Client Alert

End of the line: New hard time limits to serve summons in cases filed in Puerto Rico courts 

August 20, 2018

Recently, the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico issued an Opinion where it held that the term of 120 days to serve process upon defendants may not be extended. The Opinion clarifies that courts have no discretion to extend the 120-day term that a plaintiff has to serve a defendant under the Puerto Rico Rules of Civil Procedure. Failure to comply with this term will result in the automatic dismissal of the complaint. The first dismissal will be without prejudice while a second failure to serve in re-filed cases will result in a dismissal with prejudice.
Because of this new Opinion, clients who wish to file and/or have already filed a Complaint before the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance must be aware of the 120 days limit to serve the defendant(s) and the effects of the failure to comply with said term.    

Goldman Antonetti & Córdova, LLC stands ready to assist as you and your business adjust to Puerto Rico's regulatory and legal changes. If you need further assistance in this area, please contact the following members of our firm:

Carlos A. Rodriguez Vidal, Esq.

Rossell Barrios-Amy, Esq.

Edgardo Colón-Arrarás, Esq.

Solymar Castillo-Morales, Esq.

Anette Cortés-Arcelay, Esq.

Rosanna Rivero-Marín, Esq.

Julybeth Alicea Rodríguez, Esq.


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