News Roundup

from the Kentucky

Department of Agriculture


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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Vol. 17 | No. 9

Commissioner Shell proclaims

May as Beef Month in Kentucky

Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell, seated, signs a proclamation commemorating May as Kentucky Beef Month. Applauding the signing were Brandy Graves and John Chism of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA), right, along with representatives of the Kentucky Beef Council and Kentucky Cattlemen's Association.

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'Experts' share their opinions

on state of Ky. cattle industry

Franklin County Cattlemen Kerry Redding, right, and Jonathan Moore grill hamburgers May 6 as KDA celebrated Beef Month.

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New KDA gas pump inspection stickers have special message

The new stickers, right, remind motorists to "never leave children or pets in a hot vehicle."

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KDA welcomes

new state apiarist

Amanda Skidmore's "background and enthusiasm for protecting nature’s pollinators will be an asset," Shell said.

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More agriculture-related headlines in the news

(click on links below)

Commissioner Shell announces winners of KDA Poster & Essay Contest

Shell helps cook dishes for Kentucky Derby using Ky. Proud ingredients

150th Ky. Derby has an overall economic impact estimated at $400 million

Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan might skip Preakness Stakes

Review panel named to score Kentucky RFSI Program applications

Cornett Farm Fresh in Laurel Co. wins Kentucky SBCS Pacesetter Award

HempWood awarded title of Coolest Thing Made in Kentucky for 2024

Kentucky's soggy fields causing corn planting to run behind last year

Farm families continue to do their part to care for natural resources

Developing a roadmap for Kentucky agriculture for the next five years

Kentucky 4-H to celebrate 100 years at teen conference in June

Kentucky farms that we know and love are at risk

Suburban sprawl inching closer to farms in northern Kentucky

UK graduate returns full circle to her equine passion and roots

Kentucky State professor cultivates purpose from life marred by tragedy

Farm Bureau geared up for Mental Health Awareness Month in May

Scientists develop tool to rapidly detect devastating swine disease

U.S. milk remains safe to drink among bird flu outbreak

New USDA school meal standards to include less sugar

Nominations open for 2025 Farm Bureau Farm Dog of the Year Contest

KFB accepting nominations for 2024 Farm Woman of the Year

KAFC, KADB will meet May 10, 17 at Franklin County Extension Office

And in case you missed it ...

Dairy farmer invites band to perform concert to entertain his cows

Kentucky ag fact

Kentucky produced an estimated 705 million pounds of beef in 2023, valued at $1.23 billion.

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