We are excited to announce our new partnership with Innovative Publishing for our magazine CommonTerra. Innovative, a national leader in association publications, brings over 25 years of experience to our association. This print and digital magazine is a critical tool of CAI-SA’s communications, and we will debut a fresh new design this spring! You can support our Chapter’s ongoing work by taking advantage of new display advertising opportunities with Innovative. Their team will assist with ad placements and design, creating an Innovative solution for you. To inquire about advertising in the magazine, contact Innovative Publishing at 844-423-7272 or advertise@innovativepublishing.com.

Editorial content will continue to be managed by CommonTerra Editor and CAI-SA Board Member Art Downey. Members who wish to offer an article, provide company or personnel updates, or submit general inquiries regarding the publication should contact Art at adowney@ix.netcom.com. The CommonTerra magazine is YOUR magazine and there is always room for content to highlight members of the Chapter.

Thank you for your continued support of the CAI San Antonio Chapter, and we look forward to building on the work we do together in CommonTerra!
Questions/Comments: Contact Jesus Azanza, Chapter Executive Director, at ced@caisa.org.