CoAEMSP News | March 2024

How Do We Compare?

Accredited programs by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) often wonder how they compare to other Paramedic educational programs around the country and where they would fall in a potential ranking of programs. 

The answer is that accreditation is not a competition, and there is no ranking system. The Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP) nor CAAHEP provide no such rankings. Paramedic educational programs are evaluated on whether they meet the CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines or the Accreditation of Educational Programs in the Emergency Medical Services Professions. The role of CAAHEP and CoAEMSP is not to compare programs to each other, it is to evaluate the programs based on the CAAHEP Standards. Comparisons would be difficult in any event because Paramedic educational programs differ in program size, course length and structure, schedules, prerequisites, screening practices, staffing, instructional methodologies, clinical and field internship resources, and a myriad of other ways. Each program is unique, with its own challenges and best practices.

CoAEMSP Board Meeting Highlights

The CoAEMSP Board met via Zoom on February 2, 2024.

The CoAEMSP Board provides deliberate communication about its work in official updates via the Board Highlights.

These Board Highlights are shared directly with each of its 12 sponsors’ CEOs following the 30-day moratorium after a Board meeting and posted on our website for review by anyone, including students, graduates, faculty, Paramedic educational program sponsors, administration, hospital/clinic representatives, employers, police and/or fire service members.

Read the Board Meeting Highlights here.

May 29-June 2

Registration Deadlines

April 9 is the last day to register when paying by check or purchase order.

May 9 is the last day to register in advance with a credit card.

May 28 is the first day to register on-site, with a credit card only.

CoAEMSP to Increase Fees in 2025

To build a sustainable, innovative, and dynamic accreditation infrastructure for the future, the CoAEMSP Board of Directors recently approved increases to the fee structure beginning in 2025. Moving forward, fees for Paramedic accreditation will increase by 3% annually through 2029, when the Board will re-evaluate the funding model. The Board believes that an investment in the organization will yield significant and meaningful results for Paramedic education.

Despite rising costs, CoAEMSP has not increased site visit fees since 2012 and annual fees since 2017, despite significant increases in site visit travel costs. Current fees do not cover actual operating costs, forcing the organization to utilize reserve funding. The new fee structure approximates the fees if they had increased by 3% annually over the past decade.

The increased fees will allow CoAEMSP to more effectively address the needs of Paramedic education programs. New initiatives outlined in the strategic plan include: 

  • Launching technology solutions to streamline the accreditation process, including an accreditation management data platform;
  • Redesigning the website to make information more accessible;
  • Increasing the capacity of staff and volunteers to fully engage with programs throughout the accreditation process; and
  • Conducting research and analysis to drive best practices for the profession.

The Board believes this investment in the future will strengthen the accreditation process and, by extension, advance the quality and capacity of the EMS workforce.

“I know that changes to the fee structure impact our programs, many of which operate on tight budgets,” said Lori Burns, MSN, RN, Chair, CoAEMSP Board of Directors. “I am confident that the innovations made possible by the increased fees will allow us to build a sustainable and dynamic infrastructure for the future, one that continues to ensure a qualified and well-prepared workforce in Emergency Medical Services.”


“As everyone knows, prices for services increase gradually over time -- and accreditation is no different,” said Thomas B. Brazelton III, MD, MPH, FAAP, former Chair, CoAEMSP Board of Directors. “The fee increases beginning in 2025 ensure we are able to provide the very best service we can at the lowest possible cost. Trust me, the Board and staff takes seriously our obligation to maximize the funding we have in service of our mission. No-frills – just the essentials necessary to support and advance Paramedic education.”

“Accreditation makes us better as an industry,” said Jeff McDonald, MEd, NRP, CoAEMSP Board Member. “And like everything else, the cost of providing quality accreditation services has gone up. It's important we maintain that quality for the future, and that we give programs the ability to anticipate fee increases going forward. The revised fee structure will allow us to do just that.”

Additional information, including a detailed Fee Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions, is available at

Now Available!

CoAEMSP Interpretations of the 2023 CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines

Number of Paramedic Programs