Boston University Marsh Chapel

Dear Marsh,

It is difficult to believe that we are already a month into 2024! As February begins, we are looking forward to many opportunities to spend precious time in community together enjoying food, music, and fellowship. We hope you will join us for one or all of the wonderful events listed in this month's Common Ground.

February brings Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. We invite you to worship with us on February 14th at 8:30AM or 6:00PM in observance of Ash Wednesday. You may also be interested in subscribing to our Lenten Daily Devotional series. This season the series is called "Lenten Letters" and will explore the epistles of the New Testament. Over the years our devotional series have become beloved mainstays of Marsh's liturgical seasons. If you are not already subscribed, I personally invite you to do so, as the devotions are a wonderful way to embrace our community and the profound meaning of the season.

Finally, the bottom of this newsletter includes a link to donate to help pay for the Inner Strength Gospel Choir's trip to Atlanta this Spring. This is a fantastic opportunity for these students to sing, serve, and build their community. We hope you will consider supporting them!

Wishing you well! Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns, or prayer requests. We are grateful to have you in our community!




Chloe Kantharia

Staff Coordinator

Ash Wednesday at Marsh

Join us on Ash Wednesday at one of our worship services. The 8:30AM service will be brief and include a short reflection and the imposition of ashes. The 6:00PM service will feature preaching from our own Associate Chaplain for Student Outreach, Jonathan Lee, as well as the imposition of ashes.

Ashes-to-go will be offered by our chaplains and student ministry staff from 9-11AM and again from 2-5PM in the Thurman Room.

Marsh Chapel Community Fellowship Events February 2024

Each month this Spring, the Marsh Chapel Hospitality Department will be hosting a community meal, a coffee hour or two, and also promoting opportunities for our full community to spend time together. This month we invite you to enjoy coffee hour this coming Sunday (2/4), a catered community meal in celebration of the Lunar New Year (2/11), Ash Wednesday offerings (2/14), our third Bach Cantata of the academic year (2/18), and a Marsh Chapel Choir Concert (3/2). For more information on any of these opportunities please reach out to Chloe via phone (617-353-3560) or email (

"Lenten Letters"

2024 Lent Devotional Series

The theme of this year's Lenten Devotional series is "Lenten Letters." It is not too late to join the daily email list!

Each year, Marsh Chapel, under the oversight of the Rev. Dr. Jessica Chicka and Rev. Al Carroll, offers a special daily devotional series that incorporates scripture and reflections from members of our staff or the Marsh Community. These devotions are delivered via email and are widely beloved by our community.

If you are not already on the devotional email list, it is not too late! Subscribe Now.

Support the InnerStrength Gospel Choir

Help the ISGC go on tour!

The Inner Strength Gospel Choir will be going on tour later this month to Atlanta, GA to sing and serve in the city.

Please consider "buying a ticket" to give a donation toward paying for this trip. Please note: buying a ticket at this link is simply a way to donate to this group, it is not a physical ticket to a concert or future event. Thank you!

Click Here to Buy a Ticket

Boston University Marsh Chapel 
735 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215 | 617-353-3560 | 
Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved.