Vol. 6 | February 2022 4 minute read

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Inaugural Associate Dean of Data Sciences  

Yang Xie, Ph.D., has been appointed inaugural Associate Dean for Data Sciences. She holds the Raymond D. and Patsy R. Nasher Distinguished Chair in Cancer Research, in Honor of Eugene P. Frenkel, M.D.

Dr. Xie completed an undergraduate degree in medicine at Peking University Health Science Center and earned a graduate degree in epidemiology at Peking Union Medical College. She then pursued a master's degree and Ph.D. in biostatistics from the University of Minnesota.

Since joining UT Southwestern in 2006, Dr. Xie has developed research programs in data sciences, digital pathology, and precision oncology. She is the founding director of the Quantitative Biomedical Research Center and the Pediatric Cancer Data Commons.

In her new role, she will work closely with Dr. Eric Peterson, Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research, to support the expansion of quantitative and data science capacities and expertise across the Medical School, and collaborate with our new School of Public Health. Her efforts and leadership will contribute to making data science a key strength of our institution's research endeavors.

Recruiting Clinical Research Participants

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The identification of potentially eligible participants and their recruitment into a clinical study is often the most difficult and time-consuming aspect of clinical research. The Clinical Research Recruitment Services team within the Office of Clinical Research (OCR) can provide valuable expertise and assistance for investigators across the campus, including:

  • Assistance with electronic health record (EHR)-based feasibility queries and creation of eligible cohort populations
  • Communicating research opportunities to potential research participants via MyChart 
  • Recruitment consultations during project start-up, and/or suggesting novel strategies to increase recruitment when traditional methods haven’t worked

Additionally, as part of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program, the team is working closely with our institution’s Information Resources to create and launch a new recruitment dashboard. This tool will allow study teams to sort and prioritize potentially eligible participants based on clinical characteristics and/or upcoming appointments.


For more information, contact Kate Wilkinson, Manager, Clinical Research Recruitment Services.  

Due Feb. 28: Department Chair and Center Director Survey

Every year, faculty evaluation of chairs and center directors provides important feedback for the chairs, directors, and institutional leadership regarding priorities, operations, and areas of challenge.

If you haven’t done so already, complete the survey for your primary department or center by Feb. 28. Your feedback is of great value.


Please contact Jullana Carter or Tina Williamson at utswleadershipevaluations@utsouthwestern.edu should you have any questions or technical difficulties with the survey.

Writing Accountability Groups 

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Learn to overcome the obstacles of finding time to write and the intimidation of getting started. This boot camp-style series will help you make scholarly writing a habit.  

The Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs) will meet over Zoom for six weeks starting March 2. During that time, you will work on your own scholarly writing, accompanied by individual and group accountability.  

As a prerequisite, you will need a scholarly writing project to work on and a commitment to attend a minimum of five sessions.  

Funded by the UT Southwestern Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program, this program is part of a series of scientific writing workshops developed with the goal of creating high-quality continuous learning opportunities for faculty. To register, email Laurie Knox

Upcoming Events

Clinical and Translational Research Forum

This interactive forum provides an opportunity for trainees to meet with established investigators in clinical and translational research to share their ideas and experiences.

  • Feb. 17 – Sai Susheel Chilakapati, "Characterizing Neuroimmune Interactions in the Development of Chronic Postoperative Pain"
  • Feb. 24 – Olutoyosi Ogunkua, M.D., "Prevention of Hemorrhage in the Obstetric Patient"  
  • March 10 – Hunter Pyle, "Characterizing the Microbiome in Postmenopausal Women with Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus"

Occurs on Thursdays at noon. Join via Zoom; meeting ID 918 5345 2714, passcode 361531. 

YR2 Pilot Program Deadline Extension

This funding opportunity is open to translational pilot projects that generate preliminary data to support extramural grant applications to advance innovative high-impact research.

Clinical Informatics Research Colloquium

This event brings together scientists in clinical informatics, research informatics, and other data and informatics to exchange ideas, collaborate, and develop grants, papers, and projects. This month's colloquium will feature three speakers on the topic of electronic health record burden.

  • Feb. 22, from 1-2:30 p.m. Contact Katherine Flannery to register for the virtual event.

High-Impact Science Writing

Founder of BioScience Writers, Susan Marriott, Ph.D., leads this workshop designed to help you become a great scientific communicator by teaching you to write with clarity and brevity.  

  • March 10, from 4-7 p.m. Enrollment is limited. To register, email Laurie Knox.  

Fundamentals of Team Science

The CTSA Program will host a two-part webinar to introduce the fundamentals of Team Science. After the webinars, you will be able to incorporate the concepts into the success of your research team and grant proposals.

Part 1: Opportunities and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research and Team Science

  • March 22, 4-5 p.m. Register to attend. 

Part 2: Launching, Managing, and Leading Breakthrough Science Teams

  • April 6, 1-4 p.m. The prerequisite is participating in Part 1. Register to attend.

For more information, contact CTSAProgram@UTSouthwestern.edu

Master of Science in Clinical Science

Applications are open for UTSW’s Master of Science in Clinical Science and related certificate programs. 

  • Apply by March 31 for enrollment in August.  

Staying Connected, Informed, and Involved 

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