🐝Let’s comb through the science: Bees collect pollen and eat nectar from flowers. They then work to evaporate the water and seal the remaining thickened nectar into honeycombs- using, you guessed it, beeswax! The sting is that bees collect pollen from flowers which are not responsible for most allergic reactions (trees, grasses and weeds are). So little to no pollen from these common allergens make it into the honey.
🍯Additionally, when they are working to make the honey, the bees mix it with enzymes to begin the digestive process. These enzymes change the pollen protein. Lastly processing, pasteurization and the enzymes in your own stomach remove and breakdown pollen. This means you don’t ingest enough intact pollen for your immune system to become desensitized to its effects.
🐝Let’s swarm around this good news though! Because of its thick consistency, honey can work to coat the mouth and throat, easing irritation and even helping with coughs associated with seasonal allergies. So no need to give up on your favorite tea with honey!