Greetings!  Welcome to the IAP Newsletter with research publications and news from late-2019 and upcoming in early-2020. Research includes AI and machine learning, hardware acceleration, operating systems, networking, security, storage and data management, all in the context of distributed systems.
Professors Keshav Pingali and Kristen Grauman present at the IAP UT Austin Workshop on December 10, 2019. Below is a summary on this event, as well as info about other recent and upcoming workshops, summits and conferences.


The  UW Cloud Workshop is being co-organized by Prof. Arvind Krishnamurthy
and the IAP for Friday June 5 on the UW campus in Seattle, WA. 

Expect a full day of talks and posters by leading experts in academia and industry working in  AI and machine learning, hardware acceleration, operating systems, networking, Big Data, security, storage and data management - all in the context of distributed systems – from mammoth data centers to tiny IoT devices on the edge of the cloud.

Meet faculty and students from interdisciplinary research groups such as SAMPL  (System, Architecture, Machine learning, and Programming languages), SYSLab (Computer Systems Lab), MODE (Machine learning, Optimization, Distributed systems, and Estadística), and PLSE ( Programming Languages and Software Engineering), and SAMPA.


The IAP University of Texas Workshop on the Future of Cloud Computing Applications and Infrastructure was conducted on Tuesday December 10, 2019 on the UT Austin campus in the Gates Dell Complex.  

There were several technical presentations during the day by professors, students and industry scientists and engineers. Companies and institutions represented on the agenda included FACEBOOK, FUTUREWEI, MARVELL, MICROSOFT, TEXAS ADVANCED COMPUTING CENTER, UT AUSTIN, WESTERN DIGITAL, and XILINX.  
The speakers and presentation titles are listed below (alphabetical order).   The agenda, abstracts, and bios are posted on the agenda page.  

  • Prof. Vijay Chidambaram, UT, "Designing File Systems and Concurrent Data Structures for Persistent Memory" 

  • Dr. Derek Chiou, UT and Microsoft, “Accelerating Microsoft's Cloud” 

  • Dr. Niall Gaffney, Texas Advanced Computing Center, "Research using HPC for Big Data and AI"

  • Prof. Kristen Grauman, UT and Facebook AI Research, “Egocentric Visual Learning”

  • Dr. Vinod Kathail, Xilinx, “Vitis AI for Inference at the Edge and in the Data Center”

  • Dr. Hui Lei, Futurewei, “Towards the Industrialization of AI”

  • Grant Mackey, Western Digital, “Computational Storage: A Brief History and Where is it Going?”

  • Prof. Simon Peter, UT, “E3: Energy-Efficient Microservices on SmartNIC-Accelerated Servers”

  • Prof. Keshav Pingali, UT, “Single-Machine Analytics on Massive Graphs Using Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory”

  • Prof. Chris Rossbach, UT, “System Software in the Wake of Moore's Law”

  • Prof. Hovav Shacham, UT, “Data Dependent Instruction Timing Channels”

  • Larry Wikelius, Marvell, “New Applications and Accelerators for ARM-based Servers”

  • Prof. Emmett Witchel, UT, “Achieving System Security in the Era of Secure Enclaves”

UT 2019 Workshop Organizers include Professor Chris Rossbach and the IAP.

Please see photos and additional info on the  event page.


2019 FLASH MEMORY SUMMIT, Santa Clara, CA, August 5-8, 2019

For the fifth consecutive year, the IAP hosted a booth for student posters at the Flash Memory Summit, August 5-8, in the Santa Clara Convention Center, and provided free passes for full time students. FMS attracts ~5000 attendees each year. 
Above, at FMS 2019, Stanford PhD student Tushar Swarmy describes his research on intelligent data planes to Kin Yip Liu, Senior Director of Architecture at Intel. Tushar is advised by Prof. Kunle Olukotun. Tushar also presented at the  IAP Stanford-UCSC Cloud Workshop  in December 2018.

Flash Memory Summit 2019 Keynotes by IAP Industry Members 

Dr. Siva Sivaram, EVP, Silicon Technology & Manufacturing, Western Digital

Nigel Alvares, VP SSD and Data Center Storage Solutions, Marvell 

Salil Raje, EVP and General Manager, Data Center Group, Xilinx

Please see the  FMS event site  for the  2019 FMS Proceedings  and info on the upcoming Non Volatile Memories Workshop scheduled for March 8-10, 2020 in San Diego, and the 2020 Flash Memory Summit scheduled for Aug 4-6 in Santa Clara. 

SIGCOMM 2019, Beijing, August 19-24, 2019

M. Liu, T. Cui, H. Schuh, A. Krishnamurthy, S. Peter, K. Gupta

Y. Jin, R. Sundararajan, G. Ananthanarayanan, J. Jiang, V. Padmanabhan, M. Schroder, M. Calder, A. Krishnamurthy

Muhammad Shahbaz, Lalith Suresh, Jennifer Rexford, Nick Feamster, Ori Rottenstreich, and Mukesh Hira

Zaoxing Liu, Ran Ben-Basat, Gil Einziger, Yaron Kassner, Vladimir Braverman, Roy Friedman, Vyas Sekar 

PicNIC: Predictable Virtualized NIC - Best Student Paper Award
Praveen Kumar, Nandita Dukkipati, Nathan Lewis, Yi Cui, Yaogong Wang, Chonggang Li, Valas Valancius, Jake Adriaens, Steve Gribble, Nate Foster, Amin Vahdat

Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA), Athens, Greece, October 23-25, 2019

Joseph P. Near University of Vermont,  David Darais University of Vermont,  Chike Abuah University of Vermont,  Tim Stevens University of Vermont,  Pranav Gaddamadugu University of California, Berkeley,  Lun Wang University of California, Berkeley,  Neel Somani University of California, Berkeley,  Mu Zhang University of Utah,  Nikhil Sharma University of California, Berkeley,  Alex Shan University of California, Berkeley,  Dawn Song University of California, Berkeley

Ahmet Celik The University of Texas at Austin,  Pengyu Nie The University of Texas at Austin,  Chris Rossbach The University of Texas at Austin and VMware Research Group,  Milos Gligoric The University of Texas at Austin

ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC '19), Santa Cruz, CA, November 20-23, 2019

Kostis Kaffes, Neeraja Yadwadkar (Stanford University), Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University, Google)

Emre Ates (Boston University), Lily Sturmann (RedHat, Inc.), Mert Toslali, Orran Krieger (Boston University), Richard Megginson (RedHat, Inc.), Ayse K. Coskun (Boston University), Raja R. Sambasivan (Tufts University)

Amrita Mazumdar, Brandon Haynes, Magda Balazinska, Luis Ceze, Alvin Cheung, Mark Oskin (University of Washington)

Richard Liaw, Romil Bhardwaj, Lisa Dunlap, Yitian Zou, Alexey Tumanov, Joseph Gonzalez, Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)

Ravi Netravali (UCLA); James Mickens (Harvard University)

IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-52), Columbus, OH, October 12-16, 2019  

Keynote: Krste Asanović
UC Berkeley, RISC-V Foundation, & SiFive Inc.

Skanda Koppula, Konstantinos Kanellopoulos, Taha Shahroodi, Roknoddin Azizi, Giray Yaglikci, Lois Orosa (ETH Zurich); Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich, CMU)

Konstantinos Kanellopoulos (ETH Zurich); Christina Giannoula (National Technical University of Athens, ETH Zurich); Roknoddin AziziBarzoki and Nika Mansouri-Ghiasi (ETH Zurich); Nandita Vijaykumar (Carnegie Mellon University, ETH Zurich); Juan Gómez Luna, Taha Shahroodi, Skanda Koppula (ETH Zurich); Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich, Carnegie Mellon University)

Lillian Pentecost and Marco Donato (Harvard University); Brandon Reagen (Facebook); Udit Gupta, Siming Ma, Gu-Yeon Wei, David Brooks (Harvard University)

Yuanjiang Ni (University of California, Santa Cruz); Jishen Zhao (UCSD); Heiner Litz and Daniel Bittman (University of California, Santa Cruz); Ethan Miller (University of California, Santa Cruz / Pure Storage)

RISC-V SUMMIT, San Jose, CA, December 10-12, 2019

Krste Asanović  - Professor | Chief Architect, UC Berkeley | SiFive

Martin Fink, Western Digital

Junho Huh - VP, Next Generation Architecture, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics

David Patterson - Vice Chair, RISC-V Foundation

2020 Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Amsterdam, January 12-15, 2020

Brandon Haynes (University of Washington)*; Maureen Daum (University of Washington); Amrita Mazumdar (University of Washington); Magdalena Balazinska (UW); Alvin Cheung (University of California, Berkeley); Luis Ceze (University of Washington)

Gustavo Alonso (ETHZ)*; Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich); David Cock (ETH Zurich); Mohsen Ewaida (ETH Zurich); Kaan Kara (ETHZ); Dario Korolija (ETH Zurich); David Sidler (ETHZ); Zeke Wang (ETH Zurich)

47th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2020), New Orleans, LA, January 19-25, 2020
Steffen Smolka (Cornell), Nate Foster (Cornell), Justin Hsu (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Tobias Kappé (University College London), Dexter Kozen (Cornell), Alexandra Silva (University College London)

Ryan Beckett (Microsoft Research), Aarti Gupta (Princeton University),Ratul Mahajan (University of Washington), David Walker (Princeton University)

26th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2020), San Diego, CA, February 22-26, 2020

SpArch: Efficient Architecture for Sparse Matrix Multiplication  
Zhekai Zhang, Hanrui Wang, and Song Han (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); William Dally (NVIDIA/Stanford)

The Architectural Implications of Facebook’s DNN-based Personalized Recommendation  
Udit Gupta, Carole-Jean Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Maxim Naumov, Brandon Reagen, David Brooks, Bradford Cottel, Kim Hazelwood, Mark Hempstead, Bill Jia, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, Andrey Malevich, Dheevatsa Mudigere, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Liang Xiong, Xuan Zhang (Facebook Inc.)

NVDIMM-C: A Byte-Addressable Non-Volatile Memory Module for Compatibility with Standard DDR Interfaces  
Changmin Lee (Samsung Electronics, Wonjae Shin (Samsung Electronics), Dae Jeong Kim (Samsung Electronics), Yongjun Yu (Samsung Electronics), Sung-Joon Kim (Samsung Electronics), Taekyeong Ko (Samsung Electronics), Deokho Seo (Samsung Electronics), Kwanghee Lee (Samsung Electronics), Seongho Choi (Samsung Electronics), Namhyung Kim (Samsung Electronics), Vishak G (Samsung Electronics), Arun George (Samsung Electronics), Vishwas (Samsung Electronics), Donghun Lee (SAP Labs Korea), Kangwoo Choi (SAP Labs Korea), Changbin Song (SAP Labs Korea), Dohan Kim (Samsung Electronics), Insu Choi (Samsung Electronics), Ilgyu Jung (Samsung Electronics), Yong Ho Song (Samsung Electronics), Jinman Han (Samsung Electronics), Jongmin Park (Samsung Electronics)

Exploiting Computation Offloading, Protected Memory and Non-volatile Memory to Improve the Connected-Standby Energy Consumption of Mobile Devices  
Jawad Haj-Yahya (ETH Zurich), Yanos Sazeides (University of Cyprus), Mohammed Alser (ETH Zurich), Efraim Rotem (Intel), Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich, Carnegie Mellon University)

17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) Santa Clara, CA, February 25-27, 2020

Naveen Kr. Sharma, Chenxingyu Zhao, and Ming Liu, University of Washington; Pravein Govindan, School of Computing, National University of Singapore; Changhoon Kim, Barefoot Networks; Arvind Krishnamurthy, University of Washington; Anirudh Sivaraman, NYU

Ming Liu and Arvind Krishnamurthy, University of Washington; Harsha V. Madhyastha, University of Michigan; Rishi Bhardwaj, Karan Gupta, Chinmay Kamat, Huapeng Yuan, Aditya Jaltade, Roger Liao, Pavan Konka, and Anoop Jawahar, Nutanix

Francis Y. Yan and Hudson Ayers, Stanford University; Chenzhi Zhu, Tsinghua University; Sadjad Fouladi, James Hong, Keyi Zhang, Philip Levis, and Keith Winstein, Stanford University

Tyler Hunt, Zhipeng Jia, Vance Miller, Ariel Szekely, and Yige Hu, The University of Texas at Austin; Christopher J. Rossbach, The University of Texas at Austin and VMware Research; Emmett Witchel, The University of Texas at Austin

Cong Ding, David Chu, and Evan Zhao, Cornell University; Xiang Li, Alibaba Group Inc.; Lorenzo Alvisi and Robbert van Renesse, Cornell University

Mina Tahmasbi Arashloo and Alexey Lavrov, Princeton University; Manya Ghobadi, MIT; Jennifer Rexford, David Walker, and David Wentzlaff, Princeton University

Jaehyun Hwang, Qizhe Cai, Rachit Agarwal, and Ao Tang, Cornell University

Systems and Machine Learning (SysML 2020), Austin Texas, March 2-4, 2020

Liang Luo (University of Washington) · Peter West (University of Washington) · Jacob Nelson (Microsoft Research) · Arvind Krishnamurthy (University of Washington) · Luis Ceze (University of Washington and OctoML)

A Systematic Methodology for Analysis of Deep Learning Hardware and Software Platforms
Yu Wang (Harvard University) · Gu-Yeon Wei (Harvard University) · David Brooks (Harvard University)

AutoPhase: Juggling HLS Phase Orderings in Random Forests with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ameer Haj-Ali (UC Berkeley) · Qijing (Jenny) Huang (Berkeley) · John Xiang (UC Berkeley) · William Moses (MIT) · Krste Asanović (UC Berkeley) · John Wawrzynek (UC Berkeley) · Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)

MLPerf Training Benchmark
Peter Mattson (Google) · Christine Cheng (Intel) · Gregory Diamos (Baidu) · Cody Coleman (Stanford) · Paulius Micikevicius (NVIDIA) · David Patterson (Google) · Hanlin Tang (Intel Corporation) · Gu-Yeon Wei () · Peter Bailis (Stanford University) · Victor Bittorf (Google) · David Brooks (Harvard University) · Dehao Chen (Google) · Debo Dutta (Cisco Systems, Inc.) · Udit Gupta (Harvard University) · Kim Hazelwood (Facebook AI) · Andy Hock (Cerebras Systems) · Xinyuan Huang (Cisco Systems, Inc.) · Daniel Kang (Stanford University) · David Kanter (RWI) · Naveen Kumar (Google) · Jeffery Liao (Synopsys) · Deepak Narayanan (Stanford) · Tayo Oguntebi (Google LLC) · Gennady Pekhimenko (University of Toronto) · Lillian Pentecost (Harvard University) · Vijay Janapa Reddi (Harvard University) · Taylor Robie (Google) · Tom St John (Tesla) · Carole-Jean Wu (Facebook AI) · Lingjie Xu (Alibaba) · Cliff Young ( · Matei Zaharia (Stanford and Databricks)

The 25th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2020) , Lausanne, Switzerland, March 16-20, 2020

Safecracker: Leaking Secrets through Compressed Caches
Po-An Tsai (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Andres Sanchez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Christopher W. Fletcher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Daniel Sanchez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Chronos: Efficient Speculative Parallelism for Accelerators
Maleen Abeydeera (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Daniel Sanchez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

FirePerf: FPGA-Accelerated Full-System Hardware/Software Performance Profiling and Co-Design
Sagar Karandikar (University of California, Berkeley); Albert Ou (University of California, Berkeley); Alon Amid (University of California, Berkeley); Howard Mao (University of California, Berkeley); Randy Katz (University of California, Berkeley); Borivoje Nikolić (University of California, Berkeley); Krste Asanović (University of California, Berkeley)

Classifying Memory Access Patterns for Prefetching
Grant Ayers (Stanford University); Heiner Litz (University of California, Santa Cruz); Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University, Google); Parthasarathy Ranganathan (Google)

AvA: Accelerated Virtualization of Accelerators
Hangchen Yu (University of Texas at Austin); Arthur Peters (University of Texas at Austin); Amogh Akshintala (University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill); Christopher J. Rossbach (University of Texas at Austin and VMware Research

Interstellar: Using Halide’s Scheduling Language to Analyze DNN Accelerators
Xuan Yang (Stanford University); Mingyu Gao (Tsinghua University); Qiaoyi Liu (Stanford University); Jeff Setter (Stanford University); Jing Pu (Stanford University); Ankita Nayak (Stanford University); Steven Bell (Stanford University); Kaidi Cao (Stanford University); Heonjae Ha (Stanford University); Priyanka Raina (Stanford University); Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University); Mark Horowitz (Stanford Unviersity)

Hacking Distributed   is a blog hosted by Prof. Emin Gün Sirer for "everyday techies building real systems people use, and their still-with-it-and-technical CTOs".

A Few Thoughts on Distributed Computing   Prof. Ken Birman hosts a prolific blog on distributed systems. Recents posts are entitled Next Generation Memory Technologies and A Few 10-Year Challenges for Distributed Systems and IoT.


ACM CCS Test-of-Time Award 20 19
Thomas Ristenpart, Eran Tromer, Hovav Shacham, and Stefan Savage:
Pages 199-212, In Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, CCS 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA. ACM 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60558-894-0 


Enzian is a research computer designed by ETH Zurich for computer systems software research, rather than any particular commercial workload. An Enzian node has a big server-class Marvell ThunderX CPU closely coupled in cache coherence to a large Xilinx FPGA, with ample main memory and network bandwidth on both sides. For more info, see the recent paper cited above at the 2020 Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Amsterdam - Tackling Hardware/Software co-design from a database perspective

The  Mass Open Cloud  recently  announced several exciting developments  in support of its three original interconnected goals: creating a production cloud (New England Research Cloud), enabling cloud research (Open Cloud Testbed), and enabling industry innovation (OpenStack Foundation Open Infra Labs – OIL Project). These developments, and more, will be the focus of the upcoming  Open Cloud Workshop  (formerly MOC Workshop) on March 2-3, 2020, at Boston University. 


January 24, 2020
With AI workloads set to dominate the future, there's an uncertainty around the hardware that’s aiming to dethrone the GPU
Comments by Jensen Huang. Victor Peng, Salil Raje

January 10, 2020

January 4, 2020

December 30, 2019

December 30, 2019

December 20, 2019

December 10, 2019

November 18, 2019

October 31, 2019

IAP Workshop Testimonials
(from the 2018 Stanford-UCSC Cloud Workshop )
Professor Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford  - “As a starting point, I think of these IAP workshops as ‘Hot Chips meets ISCA’, i.e., an intersection of industry’s newest solutions in hardware (Hot Chips) with academic research in computer architecture (ISCA); but more so, these workshops additionally cover new subsystems and applications, and in a smaller venue where it is easy to discuss ideas and cross-cutting approaches with colleagues.” 
Professor Heiner Litz, UC Santa Cruz  - "The IAP workshops represent extremely valuable events for all attendees including industry members, students and faculty. On my side, multiple project collaborations and student internships have evolved from these meetings leading to a win-win-win situation for all participants.” 

Ana Klimovic, PhD student, Stanford - “I have attended three IAP workshops and I am consistently impressed by the quality of the talks and the breadth of the topics covered. These workshops bring top-tier industry and academia together to discuss cutting-edge research challenges. It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and get inspiration for new research opportunities." 
Nathan Pemberton, PhD student, UC Berkeley - "IAP workshops provide a valuable chance to explore emerging research topics with a focused group of participants, and without all the time/effort of a full-scale conference. Instead of rushing from talk to talk, you can slow down and dive deep into a few topics with experts in the field." 

Support a unique tech forum that brings together academia and industry under your company's banner?  
Please feel free to contact us regarding sponsorship opportunities, and for more info about any of the items above.
Jim Ballingall
Executive Director
Industry-Academia Partnership (IAP)
cel: 408-212-1035
Copyright © 2013-2020 Industry-Academia Partnership