"El Magonista"
Vol. 6 No. 5
Feb. 21, 2018

Descansa en Paz/ Rest in Peace, Jorge Torres Viveros PRESENTE!

The California-Mexico Studies Center 
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Phone: (562) 430-5541 Cell: (562) 972-0986
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The Most Important Play You'll Ever See Is at Cal State Long Beach

Okay, that's a bit hyperbolic, but after experiencing Dreamers: Aquí y Allá, a living piece of theater ripped from the proverbial headlines that directly addresses the uneasy, uncertain status of nearly a million people living in the U.S., it's difficult to shake that feeling.

Presented by California Repertory, the master's arm of the university's theater department, the play is a corkscrew to the heart, a punch in the gut, a slap in the face and an urgent call to arms. Not Second Amendment arms, but the First Amendment's: the freedom to stand up, speak out and express yourself as an American citizen, specifically through voting or working for candidates in the upcoming midterm elections who might provide a voice of reason and empathy. (In fact, the play twice mentions that elections in Orange County's congressional districts will serve as battlegrounds for both health care and immigration reform.)

The 80-minute play was created and performed by those who are and who value Dreamers, some 800,000 people (including approximately 1,000 currently enrolled at CSULB), many of whom arrived here too young to remember the countries they were born in. They go to school, have jobs, pay taxes and otherwise contribute to a society they don't legally belong to because they lack a piece of paper...   Read More

Photo Credit: Keith I. Polakoff
ONLY 3 performances:
Friday, Feb. 23 ~ 8:00 pm
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2pm ~  (SOLD OUT!!)
Saturday Feb. 24 ~ 8:00 pm
Sunday, Feb. 25 ~ 2:00 pm

Dreamers De Aquí y Allá Trailer Click Here
To buy tickets  click here.
For additional information visit our website here

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc. respectfully requests your help to generate funding to continue our work, by donating and identifying potential sponsors and donors that will support our projects.

We believe in the power of staging our play in different colleges, universities and schools, to promote immigration reform and a path to legalization and citizenship for Dreamers and their families.

In addition, we plan to publish a book on the human stories written by the participants of our California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program, and to produce a full-length documentary that reflects the life-changing impact of the program, upon over 160 participants given the opportunity to study abroad with Advance Parole over the last 4 years through 6 classes.

Please support our projects and the CMSC's continuing advocacy for Dreamers and the 800,000 U.S.-citizen children exiled in Mexico with their deported parents !!!

It's with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of CMSC board member and  Cetlalic Institute Director,  Jorge Torres Viveros.

Jorge and the Cetlalic family collaborated with us for the last 20 years in heritage seeking, study abroad programs to Cuernavaca, Mexico. Jorge, an anthropologist by trait, was an amazing teacher, student, fighter, comedian, husband, father, good friend and mentor who taught us about commitment, struggle and humanity.

Jorge reached hundreds of students and shared his knowledge of Latin American social movements, indigenous history and Mexican political, education and economic systems. He left an impact on many, influencing the identity of many Chicano and DACA students. He was an extraordinary communicator of ideas and information. On most days, Jorge could be found in the Cetlalic office connecting with students, faculty and community members and always with a smile. His work lives on in all of us.  

Jorge Tores Viveros- Presente!

Lawmakers have until March 5 to extend legal protections for Dreamers, the undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. But the  battle over their fate has expanded to include other potential changes to the nation's immigration system, and lawmakers have not come to a consensus.

On Thursday, the Senate voted to advance three different plans, but each failed.  Complicating matters, President Trump  said Wednesday  that he would not support a proposal that did not include the "four pillars" of his own plan: a path to citizenship for Dreamers, a border wall, and an end to the visa lottery system and family-based migration that he calls chain migration. On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security released a  scathing critique  of the latest bipartisan plan, which Mr. Trump vowed to veto.

About 700,000 undocumented immigrants are currently shielded from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. An additional 1.1 million Dreamers were eligible for the program, but they did not apply. Mr. Trump announced plans to phase out the program by March 5 . .. Read More

With Grief and Hope, Florida Students Take Gun Control Fight on the Road  (NY Times)
Instead of 10th-grade English and 12th-grade calculus, the teenagers from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., had another funeral to attend. When the grim ceremony was over on Tuesday morning, they hugged their parents goodbye, stashed their backpacks in the bellies of three buses and set off in grief and hope to demand gun control measures from state lawmakers more than 400 miles away. ..  Read More
La obra de teatro "Dreamers: Aquí y allá", que aborda el caso de los "Dreamers", inició temporada este fin de semana en Long Beach, California, para mostrar la esencia y raíz de jóvenes que pudieron regresar a México por medio de un programa académico ...   Read More
Getting lured into a kidnapper's trap. Bidding goodbye to friends forever. Before they were unauthorized immigrants, they were children on cross-border journeys.
A young memory often preserves fragments.  Stuffing a Transformer sweater into a suitcase. Getting lost in the desert. Saying goodbye to a first crush.  The roughly 700,000 unauthorized young immigrants who have come to be known as "Dreamers" took many paths to the United States, but they share one thing: a journey during childhood that defined the rest of their lives . ..   Read More
This week, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke in Congress for eight hours straight about immigrant youth. She shared our stories and called for passage of the Dream Act.
Yet, while she was speaking, Democratic and Republican party leaders were writing a budget dealthat would leave protections for immigrant youth out in exchange for dollars on other projects. ..   Read More
Jorge Reyes Salinas was 10 when his parents brought him from his native Peru for what he thought would be a visit to Disneyland.  Fourteen years later, he is a student trustee for the California State University system, pursuing a master's in communication studies at the Northridge campus, and dreaming of a law degree or a Ph.D.  What makes those dreams possible, he says, are the work permit and temporary protection from deportation he received under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA . ..  Read More