Ryan Vallancourt Runs Boston Marathon Second Year in a Row

Cancer survivor and 2022 Whitman-Hanson Regional High School Boys Basketball captain Ryan Vallancourt ran the Boston Marathon on April 15 for the second year in a row for One Mission, a non-profit that helps pediatric cancer patients and their families by throwing holiday celebrations, providing art therapy, and all manner of other events and services. The organization is linked through Dana Farber, raising $11,600 this year and nearly $25,000 total for pediatric cancer. Congratulations to Ryan on his inspirational athletic achievement!

Source & Photo Credit: Whitman-Hanson Athletics FB
Historical Tidbit:

Whitman Town Park - Brigham Drinking Fountain

In May of 1924, Albert H. Brigham and his wife, Hannah Jane, donated a children's playground for Whitman Park, located across from their home. It was reputed to be the best of its kind in all of southeastern Massachusetts. However, tragedy struck when Hannah fell seriously ill that summer. Mr. Brigham, in a gesture of kindness, requested that the children of Whitman refrain from using the playground during her illness. Unfortunately, Hannah passed away on June 9, 1924. In remembrance of his late wife, Albert Brigham donated a fountain to the children of Whitman the following year.

The front plaque on the fountain reads: "Given to the children of Whitman in memory of Hannah Jane Brigham, wife of Albert Henry Brigham, to express appreciation for the respect shown by them in refraining from using this playground during her illness." On the back plaque is inscribed: "Nature's greatest gift - pure water."

Town Hall

Public Library
M-Th 9:30a-8p; Fri 9:30a- 4:30p;
Sat 9:30a-4 (during school year only)

Council on Aging

St. Vincent de Paul/Whitman Food Pantry
By appointment only: 781-447-8560
Theresa Haley
won a Spring Facial from
Salon Esprit,
Carriage Crossing EB
Includes skin analysis; cleansing, exfoliation, pore extraction if needed, a treating serum, facial/neck/shoulder massage, and a finishing mask. (Value $80) Salon Esprit

Bee sure to play our Historical Tidbit Trivia Game at the bottom of this newsletter.

Enter for this week's prize of
$15 gift certificate to Pinches & Pounds
Candy Store Rt 18, Whitman
Electronic Recycling Day: Whitman & Hanson Dollars for Scholars
Sat, Apr 27
Indian Head School
726 Indian Head St, Hanson

Residents and non-residents alike can dispose of their unwanted electrical items, which may not be suitable for conventional trash disposal methods. A fee will be assessed, which will support DFS' scholarship awards program.

Finance Committee Meeting
April 16, 2024
Video courtesy of WHCA9TV
Whitman Earth Day Clean Up & April Competition
Sat, Apr 27
Hobart Pond

Welcome to Whitman's first Earth Day Cleanup Competition! Join us for numerous opportunities to win and contribute to the Earth Month effort of keeping our town and environment clean.

Throughout the entire month of April, invite friends and family to join the cleanup, explore different recycling categories, and start collecting items you thought were trash to recycle them for points. Earn bonus points by helping to organize the cleanup, such as arriving early for setup and onsite registration, hosting a checkpoint, or bringing a vehicle to transport recycling materials.

In short, the more you participate to make this event a success, the more points you can earn! Let's make our town cleaner while having fun and winning some amazing prizes.
Register here: viralkit.com
Southeastern Philharmonic Orchestra Spring Concert
Sun Apr 28
Whitman Town Hall
54 South Ave

The Southeastern Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Michael Bednarsky, will present "Common, Yet Exceptional," a spring concert featuring works by Beethoven, Copland, and Williams. Suggested admission is $5, with donations benefiting the Whitman Food Pantry.
Duval's Pharmacy

Your Hometown Pharmacy ~ Here to take care of you!!!

Open: Mon-Fri: 8:30a - 6p | Sat: 9a - 3p
Sun: 9a - 1p

571 Washington St • 781-447-0606

Dinner & Demonstration
A perfect event to share with your mom!
Sat May 11,
5 PM or 7 PM
Chef Marc Rando will demonstrate & prepare a delectable 
Chicken Marsala Dinner for you.
This fundraiser supports the general fund; taking care of our church and food pantry, AA & scout programs we house!
Hurry, limited tickets! $40 / plate

Sharps/Needles and Drug Turn-In Day
Sat, Apr 27
Whitman Police Department

We will be accepting a wide range of medical supplies including needles, diabetes supplies, fertility treatment supplies, cancer/hospice supplies, epipens, auto-injectors, and old or unused medications. Let us help you safely dispose of these items and keep them out of reach from your kids, grandkids, and pets. Clean out your house with peace of mind knowing these items are properly taken care of.

Questions? Call 781-618-9778
Capital Committee Meeting
April 11, 2024
Video Courtesy of WHCA9TV
Keep Us Connected $5 BuzzAround Subscription

Your support helps us Buzzing Around weekly news, events, and activities that show the value of community.

Read more
Nessralla Farm
*Daffodils *Hyacinths *Tulips *Easter Lilies
*Hydrangeas !!!!

And it's time to purchase your full, half and quarter shares of C.S.A
A variety of fresh local produce.
June 15-October 15. 18 weeks of goodness!

Nessralla Farm
416 Plymouth St. , Halifax, MA
(781) 293-6792

Dr. Chris Jones, Principal of Whitman-Hanson Regional High School:
Giving Thanks, Gratitude, and Mental Health
New Compost Drop-Off Area Now Open!
Mon-Fri 7a-2:30p
Next to Community Garden

The Whitman DPW announced that the new temporary Compost Drop-Off area is now open. The area is located next to the community Garden which is on Essex Street directly across from Hobart's Pond. Only leaves and grass clippings can be accepted at this compost area; no twigs, branches, or brush. Dumping at the gate after hours is prohibited and will be reported to the Police.
Whitman Knights of Columbus Meat Raffle
Sat May 11
2p - 5p
1195 Bedford St

Show your support for local South Shore charities at the Whitman Knights of Columbus Meat Raffle. This fundraiser is open to the public. Raffle tickets are $6 for 12 and $3 for 4. The meat will be supplied by Crocetti's Oakdale Packing Co.

Climate Can Do:
Reduce, Reuse, and Upcycle

One of the many ways that we can help against climate change is to reduce our consumption, reuse pieces that we already have, and upcycle them to make something new. Often we are quick to throw things out that we are no longer using, but why not give things a second life and keep them out of the landfills?

Ways to Reduce, Reuse, and Upcycle

  • Before throwing something away, consider if you or someone else could use it again in the same or different way. Passing things on to friends, selling on marketplaces, or donating them are all ways to give something another life.
  • Avoiding overconsumption is challenging, but being mindful of new purchases curbs the amount of new things being made.
  • Upcycling is taking something old and making it into something new! These projects can be practical, creative and fun!
  • Feel the need to shop? Going thrifting and buying second hand is a fun way to get your shopping fix in and find unusual items, inexpensively.
  • The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the world’s carbon emissions and consumes 10% of all water used industrially worldwide. (Sustainable Harvest International)
  • Shop close to home and within your community. People often resell or give away things they do not need anymore. It could be just what you are looking for!

The more we reduce our consumption of products, reuse and upcycle, the more we keep out of landfills and we lower production in the first place. This also saves you money while helping to keep the environment safe for us humans.

Written by Skylar Robles, Buzz Around Intern and UMass Boston student.
Together, we can make a difference by taking action to live sustainably. Let's empower ourselves to create a better future for our planet, one step at a time.
Whitman-Hanson Youth Soccer Celebrates their Boys & Girls Players of the Week

WHYS highlighted the achievements of players from their boys and girls soccer teams this week. Dominic Plouffe is the boys player of the week. He had a goal and an assist in his team's 3-0 victory. Sophia Ayou is the girls player of the week. Sophia demonstrated excellent ball control during her game as well as displaying great sportsmanship.

Source & Photo Credit: WHYS FB

Have fun with us and bee entered to win:
$15 gift certificate to Pinches & Pounds
Candy Store Rt 18, Whitman

Historical Tidbit Question:
What is written on the plaque on the back of the Brigham Drinking Fountain?

Email us your answer at: 
Include your name, and phone number with your answer.
By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.

On April 24, 2024 before 2p, we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The BuzzAround is brought to you this week by Jamie Puhi, Jacquelyn Rose, Greg Venezia & Vasilia Yordanova.
Cleaning our lens:

“What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. ... In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.” ~ John Lubbock, The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live in

“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.” ~ Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

"Making progress on longstanding challenges requires a different lens and a new approach."
~ Ayanna Pressley
The way we look at things; our particular view; shapes our entire life experience and has a strong effect on how others react to us. Cleaning off our lens enables us to focus differently. ~ Jacquie
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
Copyright 2024 Buzz Around Whitman. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit. ("Buzz Around Whitman 4/21/24")
Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There are links to town committees and other non-profit groups, in the newsletters. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. Buzz Around is not responsible for the media content of other organizations.