Call Us: 707-545-0379
FAX: 707-545-7150
Report Absence by 9:00 am 545-0379 - select #1
(No need to request homework at this time)
School day begins at 8:10 AM
School Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Daily Attendance is recorded for Tardy, Late Arrival, Early Dismissal, Medical Appt during school day, and Absence. If your student misses class for any reason,
PLEASE REPORT to the OFFICE by calling 545-0379 and select #1.
OR If you'd rather send an email, send to Ms. KC at:
Do you have something to drop off at the school office? We have a no contact drop off & pick up box on a cart in front of the doors, daily from 7:30pm - 2pm.
If you need to speak to someone, come to the office window behind the bench.
WEDNESDAY February 24th, 2021
March 1st and 2nd (all grades)
Wednesday, March 3rd
Kindergarten - 6th Grade return to campus!
THIS FRIDAY Packet pick-up / drop-off 3PM - 5PM
Distance Learning students will continue to pick up packets on Fridays.
Kinder - 6th grade distance learning packets will be consolidated onto fewer carts.
- 7th-8th students pick up/drop off remains the same.
Important for Students Returning to Campus (2nd-6th)
This Friday, please bring all your books and supplies to school between 3-5 PM.
This would include all the books and supplies sent home at the beginning of the year, and the supplies listed on the modified student supply list that your teacher sent home last week. In their box should include all their folders, classwork, finished and unfinished work, etc.
Use the BANKER BOX that was provided to every student at the beginning of the year that we asked everyone to save. Some grades will be using their box for storage near their desk. Your teacher will notify you if that is the case. Please provide a new box if you've discarded the old, and your teacher requests that each child has one. No matter how you bring it, everything needs to clearly labeled with student name and grade. Drop off on your class table or cart THIS FRIDAY.
When students return:
Every student should bring a HEALTHY substantial snack and water bottle. Please, no glass bottles! Students must be able to open their own containers and packages, and bring any utensils needed. Water bottle must be labeled with child's name. Only water. No other beverage.
There will be no lunch period. Classes will eat snack whenever possible outdoors. All classes will have a recess period.
Classroom windows and doors will remain open as much as possible. Be sure your child brings a school sweatshirt or cardigan, and a light jacket in case it's 'chilly' indoors. Those who have trouble taking off or putting on a sweatshirt should wear the cardigan.
Classroom treat policy: Parents must first get approval from the teacher several days in advance before bringing any treat, birthday treat, etc. Some classes celebrate birthdays once a month, some allow personal treats, some day's are better than others. There are children in school with food allergies. It's important the teacher is notified and approves of any food treats. All items must be prepackaged. Food can not be shared or served from one container or platter at this time.
Parents should review the St. Rose Parent / Student Handbook for all school policies. Link is at the bottom of this newsletter
Wednesday, March 3rd
Welcome Back Kindergarten through 6th grade students!
Parents - Please click on the link, download and print. Important for all parents to read before the first day of school.
Masks when students return
- Mask can be any color with appropriate prints.
- Masks can not have words, or inappropriate, scary or political symbols.
- Gator style are not acceptable
- Write child's name and grade somewhere on mask
- Lanyard for mask is OK. Must be breakaway.
- If a student comes to school without a mask, one will be provided to them.
STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BRING HAND SANITIZER TO SCHOOL. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the classrooms and school campus.
Dear Parents,
In case you missed my email earlier today, St. Rose has received formal approval from Sonoma County Health Department to commence in-person learning for our Kindergarten through Sixth Graders. The approval process has been stressful and we are all very happy to be moving forward.
There will be no school on Monday and Tuesday, March 1st & 2nd to give teachers and staff time to prepare and train on all the various safety protocols. March 3rd is our first day back.
The adjusted case rate for this week stands at 14. Seventh and Eighth Graders cannot return to school until Sonoma County achieves the Red Tier, with an adjusted case rate of 7. We hope this will happen soon.
All St. Rose parents are invited to Thursday night’s webinar. I will be going over the layers of safety that have been added to our daily routines, the arrival and departure procedures, and other pertinent information.
Approximately 16% of our families have elected to have their students remain in distance learning. The teachers will be zooming with them simultaneously while teaching the children in the classroom. We will do everything possible to ensure that these students continue to feel like they are important members of the class. However, they may not be able to take part in some things such as PE. The Friday afternoon drop-off and pick-up of materials will remain the same for these families. If you are continuing with distance learning, it is important that you have a working printer at home.
The webinar number for Thursday’s 7:00 PM meeting is: 833 8688 2934.
Kathy Ryan
NEW Thursday, Feb. 25th -7 PM Parent webinar regarding Return to Campus
Monday, Mar. 1st - NO SCHOOL - Covid safety training for staff
Tuesday, Mar. 2nd - NO SCHOOL - Final preparations for student return
Wednesday, Mar. 3rd - Kindergarten thru 6th students return to campus
Thursday, Mar. 11th - Packet Pick Up 3pm - 5pm (only 7th & 8th)
Friday, Mar. 12th - NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-service
Monday, Mar. 15th - is a regular SCHOOL DAY.
FRIDAY, MAR. 26th - LAST DAY to notify the school office if your family is NOT returning next school year.
Uniform store will remain open until this Friday, Feb. 26th.
Last chance to order for this school year.
Store will re-open in May for next year's orders.
Scroll down for ordering info
Walk-a-Thon t-shirt design contest is extended until March 5th. Scroll down to see read instructions on how to enter.
We are hopeful that at some point this school year, we will be able to have events with 'volunteers'. The first possible event would be the Walk a Thon in May. (scroll down for details)
We've been asking parents to get compliant for months now. This is a renewal year for ALL current volunteers. Please find the time to get compliant. NEW and RETURNING parents - scroll down this newsletter for instructions.
Distinguished Distance Learners will be announced during morning announcements on Fridays. Student's in every class have the opportunity to earn this title by demonstrating some of these disciplines:
- Follows class Zoom rules
- Stays on task
- Participates in class
- Demonstrates commitment to working hard
- Putting forth their best effort
- and more determined by the teacher
Click on the PICTURE of the computer to view the
Distinguished Learners recognized on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 19th
2021 Walk-a-Thon ~ Thursday, May 20th
The Parent Association has set a tentative date of Thur., May 20th, for the annual Walk-a-Thon. Depending upon COVID restrictions at that time, the event will either be in-person or virtual.
T-shirt design contest for students - HAS BEEN EXTENDED THRU MARCH 5th
Art work must be done in pencil or black ink. NO color pencils, no crayons, no markers! Must be turned in no later than DUE FRIDAY, March 5th CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Inviting all businesses to help support St. Rose School as a
Walk-a-Thon sponsor.
2Cardinal Newman High School
Celebrating 10 years of serving as a co-ed high school.
Accepting Applications now
Y is for YES, we will have a Yearbook this year!
We are seeking photos from families picturing your students Zooming from home, working on projects, in uniform, pics from one of the school Drive By's, anything school related.
Photos must be in jpg. format.
If your student did not make it for picture day back in October, please send a photo of your child with their school polo shirt to Mrs. Mueller.
Please send photos to Mrs. Mueller at:
EVERY time you shop on Amazon, do so through Amazon Smile and support St. Rose School, all year long!
Click on GOOGLE link below
VOLUNTEERS, current and new should click on the instructions below
(return copy to office once complete)
This is the LAST order of this school year.
St. Rose School
4300 Old Redwood Highway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 545-0379