March 22, 2020 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Superintendent Spotlight with
Dr. Patricia Oakley
"Remote" Carpool Karaoke with the Principals.
A update on how the remote classrooms are going. Video courtesy of WBTV.
Food Pantry Donations
*WB Food Pantry is coordinating with the School Nutrition Dept to get prepared to assist a lot more families in need in the coming weeks.

*As of right now monetary donations would be greatly appreciated to purchase specific items in bulk.

*Checks can be made out to "WB Food Pantry" and mailed to 2 Spring St., WB, MA 02379.

*Any questions can be directed to WB Public School's Food Service Director Ann Marie Grinder at

*Distributions are brought out to the curb for clients to pick up.
Does your small business need help adapting to taking on-line orders?
BuzzAround can help!
Want to let our community know how you can service them?
BuzzAround publishes to 10,000 subscribers, it's a great time to advertise,
our readership is UP!
Historical Tidbit:
Howard High School
Girl's Basketball Team
 Class of '46 Seniors:
Mary Jane Pross - Nickname "Shorty"
Marie Carolyn Gaffney - Ambition: Nurse or Artist
Shirley Gummow - Team Captain
Emily Thomas - 1946 Climber Edtor-in-Chief
Florence Ardele Murray - Nickname "Fanny"
Mary Evangeline Paiva - Interests: Singing
Muriel Bassett Ryder - Ambition: Language Teacher
Shirley Louis Owens - Team Manager
Muriel Frances Mansfield - Interests: Poetry, Bird Study 

~ From The Climber, 1946 Howard High School Yearbook

BuzzAround Remote Internships are Available in:
  • Writing
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Graphic Design
Gain real-world knowledge as we design our internship specifically for you! To participate: email resume:
Town Hall
65 N. Main Street

Check town website for needed updates

WB Public Library
80 Howard Street

Council on Aging
97 West Center Street


Food Pantry
1st & 3rd Wednesday each month
3:15 - 5p
Spring Street School
2 Spring St, WB
Carole Smudin
won a
CSA share: your very own box of fresh fruit & veggies each week this growing season! ($125 value)
We will draw one winner for all Buzz Around communities.

You should play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a
$50 gift certificate to Beauty Counter products through Independent Consultant Christine Harkins.
The clean revolution
Town Administrator
Update on How WB Continues to Serve
March 17, 2020
Notice from Town of West Bridgewater
*Town Hall Service, Council on Aging Services, & DPW services all are available. However, the offices are closed to walk in traffic and the COA in-person activities have all been suspended.
*Please note the Meals on Wheels program will continue as normal.
*Please leave a message when you call into departments 508-894-1200. We are checking voicemail frequently! We will return it!
*This is a fluid situation and things may change or be updated as needed. Please check back to keep up to date
*Police and Fire regular business can be reached through their business lines. COVID -19 questions can be answered at the MASS website. If you think you have symptoms, call your doctor. For Emergency, dial 911.
Many of our Buzz communities are participating in this, .. so we figured we would share it all around. A great way to keep our community feeling going.

"Hey Neighbors!
Over the next few weeks, many of us will be increasing our time spent at home. It can be hard to find things to do all day (especially with children) and not lose your mind. So I was thinking about a way for our community to still get outside and do something fun, without being near others.

I thought it’d be fun to have a neighborhood wide rainbow 🌈 hunt!
All you have to do is put a rainbow in your window. That’s it! Color it, paint it, cut it out, print it from the printer, whatever.

Then we can get outside, walk around or drive around and see how many rainbows we can find!
It’s easy. No human contact. Get fresh air. Make a rainbow and then hunt for others.
What do you think? A fun art project that becomes a great outdoor activity!"

Ed note: The originator is not known, but it's catching on. Make it a rainbow anywhere... sidewalk chalk, flags, anywhere!

Image sent to us by reader Deborah Baumgarten
Disconnect with Cyberspace.
Reconnect with Open Space.
The mission of this initiative is to reconnect families and children with the great outdoors.

This ‘Take a Hike!’ Guide is for individuals, groups and families who are interested in exploring the State Parks and Forests of Southeast Massachusetts.
While the visitor centers are closed, all state parks and comfort stations across the Commonwealth remain open and available for the public to utilize. DCR reminds residents and visitors to avoid gathering in large groups, maintain social distancing, and practice healthy personal hygiene to stop the spread of the virus.​... BUT YES!!!! GET OUT AND HIKE!!!

Here are more easy ones. Most trails are well marked. Trail maps & directions may be found at You will also find directions to these parks at the above website. You will
need a good pair of sneakers or boots
and a bottle of water!
Shooting Hoop
By Deena Anzum, BuzzAround Intern
In my free time, I like to shoot basketball with my siblings. It is especially fun when my siblings and I play the game HORSE. We designate a spot for each letter of the word horse. Each of us takes turns shooting starting from H. On each spot, there 2 are chances to get the ball in the hoop. If the ball goes in, you can move on to the next letter and continue until you miss a shot. Miss on the first shot, it is the next person’s turn. When it is your turn again, you start in the position you left off on. Missing on the second shot means you must go back to H. Once a person gets through each of the positions, other players must try to complete the game without missing. If one or more of those players finish the game without missing a shot, they must go into a tie-breaker round. In the tie-breaker round, the players must take turns shooting from the same position. The person who misses the shot loses. This game can be played now with wiping or washing our hands before each players turn. 
Playing HORSE is very enjoyable. It is a great bonding activity with my family. We joke around when one of us misses the hoop. My parents also like to watch us play and encourage us to go outside and enjoy the weather. When I was younger, I used to play basketball with my neighbors. I would go over their house every day and continue playing until sunset. Sometimes, we would play HORSE, and sometimes we would have multiple basketballs and shoot hoops while chatting. Basketball is a great activity to enjoy with friends and family!
See our amazing disappearing chicks.
Get Ready! 
The chicks are coming
...the chicks are coming! 
Do you have your supplies?
This is a perfect project for the kids
 and a fun way to feed yourself. 

 1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) Bridgewater 
• (508) 697-0357

Child Nutrition Outreach Program

If you are a student or family looking for meals while schools are closed, here are the meal sites where you can access Grab & Go meals across MA, Also, Project Bread’s Food Source Hotline is 1-800-645-8333.

Read more
Census 2020
The time is now. Help shape your future, and your community's future, by responding to the 2020 Census.
The 2020 Census will determine congressional representation, inform hundreds of billions in federal funding every year, and provide data that will impact communities for the next decade.
School lunches. Plans for highways. Support for firefighters and families in need. Census results affect your community every day.
The official Census Bureau mailings include detailed information and a Census ID for completing the Census online, but your census can be completed with or without your code... just get it done!!!
Count yourself in the population now!
Click here to visit the official website
Growing Wheatgrass
By Gregory Venezia

Wheatgrass is an easy plant to grow, because it’s a type of grass. You can grow it inside your house all year round in any type of container. I grew it in a fish box.

Wheatgrass grows fairly fast, and doesn’t require too much light. I would put it in front of a window on the south side of your house for optimum growth, but if you don’t have space you can probably put it on the north side. I placed mine by a south side window, but not directly in front of it. It’s grass, so treat it like you would your lawn.
First Signs of Growth...
More growth...
Can be cut, blended, and put in a blueberry smoothie!
We've Moved!
Stop by our new location!

We still carry your old favorites & many soon to be new favorites! 

Plenty of parking in the back. 

Hope to see you soon!

494 No. Bedford St (Rt18) 
East Bridgewater


D'Agostino Insurance
111 Torrey St Suite #1
Brockton, MA 02301
Call (508) 586-0414

Send us pix, video & stories - What are you doing with your free time?
Filing & Payment Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020

Read more
From Comm of MA Website
"We want you to know that Massachusetts is prepared for this potential outbreak. Massachusetts public health departments and our world-class health care providers are well-versed in emergency preparedness and our healthcare workers, institutions and public health partners across the Commonwealth are constantly training for the possible emergence of diseases."
States structure includes:
*Incident Command Structure to include briefings with state health leadership to facilitate information sharing, decision-making, and responses during a potential outbreak.
*Keeping public health partners including local boards of health, school health personnel, Emergency Medical Services, college and university health systems, and health emergency preparedness teams informed with the latest federal guidance.
*Continually monitoring impacts to the supply chain of personal protective equipment such as gloves, face masks, and other equipment within the US and providing hospitals and health systems with strategies to optimize these supplies.
*Continuing efforts by the State Public Health Laboratory staff and epidemiologic staff to perform surveillance of potential cases and contacts and respond to questions from clinicians, health departments, and the public 24/7. As of 3/16 there were 197 confirmed cases in the Commonwealth.
For more information on our preparedness, and to track #s check:
There will be a Special Town Meeting held on Monday, March 30, 2020 at 6p at the M/S High School Auditorium to acquire land.

For more information please watch the following:
WB Board of Selectmen Meeting, March 4, 2020 & WB Finance Committee Meeting, March 5, 2020
Videos courtesy of WBTV
The heads of the WBYAA, WBYFA, and the WB Athletic Boosters have been working together in tandem with the town as part of a Recreational Space Committee since December of 2018 to assess the needs as it relates to athletic facilities for our youth.  

This committee also includes Selectman Anthony Kinahan (committee Chairman), Town Manager David Gagne, WB High School Athletic Director Jenn Hammel, John DeLano from the Conservation Commission, Janice Fox from the Finance Committee, DPW Director Chris Iannitelli, and School Committee Chairman William Flynn.

We have now completed the assessment, and are ready to take the next step, purchasing land.

There will be a special town meeting on March 30th at 6PM at the West Bridgewater Junior-Senior High School with 2 articles:

Article 1 - Purchasing the land. The Russo's have agreed to sell the land for $600,000, which is well below their asking price.  

Article 2 - Engineering Plans - The 2nd article is to approve up to $100,000 for engineering plans, preparing accurate pricing for the proposed sports complex, etc.  

PLEASE NOTE: 2/3rd's vote is need to approve the purchase.  
Please attend. Info from WBYAA Facebook
Have fun with us and bee entered to win a
$50 gift certificate to Beauty Counter products through Independent Consultant Christine Harkins.
The clean revolution

Historical Tidbit Question:
Who is the Team Captain for the Howard High School Girl’s Basketball Team?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer. Prize Box Rules .

By entering, you give us permission to announce your name in next week's Buzz Around Bridgewater.

On March 25, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
Clouds & Kites.
"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly."
~ Lauren Bacall
" Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it." ~ Winston Churchill
"When you're a kid, you lay in the grass and watch the clouds going over, and you literally don't have a thought in your mind. It's purely meditation, and we lose that."
~ Dick Van Dyke
"Today is the day when bold kites fly,
When cumulus clouds roar across the sky.
When robins return, when children cheer,
When light rain beckons spring to appear.
Today is the day when daffodils bloom,
Which children pick to fill the room,
Today is the day when grasses green,
When leaves burst forth for spring to be seen." ~ Robert McCracken
The air outside is free and clear. Let your imagination soar like a kite, let your dreams flow with the clouds. Smile. You are loved, accepted, and important. Do not face your challenges alone, we are in this together.
~ Jacquie
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Deena Anzum, Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Megan Piche, Jacquelyn Rose, & Greg Venezia
Copyright 2019 Buzz Around West Bridgewater.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around West Bridgewater 3/22/20")  

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. Occasionally, there will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.