Coaches—and StudentsLearn from Doing and Modeling

Learning Demands Action

To learn effectively, retain what is learned, and be able to apply it, students need to both see it modeled and actively practice it. Academic coaches bring this principle into their coaching conversations, sessions, and workshops all the time. A student in Calculus I, for example, may go to lecture and hear and see the professor talk about concepts and perhaps work problems, but that generally isn't enough. Deep learning is far more likely if the student then experiences more extended modeling, from a TA or a fellow student, and then engages in active practice by working the problems on their own or with others. Feedback is essential so that the student finds out what they don't know or did wrong, investigates the cause of the error, and builds the skill and knowledge to get it right the next time. 


Learning how to coach is no different. However, because coaching is generally a one-on-one practice, it is more challenging to find an opportunity to observe and model, and it is more difficult to receive feedback on your work. Furthermore, distinguishing coaching from among other educational practices such as advising and mentoring can be confusing. 


How can you get clarity on the process of coaching, see coaching that serves as a model, practice coaching in a cohort, and receive feedback on your work? LifeBound has the solution.

Join LifeBound for a three-day training on December 14, 15, and 18 to see coaching in action, practice with others, and develop your coaching tools. Those who complete the three-day training can up their game by joining the LifeBound certification cohort beginning in late January and taking place through early May. The certification experience provides coaches extensive practice, observation, feedback, and an understanding of coaching that will take them to the next level. 

Sign up for 3-Day Inclusive Coaching

 December 14, 15, 18

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3 Day Inclusive Coaching

This class will address challenges that freshman, first gen, and under-served populations can face in navigating a myriad of issues in today's world. You will learn how to help students transition more effectively to college, build accountability and self-management skills, and achieve fulfillment at school, work, and in their personal lives.

3 days (6 hours each)


December 14, 15, 18




$1,500 per person

Register for 3 Day Coaching

Coaching Certification

The course is designed to build your competencies through active participation and demonstration of abilities. Prerequisite: Completion of the LifeBound 3 Day Inclusive Coaching class.


Spring, Summer, and Fall Cohorts

Spring Certification begins Jan 30, 2024


Online or in-person as available


$5,000 per person

Register for Coaching Certification

Books for College Students

Read by more than 3 million students, Keys to College Success sets the standard for academic success strategies for college, career, and life. You will find practical tips during COVID-19 on resilience, persistence, purpose and strength. Available in e-book format, with online interactive assessments.

Purchase these and other LifeBound books

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