November 6, 2022 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Congrats to Williams Intermediate School’s On A Roll Award Recipients 

Each month, teachers select students to recognize them for their hard work and receive an On A Roll Award. Students selected, or that are “on a roll”, make strides of any kind. The criteria includes being on the right track, on one’s game, on a winning streak, and being in the zone. Congratulations to all of October’s WIS recipients!

 Historical Tidbit:
In Honor of William J. Sullivan, Jr.
"William J. Sullivan, Jr., became Superintendent of Schools when Dr. LaLiberte retired. Mr. Sullivan had been with the system many years, as the principal of the junior high school, Curriculum Coordinator, and Assistant Superintendent. 

When Mr. Sullivan retired in 1987, hundreds gathered, and he was presented with many gifts. One of the most important announcements was that the Center School, where Mr. Sullivan had had his office for many years, was being renamed the William J. Sullivan, Jr. School in his honor." .

The History of Raynham, Patrice White
Reach Local Customer with imaginative marketing solutions in Bridgewater, Brockton, East Bridgewater, Halifax, Raynham, West Bridgewater and / or Whitman.

  • Design support.
  • Marketing Consultation.
  • Opportunities for interaction with our readers.
  • Option to change your ad weekly.
  • Customized Run Report for real feed-back!
Town Clerk
Assessors    508-824-2704
Selectmen        508-824-2707
Building Dept.       508-824-2708
Board of Health      508-824-2766
Planning         508-824-2745
Veterans Service Officer 508-828-4527

Public Library

Council on Aging

Food Pantry
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
9 - 11a
494 Church St, Raynham
Louise Domingos
You won a $10 gift certificate toward a yummy & nutritional smoothie or meal at
603 Centre St, Brockton 

Bee sure to play our Historical Tidbit Trivia Game at the bottom of this newsletter.

Enter for this week's prize of a
One hour of coaching. (value $80)
with Glee Works Holistic Personal Coaching
Learn mindful techniques to reduce stress
and anxiety.
A Quick message from Raynham Veteran's Agent Scott Blake on the special Veteran's activities this week:
Wednesday 11/9/22 – Senior Center Breakfast: 9:30a
Thursday 11/10/22 – Raynham Middle School: 420 Titicut Rd, 9a  
LaLiberte Elementary: 777 Pleasant St, 10:15a 
Merrill Elementary: 687 Pleasant St, 2:15p
Friday 11/11/22 – Patriot Riders of America, Chapter 7. Cigar/Dinner: American Legion, 6 – 9p
Saturday 11/12/22 – American Legion putting on a little get together for the Veterans (Coffee and Muffins): 10a
Any questions, contact Scott at: (508) 828-4527 Office
Open Lab Night

Wednesday, November 9th
5 - 8p
Dana Mohler-Faria Science & Mathematics Center, BSU, Bridgewater

CASE will host in-person Open Lab Night again this year! 
The Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE) invites you to Open Lab Night 2022, an event for the entire community, especially K-12 students. Open Lab Night features STEM activities and demonstrations. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Parking is available in the Bridgewater State University Parking Garage. The BSU Observatory may be open past the time of Open Lab Night (weather permitting).
Please note: BSU requires participants to wear masks in educational spaces (classrooms and labs). All participants in a group must follow these guidelines.
Veterans Charity & Cigar Dinner
Friday, November 11th
6 - 9p
American Legion
Post 405
291 Mill Street

The Patriot Riders of America Mass Ch 7 are hosting their first event together with the American Legion Post 405 Raynham this Veterans day. Dinner includes oven roasted pork, carved turkey & gravy, roasted potatoes, fall veggies, and a cheese display with bread & butter. There will also be a cash bar and cigars available but you do not have to smoke cigars to attend. No smoking will be allowed indoors. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Veterans and their families in need.

Family Stem Night

Thursday, November 10th 
5:30 - 6:30p &
6:30 - 7:30p
L.B. Merill Elementary
687 Pleasant Street
School Cafeteria

Friends and families of L.B. Merrill Elementary are invited to join Stem Night! It will be an evening full of learning about technology, math, and engineering. There will be two separate programs for the event, divided by age group. The 5:30 - 6:30p part will be for kindergarteners and the one after will be for 1st graders.
 Voices of Veterans: 
Poetry Event

Saturday, November 12th
Brockton Public Library
304 Main Street
This special event invites veterans to share their own creations of poetry, short stories, or visual art that shares their experiences. Readers will be provided for participants who may be too shy or emotional to share their story. The goal is to make this event a safe and comfortable space for veterans to express themselves. All members of the community are invited to come because listening to these stories will give people an opportunity to understand what it means to be a veteran.
If you would like to volunteer to be a reader or sign up to present your story contact Philip Hasouris 508-942-8018 or 
Jonathan Stroud 508-894-1400
Calling All Our Local Chefs!
Submit your Recipe in our Garden Harvest Recipe Contest by November 13, 2022 Rosa loves to hear about how you make your fresh veggies! All valid entries* will be published in your BuzzAround. Grand prize winner will be invited to Rosa’s Kitchen in South Easton to film our annual cooking show, preparing your dish and be featured in 2023’s Harvest Edition of edible Southeastern MA magazine. First Prize: $70 Gift Certificate to Nessralla Farm - Halifax
Second Prize : $50 Gift Certificate to Bridgewater Farm Supply
Shrek The Musical

Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School invites you to their performance of Shrek the Musical on Saturday, November 19th. There will be two performances on Saturday at 2p and 7p. Show your support!

To purchase tickets, visit this website:
Food Justice Art Exhibit
Opening Reception
Saturday, November 12th
11a - 2p
Fuller Craft Museum 
Great Room
455 Oak Street, Brockton
The Fuller Craft Museum is inviting the community to join them in celebrating the opening of Food Justice: Growing a Healthier Community through Art exhibition. The new Food Justice exhibit’s goal is to raise awareness about food insecurity through art. It will explore how individuals can shape positive change to end hunger. The opening reception will include an expert panel discussion featuring experts like Katia Powell-Laurent from Black Girls Nutrition, family activities by Wee The People, giveaways, lunch provided by Eastside Market, and more. This is a free public event and pre-registration is required to attend.
For more information about the event, featured panelists, and to register: see the event page here.
Questions? Email Kendall Brinson, Director of Learning & Engagement at
1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) • Bridgewater • (508) 697-0357
Straw, with its light color, reflects light to your plants and helps to keep soil temperature steady… while of course doing the main job of a mulch–conserving moisture.

Decorate for the season, then use to protect your plants!
Come pick some up today!
Fall Special
Town Meeting
Tuesday, November 15th
Raynham Middle School

Raynham’s Board of Selectmen is inviting all residents to attend the fall special town meeting. Town warrant articles will be voted upon at this town meeting. There will also be recommendations from the Finance Committee and Capital Planning Committee for finance-related articles.

For more information on the articles to be considered, please click here.
B-R Girls Varsity Volleyball v. Holliston 2022
Courtesy of BTV
Notice From The Senior Center Renovation Committee 

Raynham’s Senior Center Renovation Committee is seeking a citizen appointment. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send an email to or
For more information, read more here.
Notice From The Highway Department

The Town of Raynham Highway Department is seeking Snow Plow Contractors for the snow and ice season, November 15th, 2022 - April 15th, 2023. For more detailed information about the contract, please click here.

If you are interested, please contact the Highway Department at (508) 824-2718

American Legion
Craft Fair
Sunday, Nov 20th
10a - 3p
American Legion Post 405
291 Mills Street

The Craft Fair at the American Legion Post Raynham will be the perfect opportunity to find decorations and gifts for this holiday season. Come down to support local vendors and crafters. For more information, contact Jeanette Gourgeon,
SJ ‘s Creative Crafts 
3rd Annual Memorial Craft Show
Saturday, November 26th
10a - 3p
Stone Church
785 South Main Street
SJ’s annual craft show is a Parkinson’s Foundation fundraiser that will be featuring over 20 local crafters and their unique creations! Attendees will have the opportunity to shop, participate in raffles, enjoy delicious food, and find great holiday gifts. The annual tradition of this craft show began as a way to honor the memory of Laura and Ashley Patenaude’s mother. Please join in on the holiday fun and help support the Parkinson's Foundation.
JOCKS Camp 2022
Video courtesy of The Raynham Channel
Board of Selectmen 11/01/22
Video courtesy of The Raynham Channel
Moving Forward 2050
This web page will serve as the online hub for the Regional Transportation Planning process as Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development (SRPEDD )works towards identifying improvements to enhance our transportation system.
Moving Forward: 2050 Transportation Survey
The Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District is updating its Regional Range Transportation plan that will act as a blueprint of our region's existing and future transportation system from now to the year 2050. It will look at every aspect of the region’s transportation system including roads, bridges, buses, trains, airports, bicycle lanes, and sidewalks. The RTP affects the entire community of our region and means your feedback on the state of transportation is needed. By completing this survey, you will help future transportation efforts in Southeastern Massachusetts. Additionally, you will help to identify the challenges experienced by riders. All survey responses are completely confidential. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete, depending on the detail of your responses.
Find YOUR Bliss with
Release your stress & spinal tension this Saturday.

Register Today!
Svaroopa yoga excels at releasing the deep tension in your body. While the benefits of this style of yoga are profound, it is very easy to do. We use the alignment of the body, rather than a lot of effort, along with blankets for propping to make the poses accessible, supportive and effective.

516 N. Bedford St, East Bridgewater
(508) 331-3564

Always something fun & engaging happening in your BuzzAround! In addition to stories, we host photo & recipe contests; historical trivia; Prize Box drawings and more. Our 15,000 subscribers love to shop local! We offer targeted advertising with:
  • Design support.
  • Marketing Consultation.
  • Opportunities for interaction with our readers.
  • Option to change your ad weekly.
  • Customized Run Report for real feed-back!
With our advertising, you reach active community members and show your civic-minded self by promoting the activities that make our communities great places to live. Neighbors supporting neighbors. Buying local helps all of us. Our readers keep their purchases close to home, join them!

Fight Climate Change & Live Better by Eating
Locally Sourced Foods!

Local Foods Are Fresher and Taste Better:
Fresher is more flavorful and more nutritious than food from farther away & uses less fossil fuels to get to you. Enjoying foods in peak season when they are the most abundant, means they are more affordable. 
Local Foods Help to Preserve Farmland and Green Space: Purchasing locally grown helps maintain and preserve the green space and farmland in our local communities, providing for cleaner air and water. 
Local Foods Support the Local Economy & Community: Buying from local farmers and restaurants keeps your money close to home. This builds the economy in your community. Since food travels through fewer hands, more of your money spent actually gets to those who grew it. Knowing where your food is from unites you to those who grew and raised it. A strong local economy is better for the earth & our health. 

For more about our local foods read: edible Southeastern MA

Our Climate Can-Do Articles from Jacquie focus on life changes that we can make which will help mitigate the environmental changes of our climate emergency. Our goal is to keep the Earth's temperature from rising 1.5 degrees C to lessen the sea rise. There are things we can do.
First Responder Breakfast at Merill Elementary

Merill Elementary hosted a breakfast for first responders on Friday, October 21st to show support for their local fire departments during First Responders week. Firefighters enjoyed a delicious breakfast and received gifts from the students. They showed their appreciation with beautiful cards and drawings. Merill Elementary would like to thank all the first responders who taught students about fire safety to celebrate First Responders Week and for keeping us safe! 


Have fun with us and bee entered
to win a:
One hour of coaching. (value $80)
with Glee Works Holistic Personal Coaching
Learn mindful techniques to reduce stress
and anxiety.

Historical Tidbit Question:
What year did Mr. Sullivan retire?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name and phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.

On November 9, 2022, before 2p, we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.

A worthy relationship is an agreement that challenges and supports both participants.”
~ Joseph Rain

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
~ Sir Isaac Newton

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
~ Michael Jordan

"It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." ~ Charles Darwin

"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." ~ Amy Poehler

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
When we, as individuals, are supported and respected within a collaborative, the collective mind & body can do amazing things. I can't wait to see what you do! ~ Jacquie
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Mohamed (Moe) Ibrahim, Janice O'Brien, Jamie Puhi, Jacquelyn Rose & Greg Venezia.
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
Copyright 2022 Buzz Around Raynham. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit. ("Buzz Around Raynham 11/6/22")
Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There are links to town committees and other non-profit groups, in the newsletters. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. BuzzAround is not responsible for the media content of other organizations.