Volume 87 Issue 44 | October 18, 2020
Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932
This week we welcome Jeanne Maron, owner of The Gifted Cork in St. Augustine as she hosts her famous Annual Wine Tasting! Truly an event you won't want to miss!

To view future Guest Speakers and Events, please visit our Upcoming Events Calendar.
We were privileged to have Duval County Appraiser Jerry Holland as our Guest Speaker this week. He gave a very informative explanation of the amendments on our ballot in November. He did just a great job explaining how each one was filed and how it will impact each of us. He answered numerous questions. He also gave a great explanation of how each one was originated and who filed and backed each. I am sure I speak for all present when I say I know much better how I will vote on each amendment.

Walter Smith
2020 President
There is such a thing as free lunch!! Bring a guest to our meeting and they eat FREE!