We've been taking a look at CDN's impact and achievements since it was formed four years ago, with an eye on our future strategy. The facts and figures make for impressive and interesting reading and the detail is available below.
As we fast approach the end of the session, CDN is gearing up for a range of highly relevant and stimulating CPD days. Responding to feedback from the sector, this year's CDN Emporium will focus on inspiring learning and teaching. Don't miss our Guidance Annual Conference, which will explore the implications of the Scottish Government's 15-24 Learner Journey Review. Our events are hands-on and interactive, offering tips and takeaways that can be put into practice immediately.
I'd like to thank colleagues from across the sector and beyond who have supported CDN's consultation over recent months, helping us to plan out a range of impactful projects and programmes for the coming session.
I look forward to meeting you at one of our events. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss our work in more detail: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
CDN: The first four years ...
As it's four years since CDN came into being we've been taking stock of our achievements and impact to date, with a view to our strategic future. The impact of our work has been significant, take a look at our story so far. Find out about our story so far.
CDN Emporium 2017: Learning and Teaching
Responding to feedback from last year's Emporium participants, in 2017 we are exploring 'Inspiring Ideas in Learning and Teaching'. Three events will take place: 5 and 6 June in Stirling and on 23 June at West Lothian College. Dip in to one or both of the Stirling days to find out how 'Education 'ate' my Learning!' These highly interactive sessions will offer suggestions to use with students, including digital tools and co-operative learning. Join us on 23 June for our employability event, which includes: understanding employability skills; Work Placement Standards; and delivering career management skills.
Hole in one for gender equality Take part in debate to explore what more needs to be done to address gender barriers in educational and vocational settings. Listen to a range of fantastic speakers, including: The Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science; Eleanor Cannon, Chair of Scottish Golf; Talat Yaqoob, Director of Equate; Karen Murray, Head of National Training Programmes at SDS; and Kenny Spence from Men into Childcare. To book your place email
Learning from Complaints
Colleges want to get it right, but when things don't go well there is much to learn, as this event will show. Hosted in partnership with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), Learning from Complaints takes place today (18 May) and provides an opportunity to hear how correct complaint handling can be used to effect quality improvement. This event is hosted by the CDN Quality Network. Discover more about the Quality Network here.
Learner Journey: Implications for guidance and support
CDN's annual conference for guidance practitioners is exploring The Learner Journey. This event is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of the Scottish Government's 15-24 Learner Journey Review and what it means for guidance and support. It will explore a wide range of key issues including: learner choice; student support; transitions; UCAS best practice and fair access. The conference takes place 13 June in Stirling. Book your place.
Developing capacity through mindfulness
There is a growing interest in the application of mindfulness in the workplace, particularly in relation to reducing stress and enabling resilience. Research has also shown benefits in terms of productivity, relationships, employee engagement and the capacity to deal with demanding workloads. Book your place.
Weekly round-up of college news
Every Friday CDN issues an online round-up of what's been happening across the college sector. It's free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up, too.
Take a look at the latest version and subscribe.
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