Collective Impact

Hello EMCC,

EMCC has been partnering with The Alliance since 2016 in sponsoring refugees. The Alliance is registered as a Sponsorship Agreement Holder with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and over the last 8 years they graciously offered to be an intermediary in submitting sponsorship applications. We’re grateful for that partnership and desire to collaborate together. The Alliance indicated to us a change in the volume of their work and this partnership with EMCC will come to an end this year. We want to celebrate the amazing impact of our eight years of collaboration with some highlights below.

Though this avenue is ending, there is still a pathway for churches to sponsor. World Partners is passionate about the opportunity to welcome newcomers into our midst and care for them as Jesus had compassion for each of us. May these newcomers see Jesus in us, in our actions, in our love, and an invitation into our lives. As some become followers of Jesus, may they have impact on their families and friends back in the refugee camp or in their home country. It’s disciple-making of a unique kind! I am happy to connect with those who are eager to learn more about the sponsorship process.

You remember the story of Jonah and the plant that grew quickly, providing him shade in the hot desert. The plant died rather quickly and Jonah was angry at God.

Then the Lord said, “You had compassion on the plant, for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow, which came up overnight and perished overnight. Should I not also have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 people, who do not know the difference between their right hand and their left, as well as many animals?” – Jonah 4:10-11

God has great compassion for the refugee as well.

Would you consider the part you can play, as part of a team (as David Benjamin reminded us), in this particular type of welcoming?

Celebrating Partnership

Here are some statistics that indicate the amazing investment of our EMCC churches.

With only 9 EMCC churches sponsoring this way through this partnership, applications for 114 refugees were submitted since 2016. That’s 70 applications submitted to the government. Of the nine churches involved, Cornerstone Oromo Christian Missions Centre, who we’ve highlighted a few times before has submitted 52 applications and anticipate submitting 12 more this year! Based in Calgary, Alberta, this church has made refugee sponsorship a part of their church mandate. Some in their congregation were refugees themselves. So, they feel the plight of refugees keenly and are ready to give sacrificially to help – some are family, but others are simply people they’ve been referred to by others. Each cosponsor is personally investing their own finances and offering a space in their home for the refugee to come live with them. Isn’t that an amazing opportunity to shine the light of Jesus? Read more about this church here.

As of today, 69 people have come to Canada and are well established or are starting to get to know their new homeland as the churches walk alongside them in the resettlement process.

Currently, there are 30 refugees in the processing stage, waiting for the day the Embassy of Canada would contact them for an interview. This could be years yet. The oldest application in queue at the moment is from December 2019. They’ve been waiting a long time! But this family is hopefully coming in a few weeks. (If you read yesterday’s story, this would be Elizabeth’s relatives.)

A number of churches have been sponsored through other partnerships and we want to acknowledge their missional participation as well. May this obedience to Jesus be for His glory and our growth in following Him and depending on His Spirit in our journey.

Join Us on World Refugee Day

Register below to join us as we pray together, consider the stories, and connect with those in the EMCC involved in this important work.

Learn how World Partners assists the EMCC in global participation.


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