Common Garden Bugs That Are Actually Good for Your Plants
Stand back and allow these common garden bugs do their thing, which is to rid your garden of pests and help make the overall environment healthy for your plants.
Some bugs are pollinators, others eat pests, or in one case, they lay their eggs on pests where they will hatch and eat the plant-destroying bugs. Sounds gross, but it’s really effective. Here's the lineup:
Spiders - Alright, technically these are arachnids and not insects, but darn if they don’t do some serious work in keeping your garden free of pests.
Lady beetle - (newsletter cover photo) The lady beetle, or ladybug, might be the most popular of common garden bugs. They are pretty darn cute, but they’re also darn deadly - not to us humans but keep your eyes open if you’re an aphid. The ladybug larvae can eat dozens of aphids every hour!
Green lacewings - These pretty and delicate-looking bugs are fierce predators. They feast on aphids and other soft-bodied insects.
Ground beetle - Ground beetles will try to eat almost anything that moves, and they cannot climb, so their foraging range is limited to the soil’s surface and top few inches of moist soil. They happen to be super beneficial for your garden, making a meal of aphids, mites, root maggots, even slugs and snails.
Parasitic wasps - There are a few species of these wasps, but the end result in your garden is the same. They lay their eggs in or on cutworms, caterpillars, tomato hornworms, cabbage worms, aphids, and more. The little baby wasps then hatch and eat their host.
Worms - Not all beneficial creatures in the garden are predators. Worms can do wonders for your soil, keeping it aerated and healthy. They break down organic material and turn it into nutrient-rich soil.