Volume XVII July 2022
Family Enterprise Insights
The Global Family Enterprise Program is dedicated to expanding and disseminating knowledge about family enterprisethe heart of the world's economy and societyto our worldwide community.

This Family Enterprise Insights will have you test your assumptions about economic growth and public policy in groundbreaking work by Nobel Prize winning Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz and retired CBS Professor Bruce C. Greenwald. And, you'll find yourself reconsidering "wealth" as you watch family enterprise pioneer psychologist Lee Hausner's express her thoughts on wealth.

We’re delighted to share insightful research, wisdom, and advice from leading global scholars, family enterprise principals, and expert practitioners with our global community because we know it’s important to you and to society. 

Visit our site for more, and keep checking as we continue to add more insights.
Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress
What distinguishes developed nations from developing ones? What role does knowledge play, and how have economists perhaps been missing a vital factor in economic analysisknowledge? Learn about what it takes to create a learning society, and think about how that might apply to your family and community.

What is wealth?
How do you define wealth? This questionat the core of successful familiesis harder than you might think. Expand your perspective with Lee Hausner's insights. 

Your Support is Vital!
Please consider a contribution to support the Global Family Enterprise Program. We provide an unparalleled curriculum, conduct world-class research, and foster an active global alumni community.

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© 2022 Global Family Enterprise Program
Geffen Hall
645 West 130th Street
New York, NY 10027