This webinar will address what each of us can do about the threat of climate change for
elders and for future generations. Together we will explore our biggest fears and greatest
hopes about the climate crisis followed by interpretations of 10 powerful nighttime
dreams to understand how hope and fear can actually guide us as we gain even deeper
insights about our own response to climate issues.
In the second part of the webinar, we will examine three specific kinds of threats:
wildfire, flood, and heat waves. Analysis of these threats will include actions that we can
each take: investment for a green retirement; becoming a climate-conscious consumer;
and citizen mobilization around climate change. In this space, we will hear mini-
interviews from outside speakers addressing the role of the unconscious (Shadow);
intergenerational collaboration; and opportunities for action before the 2024 election.
Participants will be invited to share (if they choose to do so) their own plans for action in
the coming months. We will be guided by three maxims: “Action is the antidote to anxiety”;
“Think globally and act locally;” and “Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.”