Quarterly news & updates
April 2022 | Issue 2
Where We've Been
Cake Auction
In March, the annual Cake Auction raised $11,851 for the Clinton County 4-H Foundation! After a few extra donations came in, the grand total came to $12,051!! The Foundation cannot thank all of the supporters enough. This was a great day!
Basketball Tournament
Thank you to all 111 4-H club members who played in the tournament. Results are:
Champ. Sr. Division - DeWitt Hustlers (pictured)
Res. Sr. Division - DeWitt Hustlers
Champ. Int. Division - DeWitt Hustlers
Res. Int. Division - CW Jr. Ag
Champ. Jr. Division - DeWitt Hustlers
Res. Jr. Division - Iowanna/Welton Jr. Farmers

Check out more photos on our Facebook page.
Scholarship Announced Soon
Graduating Seniors will find out soon if they were selected to receive a 4-H Foundation Scholarship. Five scholarships will be presented at school awards nights and during the county fair awards ceremony on Thursday, July 21, 2022.
What's Coming Up
County 4-H T-Shirts Change
All enrolled members and volunteers received a new county 4-H t-shirt prior to the Clinton County Fair. This year they will be grey for exhibitors! This is due to rule change request forms. Exhibitors can order extra shirts before April 30 for $7 each online.
Randy's Neighborhood Market Round-Up
Stop by Randy's in DeWitt June 5-11th to "round up" your total and support the Clinton County 4-H Foundation. This is a great way to support a local business that is supporting local youth outreach.
Last Call for Sponsorships
If you would like your business's logo on this year's shirt, check out our sponsorship brochure. All donations must be received before May 13 (since May 15 is a Sunday) to be included on this year's shirt.
How to Support
Memorial Gifts
Donors who choose this option can share 4-H stories and memories with loved ones. The honoree's family will also receive acknowledgement if an address is provided. Donation amounts can vary.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsors receive various gifts depending on the sponsorship level they choose. Businesses or individuals can become sponsors. To be included on the t-shirt, sponsorships must be received by May 15th.
Donate Online
You can support our local foundation online with a credit or debit card through the Iowa 4-H Foundation. Next to "I would like to support" select "Other" and type in "Clinton County 4-H."