guards  help children cross the street before and after school. The job pays $10 per trip ($20/day). 

Halloween in District 58!


Halloween happenings:
Halloween is Monday, Oct. 31! Principals will share information with their individual school communities regarding Halloween costumes and celebrations.

Teal Pumpkin Project:
This Halloween, please consider joining the Teal Pumpkin Project and have some non-food treats to share with children who may have food allergies.

How? Place a teal pumpkin outside. This signals that your home has something to offer children with food allergies.

Thank you!   Learn more here.


Pumpkin recycling:
When Halloween's over, please recycle your old pumpkins! 

District 99 partnered with SCARCE to hold pumpkin recycling events at the parking lots at Downers Grove North and Downers Grove South high schools on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to noon. 
PTA Reflections 

Calling all District 58 artists! Please consider entering a project into this year's PTA Reflections program.

PTA Reflections is a national PTA art program that offers students six creative categories in which to enter projects. This year's theme is "What is Your Story?"

Please check with your school's PTA regarding Reflections project deadlines, but please note that the deadline is late October for most schools!
Parent-teacher conferences

Heads up: Fall parent-teacher conferences will take place Nov. 16-17 in the evening. Online parent-teacher conference signups will open on Oct. 28 at 9 a.m.

Parents will soon receive an email with more information.

District 58 encourages all parents to attend a conference with their child's teacher this fall!
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