TROOP COLLECTION DRIVE UNDERWAY Presenting our Knight of the Year!
Place Your Journal Advertisement TODAY!!!
We're helping our good friends at Fiddler's Green Pub in Carmel with their drive to collect goods for our service men and women who can't be home for the holidays. Let's show them that the Knights of Columbus in our council stand behind our troops!
Full information on the collection drive appears below, but while we have your attention, here is an important announcement and a couple of reminders.
The cat is officially out of the bag. Despite our best efforts to keep it a secret, we can now proudly announce that our Knight of the Year is our own Worthy Warden and Color Corps Commander, Sir Knight Michael O'Brien!
So please join us at our Annual and take our a journal ad congratulating Mike and all of the other winners! Details:
Last Call for Journal Ads and to Reserve at the Early-bird rate for our 45th Annual Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony!
You know the deal by now: Saturday, November 5th at 7 p.m. in the St. James school gym. LIVE MUSIC from The Music Connection, featuring our own brother Sir Knight, Joe Greco.
Open bar cocktail hour, catering by Aversano's of Brewster, plenty of hot hors d’oeuvres, hot buffet dinner, dancing, a brief awards ceremony, and dessert & coffee, and LOTS OF FUN!
RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY FRIDAY FOR THE DISCOUNT! $65 each or $120 per couple in advance, or $75 each / $150 per couple after 10/28, including at the door. Contact GK Rob to make your reservation. Please give your check to Joe Groneman or mail it to his attention to: Council 6318, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to place your ad in our souvenir journal today. Advertise your business or congratulate Mike and all of our award winners. Please download this order form and send it with your payment to PGK Jonathan Garcia TODAY.
Ads must be in by FRIDAY, October 28th!
We're helping our good friends at Fiddler's Green Pub send Christmas care packages to our troops who can't come home for the holidays!
Below is a list of items being collected to "send a little comfort from home" to our armed services members as part of "Operation Defend the Holidays."
You can drop your donations in the red bin in our lounge, or come down to Fidd's (1870 Route 6 in Carmel's Putnam Plaza shopping center) on Friday, November 4th, for a happy hour and bring in your donations to show our troops how we appreciate their service. There will be live music and a 50/50. Fidd's is also looking for local businesses willing to donate items for the raffles.
Please give generously. Freedom isn't free!
SNACKS (Preferably Single Serving) Pretzels, Pringles Trail mix, Chex mix Cookies (Oreo, chocolate chip) Crackers (Ritz, Triscuit, saltines) Granola Bars, Power Bars, Cereal Bars Fruit Roll Ups, Pop-Tarts Nuts (peanuts, pistachios, cashews) Sunflower seeds Slim Jims, Beef Jerky (buy some in our lounge to support Boy Scouts!) Coffee & Filters, Hot Chocolate Packets, Tea Bags Easy mac-n-cheese Salsa (plastic jars or canned) Tuna Fish or Chicken in a foil pouch Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jams (plastic jars) Single Serve Drink Mixes (Kool-Aid, crystal light, etc.) Yoo-hoo /Chocolate milk (non refrigerated) Instant Oatmeal, Cereals (individual serve) Chili, Stew, Pastas (individual serve) Candy (M&M’s, Sweet-tarts, etc., gum & Lifesavers, etc.) Single serve condiments (ketchup, mayo, and mustard, Salt & pepper, hot sauce etc.)
TOILETRIES (Please, no sample / hotel sizes) Baby Wipes Chap stick & lip balm Eye Drops Sunblock Insect Repellant (wipes are good) Disposable Razors & shaving cream Toothbrushes & toothpaste, Dental Floss, Mouthwash Eyeglass lens cleaning wipes Ivory soap Kleenex (individual Size) Skin moisturizers & lotions Deodorant Q-Tips Nail clippers & nail files Feminine Hygiene Products Foot Powder Laundry Detergent-(individual size)
SUNDRIES Batteries (AAA-AA-D-C-9 Volt) Tan Undershirts Boxers (funny ones) Crew socks (black or white) Word Games CD’s and or DVD’s Comics Sports, Fashion, Computer Magazines All Occasion Greeting Cards Calling Cards Zip-Loc Baggies – All Sizes Disposable cameras Air Fresheners (car hanging type) Dryer Sheets (Bounce, etc.) Band Aids
NEW OR GENTLY USED ITEMS CD Players Hairbrushes & Combs Personal DVD Players Hair Clips, Ties, Bands Baseball Gloves Baseballs, soccer balls, Footballs Playing Cards Hand Held Video Games Dominoes
Once again, our sincere thanks for your support in making these council events a success. Our council continues to accomplish great things only through the participation and volunteer help from our members.
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