Call Us: 707-545-0379
FAX: 707-545-7150
ALL images in today's newsletter are photos of student art work taken throughout the school.
WEDNESDAY December 16th, 2020

Merry Christmas to ALL of our St. Rose Family.

We are grateful there is hope on the horizon with the coming vaccine, but we don't know when it's going to happen for us, so we must stay vigilant these next few months.
If we want schools to open, vaccine or not, everyone must do the right thing and adhere to mask wearing, social distancing, no co-mingling with others who don't live in your home, NO GATHERINGS, don't travel, and just STAY HOME.
Please bring non-perishable foods and drop off in the Redwood Empire Food Bank Barrels, this FRIDAY ONLY during packet pick up.
This year, the organizer of the Food Drive is a CN student, Katie Adams, and is part of a service project. Barrels will not be out until Friday, so please do not drop off food earlier. Items in need: Tuna, canned meats, Peanut Butter, Canned soups, Veggies, and fruit. Rice, Dry Beans, Cereal, Protein Bars. With so many in Sonoma County in need, your support is vital and appreciated. See Flyer HERE
Virtual Christmas Program
Our Music teacher, Gloria Verse, has been working hard on the virtual production of our school Christmas program. Not only do we have student choral performances, but a special treat from the teachers and staff.

Students in all classes will be the first to watch with on Friday morning. A link will be emailed to all parents by end of the day so you can enjoy the show later.
FRIDAY PICK-UP - Dec. 18th
LAST packet pick-up until January 8th

This Friday's pickup will include class work for the first week in January. It is important that all packets are picked up on Friday, Dec. 18th by 5pm. Carts are brought in promptly at 5PM.

If you plan on dropping off gifts for teachers or staff, please do so before Friday. Office carts are out front daily from 7:30AM - 2:00PM.
Most staff will be gone early on Friday to begin their Christmas break and will not receive your gifts if dropped off on Friday.
A Note from Mrs. Ryan
Dear Parents,

I’d like to thank all of you who have helped us to preserve our school traditions this holiday season including the Parent Association Officers, the room parents, our student council officers, and our teachers and staff. Even though we can’t be together, you all have helped to create little pockets of fun and joy for our students.

Our Christian faith reminds us that it’s more blessed to give than receive and that joy can be found by making someone else’s life a little bit easier. With that in mind, I invite you to support those who are food insecure by donating non-perishable items to the Redwood Empire Food Bank. The food bank supports over 82,000 people and this year, the need is unprecedented. On Friday, Cardinal Newman student and St. Rose alum Katie Adams will have bins located in front of our school to collect your contributions. The foods that are most needed include canned meats and tuna, canned soups and stews, dried beans and rice, and peanut butter. 

On Friday at 10:15 AM, our students will all watch our virtual Christmas program over Zoom. The link will be available to parents shortly afterward. You will also receive a separate email with the link to Christmas Eve Mass that you can watch with your family at a time that best suits your schedule. At my house, we plan to dress up and attend the virtual Mass just before dinner on Christmas Eve. I have already seen the edited version and since I can’t be inside St. Rose Church this Christmas Eve, the video is the next best thing.

On behalf of all the teachers and staff at St. Rose, I wish you a Merry Christmas. As we head into 2021, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. For this, we hope and pray. 

Kathy Ryan
Santa Store and SQ1 Art updates
As the whole world was told, shipping in the US and around the world is overwhelmed with packages due to the consequences of COVID and the world shopping on line this year.

Santa Store orders: Orders are shipping tomorrow to everyone and should arrive soon.

SQ1 Art: Those orders being shipped to homes, we were told today that the majority of orders have shipped. Only a few were shipping today or tomorrow.

We thank everyone for your patience and for all your support of our school fundraising efforts.
Christmas Eve Virtual Mass
All friends and family are invited to log on and watch the pre-recorded St. Rose School, Christmas Eve Mass.

Mass was recorded with Fr. Michaelraj earlier this week. Students from school are participating in the Mass and have pre-recorded their parts.

The video is being edited now and the link will be emailed to all families by this Friday, before we leave for Christmas break.
Jesus is Born!
Thank you to all who sent in photos of their
Gingerbread House Masterpieces! Click here to view
Hard to see, but running along the top are copies of beautiful custom made Thank You cards for a very special St. Rose Benefactor.
7th grade
7th grade
The Parent Association wants to remind you that ALL parents are members of the PA. Though we all feel a bit disconnected right now, the PA encourages your participation and welcomes your ideas, creativity and energy. Consider this an outlet, an opportunity to get involved and get to know other parents in our community who continue striving to build community and financial support for our school, even through this Pandemic and beyond.
Parent Association President Myleah Pulido would love to hear your ideas.
Please email her at:
ALL are invited to Zoom in on Wednesday, January 6th at 7:00 PM
Zoom meeting # 612 817 5624
All new parents, those who just want to see and hear what it's all about, please consider signing on.
After all, the real strength of our school is the STRENGTH and ENERGY of our COMMUNITY, and that's YOU!
Accepting Applications now
St. Rose is currently accepting applications for the 2021-22 School Year. If you recommend St. Rose to a new family who ultimately enroll, your family can receive up to a $300 Tuition Credit!

Kindergarten applications are due by January 29th for priority consideration.
Space is limited in some 1st - 8th classes. For first priority, all applications should be submitted as soon as possible.

Current families have until March 1st, 2021 to notify the school office, in writing, if they will not be returning. Remember, returning families will automatically be charged the 2021-22 Registration Fee on their SMART Tuition account in APRIL, in lieu of your regular tuition payment.

Tuition Contracts will be sent to all returning families in early March.

ALL current families receiving aid MUST re-apply EACH year. Application process begins February 1st. (NEW family application process begins January 1st, 2021.)
1st Grade
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree..
5th Grade - Cave Art


Distinguished Distance Learners will be announced during morning announcements on Fridays. Student's in every class have the opportunity to earn this title by demonstrating some of these disciplines:
  • Follows class Zoom rules
  • Stays on task
  • Participates in class
  • Demonstrates commitment to working hard
  • Putting forth their best effort
  • and more determined by the teacher

Click on the PICTURE of the Wreath, made with all the 3rd grade 'hands', to view the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th. Distinguished Learners.
Please, shop Amazon Smile and support St. Rose!
More than ever, we are all shopping online. Did you know that Amazon will make a donation to St. Rose for every purchase made through the Amazon Smile, St. Rose Portal? Amazon prices are the same, and shopping through Amazon Smile is such an easy way to support the school.

Click on link below, and bookmark it so it comes up every time you shop! Easy-peasy!
Click on GOOGLE link below
VOLUNTEERS, current and new should click on the instructions below

(return copy to office once complete)
NEXT ORDERING WINDOW OPENS ON JANUARY 15th - FEBRUARY 15th for MARCH PICK-UP, the LAST order of this school year.
St. Rose School
4300 Old Redwood Highway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 545-0379